*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I seem to have buggered something in my upper back, kind of between my shoulder blades.

I was doing shrugs last night (4x10 @ 100kg) and on the last set I coughed. Now if I breathe heavily, turn my head either way or put my chin on my chest I'm in agony :(

Really annoyed as I've been making some decent progress this last few weeks and now I'm sofa bound. Grrrr....
Having just about recovered from this, I've now gone and broken a bone in my hand tripping on some stairs carrying some drinks last night :mad:

2hrs in A&E today, fingers strapped and 4-6wks healing time, during which time I won't be able to touch anything even resembling a weight.

Bugger x 100
Yeah I thought about that actually, I'm gonna look like a Tour de France rider by the time it heals - massive legs and but the upper body of a small child!
Right time for a change. Went swimming with my boy today, I'm an unfit whale that the Japanese almost captured (I heard the 'man the harpoons' alarms early enough to get away!).

So, gonna find my old HST routine and get doing morning cardio (probably swimming!) and get some fitness back!
What a mess :(
Oh and looking to get a bike to ride to work from the gym and back most days (one of the ones I was looking at has now dropped another £35!)
Oh and looking to get a bike to ride to work from the gym and back most days (one of the ones I was looking at has now dropped another £35!)
Good plan, I chucked some skinny road tyres on my mountainbike and now (or did until I broke my hand) ride to work, then the gym, then back home a long route. The first couple of times it nearly killed me but after a week or two you really start to notice the difference.

Having the extra puff really helps grind out that last squat/bench press too.
Haven't been able to go to the Gym for the last few days, really bad cold :(

Havnt been in a week and a half :mad: Combination of 12 hours a day of uni work and my elbow being a pain.

Edit: Just had a thought actually. My elbows have gotten gradually worse since i started this year of uni and im wondering if theyve become weaker because of my new desk setup. I used to always have my forearms on the edge of my desk and elbows off but this year my desks huge so i have my elbows resting on it. Is is possible this has had an effect? :S
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Hai Guys! I'm thinking of changing from a 3 to 4 day split now I've more or less finished uni (exams not til mid may). Any thoughts/recommendations.

Currently looks like this

Mon - Chest/Bi
Flat BB Bench
Incline BB Bench (was DB but since I've got to 22.5kg db's I find it very hard to setup without worrying about my shoulders.)
DB Flyes
Cable X-Over
Ez bar curl
Hammer Curl

Weds - Back/Tri
Wide pull down
Narrow pull down
Skull crushers
Cable pull down

Fri - Legs/Shoulders
Leg extensions
Calf Raises
Leg Press depending on mood
Seated DB Press
Lateral Raises
Upright Rows
Rear Delt Rows

I'm just bored more often than not and figure I might aswell hit the gym rather than mope around at home.
Currently looks like this

Mon - Chest/Bi
Flat BB Bench
Incline BB Bench (was DB but since I've got to 22.5kg db's I find it very hard to setup without worrying about my shoulders.)
DB Flyes
Cable X-Over
Ez bar curl
Hammer Curl

Weds - Back/Tri
Wide pull down
Narrow pull down
Skull crushers Get some Dips or GCBP in here
Cable pull down

Fri - Legs/Shoulders
Squatz don't foret about front/zercher squats too for a bit of variety
Leg extensions likewise changing your footing for this
Calf Raises
Leg Press depending on mood
Seated DB Press Try this with no backrest
Lateral Raises
Upright Rows
Rear Delt Rows

Looks fine to me otherwise. What volume (reps & sets) & tempo are you planning on using?
Oh man! Some lads here really have super packed exercise weeks.
So many exercises a week. I'm too lazy for that haha.

I spread mine out over 4 days a week instead of 3 aswell.
During my light weeks, I also do 30 mins of cardio every morning.

Monday: Back Day
Kroc Rows or Barbbell Bent over rows
Wide Grip Pullups with weight belt
Dips with weight belt
Skull crushers

Standing Military Barbell Press. ( have to clean it up first )
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises
Upright Rows with EZ curl bar
Barbbell Shrugs

Off on Heavy week
HIIT Cardio on Lightweek

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Hamstring Curls
Front leg Extensions
Calf raises on step with weight belt
Plank with 10kg - 15kg plate on back
Ab wheel roll outs.
Standing Band crunches.

Actually looking at that, I do quite a bit hahaha.

Although at the moment anything Direct Hamstring exercises is out, and so is the ab wheel. They put too much direct pressure on that injury of mine at the moment.

On heavy week I work at 75-85% of my maxes usually with a rep range of 5-8, 3 sets.
On light week, it's 55%-65% of my maxes with a rep range of 15-20 reps, 3 sets.
Just finished week 1 of Kris Gethin's 12-week programme. All coming along nicely, workouts are tough, diet is rather boring (actually started the diet 2 weeks ago), but at least the cravings are getting weaker.

1 down... 11 to go.
Looks fine to me otherwise. What volume (reps & sets) & tempo are you planning on using?

I tend to use 5x5 on bench/squat/dl and 3x8 for everything else. Tempo I just go with what feels right unfortunately as I've no handy timing available (I was thinking this would be a great addition to squat racks and the like a little built in stop watch). I'd say max of a minute between sets I get bored quite quickly, tend to take maybe up to 2 minutes on the last set of compounds as I generally chuck another small incremental weight on just to feel I've absolutely worked my hardest.

I've gone on a complete binge since thursday though, handed in my final year project etc. Had an all you can eat chinese and a few pints thursday, a maccy d's friday and went to a bbq with plenty beef & beers last week. Piled on 2kgs in that time (97.2-99.3) :D. Praying to the gods its 99% water weight and I'll be back in the 97's by the end of the week!
That was HARD. Totally drained and can't stop eating.

Van pull (facing forwards)
Van pull (facing backwards)
Log press max reps in 30 seconds x 2
Log lunges
Tyre flips
300 workout tyre exercise to finish off

By the time you get to train we will have the steels ready for farmers walk.

Just need to go and pick them up from Woburn, they are all made and ready for abuse :)
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