*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ha ha, I spose that is why bodybuilding gets a bad rep :).

Oh and Morba yeah it was RAW, all of the lifts in varsity are raw. I don't know about record breaking, I know he was over 100kg but he ended up with 450 on wilks which is ridic! He said he doesn't want to compete again though, apparently it was too stressful :confused:

Outstanding lifts then :) :)
Oh man!! after today's leg session i really will have to do a recovery (bike) ride tomorrow, otherwise my legs will be useless for the rest of the week!
My journey to getting bigger is well underway. :)

Not going to even consider sacrificing strength, going to go heavier :D

Today was my first go at volume on a heavy week, it went well I think.
Sadly it took far too long 1 hour and 45 mins. Too long for me.

70kg x5 (warmup)
90kg x5 (warmup)
100kg x2 (warmup)
110kg x2 (warmup)
120kg x2 (warmup)
130kg x1 (warmup)
140kg x1 (warmup)
150kg x1 (warmup)
160kg x5 ( 3 sets Working set)

Dumbbell Rows ( Been a very long time since I did these )
40kg x10 ( 3 sets didn't feel much going to 50kg next )

Widegrip Pullups
BW+ 10kg x5 ( 3 sets, needs work; I want 10 reps )

Tricep dips with belt
BW x5
+10kg x5
+20kg x5
+30kg x5
+40kg x5
+50kg x8 ( 3 sets, working set )

30kg x5
40kg x6 ( 3 sets )
30kg x10

I wasted a lot of time when I got chatting to a lady friend in there. Won't happen again, spent too much time chatting not enough training.
I also need to work up my terrible pullups, not enough volume for me.
Same for dumbbell rows need to go heavier.

My goal is to get to 75kg all while increasing my strength even more.
I do NOT want to drop in my powerlifting BW X lifts.

For my light weeks, I'll be working at 55-65% of my max lifts for a lot of volume, 15-20 reps per sets.

I've been below the 70kg weight class for far too long.
I have been following GordyR's three day split over the last few weeks to keep my mind busy. I recommend it to anyone starting out or someone who fancies a change to there normal routine, I have been really enjoying it so far.

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8 (Changed these to standing)
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Chin Ups 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8 Ez
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10
Abdominal workout (Crunches, leg raises, whatever)
Looks like a nice simple split. I would add some dumbell flyes to the chest work though if I was doing this!
I find if I'm doing benching, even with my scapula retracted etc my shoulders and triceps end up doing most of the work. I've seen a huge improvement in my chest since I started doing flyes.
Oh and if you are interested the others were a 280kg squat and a 295kg deadlift with a knackered back (apparently good for 350kg :rolleyes:)

thats some lifts! very very good for raw natty, would put a lot of regular competitors to shame :D
I find if I'm doing benching, even with my scapula retracted etc my shoulders and triceps end up doing most of the work. I've seen a huge improvement in my chest since I started doing flyes.

that could be because your tris and delts are overpowering the chest so much that they are doing most of the work. Isolation work in this instance will give good results.
A conversation that I had earlier:

"Hello legs, fancy squatting 6 sets of 3x172.5kg?"
"No, not at all. We played american football yesterday and thus are in no mood for further ridiculous antics."
"But it's a fairly low % of 1rm..."
"Still no."
"You know we're doing them anyway, right?"
"Fine, we're going to make you regret it."
"What ever, can't be that bad..."

Turns out that was one of the most draining squat sessions I've ever done! There was no way I wasn't going to complete it, I've done 5x5 at this weight easily, but my god! Rest needed.

Lower back is all like, "wtf is all the fuss about? Grow a pair."
I can now squat 45 KG
and deadlift 50 KG
but feel I can just ramp right up every session at the moment, loving it!

although I'm going a little slowly as I tend to do a session where I up my weight and the next session consolidate at that weight and try and perfect the form.

My next goal is my bodyweight, which is 70 KG.

I really have loads of room for improvement but I enjoy all the planning of meals, eating and tweaking my routine. It's difficult to keep on top of everything.
it is difficult when you start out. hence why a lot of people just train anything, then they sort a better routine, then they realise that they need to sort the diet as well.

you are doing well fella, keep it up :)
A conversation that I had earlier:

"Hello legs, fancy squatting 6 sets of 3x172.5kg?"
"No, not at all. We played american football yesterday and thus are in no mood for further ridiculous antics."
"But it's a fairly low % of 1rm..."
"Still no."
"You know we're doing them anyway, right?"
"Fine, we're going to make you regret it."
"What ever, can't be that bad..."

Turns out that was one of the most draining squat sessions I've ever done! There was no way I wasn't going to complete it, I've done 5x5 at this weight easily, but my god! Rest needed.

Lower back is all like, "wtf is all the fuss about? Grow a pair."

Sounds like the conversations I have with most of my bodyparts each time I go to the Gym or go running. :)
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