*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Yeh I'm still making progress,
Start off with dumbell shoulder press
then lateral raises
then side raises/reverse flies

I cant do upright rows as its quite painful
I sometimes do standing shoulder press with a bar or clean and press.

if you are still making progress then no real need to change.

though if you want to do something different:

power clean to push press 3x10
barbell seated press 2x10 (nice and slow)
triset (seated): side lateral db / front db raise / arnold press 3x10

finish up with some cable bent over raises for rear delts. feel the burn

might be worth warming up with some cable RC light stuff.

thanks I think I'll try the cable bent over raises tonight.
I gave arnold press a go a few weeks back and found it quite difficult to press the weight from so low down and twist it at the same time...
I moved my powerrack, bench and weights home yesterday and set them up on my terrace. Unfortunetly there's no room for them in doors so they'll have to stay outside over the summer/autumn. I need something suitable to cover it up with and I'm considering buying a gazebo to protect it from the rain, etc. I could remove the sides when it's really hot during the summer.

Does anyone else have their equipment outside?
Whoop! Whoop!

Leg injury is getting on super well.

Managed to work up to 160kg deadlifts today.

I also managed to do some dips with +60kg on my belt.
One set of 5, it was pure torture hahaha.

Arms were shaking terribly!

Also got to try my new powerlifting belt. It really forces that back into position, only thing I didn't like much is that I can't down as deep as I like, since it's so wide.
It did however take quite a bit of pressure off my injured leg, so made that feel all nice.

Going to get back to my 200kg in no time I feel.
Roll on Squats on Thursday!!!

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Powerclean and do front squats? Or get people to lift the bar up to you?

Try split squats or hungarian squats - or do hack squats (like a deadlift, but bar is behind your legs).

DB lunges can be quite effective.

I've never done powercleans OR front squats before! Are they difficult? I assume I will have to lower the weight?
Felt that with my belt (thanks TANK!), does restrict depth a bit!

Oh yes, I wonder what it will feel like doing my squats though.

Lately my diet hasn't been too good either though, only been eating breakfasts around 11-12am.

I find I tire a lot quicker during my training. So I need to get back into my routine for that, it will certainly help in healing my leg aswell I predict.
Guys i've got a problem.

I've just been to the gym where I will be staying for the next few months.....THERES NO SQUAT RACK :(!!!!

They only have one of those 'machine' ones, but i find them dangerous!!

What can I do? I tried doing squats with dumbells in my hands but it didn't really work.

Help :(

I've never done powercleans OR front squats before! Are they difficult? I assume I will have to lower the weight?

Man the F up and boost off an olympic bench like I did for 8 months at uni. Face the opposite way you would before you would lie back to bench get in right under it and boost away.

I was boosting 120/130KG and going for a short walk backwards without a spot. 140/150KG with a spot. The only way you're going to get heavy loads on to your back is this way. Walk it back forwards when you're done. You'll be limited to safely powercleaning and lowering the bar on to your back by what ever you can clean and press. Not to mention then press back up from a very deep position for the shoulders.

Alternatively get used to smith squats as they have their advantage. I used to have my feet inline with the front legs of the machine and get seriously deep ATG (bum actually on the floor). Taking advantage of heels together squats is also interesting too.

Think of it as an opportunity rather than a hindrance.
I'm looking to switch up my supplemental lifts on my leg day somewhat, currently my core lift is the back squat. I then do 2 supplemental lifts these have so far been front squat and wide stance leg press, but I'm just not feeling the activation when I get to my leg press and worry that I've got things a bit too similar.

Any suggestions?
Well I'm doing something called GST at the moment and it's broken up something like this:

Day 1: Quad dominant
Back squats
Front Squats
Leg Press
(I also do 2x10 Calf Raise)

Day 2 Upper Back
Close Grip seated Row
(add in side laterals 3x8)

Day 3 Chain
Good Mornings
Cable Pull Through
Direct Ab Work

Day 4 Pressing
Flat Bench
Incline Dumbell

So my legs are getting work on days 1 and 3 of the rotation.
I quite like that split but I wouldn't say back squats are quad dominant unless you are going more high bar...but still even then...

In terms of assistance stuff, at the moment I'm loving reverse dumbbell lunges or bulgarian split squats (also db for convenience). Tricky to do them properly but they are fantastic.

FINALLY got my new powerlifting belt! Woop! Went down to Pullum in Luton to get the belts and some resistance bands (spent £90 all together :o) and got 10% off for the trouble. Really nice guy btw, would recommend a visit. Slight change of plan as they didn't have any mediums in the buckle flavour so moved over to a lever belt. It turns out this is awesome and I much prefer it, but it won't suit everyone.

If you're finding it restricts your ROM on deadlift you're in for a big surprise when you squat! Try playing around with it's position, but for a while it probably will pinch and rub. I used to deal with almost blood inducing altercations between my skin and my previous belt, it's just a case of mtfu I'm afraid.

Tried mine today doing some light box squats, pinched like a ***** but felt really nice overall. Incidentally I've now mostly gotten the hang of box squats, it still feels a lot harder than regular style but I can feel it being superior.

Bench weight went up to 5x5x105kg today and it went quite badly. Not due to strength issues, but because I did the first few reps higher up my chest under recommendation (:mad: - but to be fair I guess it must have looked wrong to them). This aggravated my shoulder and it completely fatigued on the second (??) set. Sorted myself out and the 4th set flew up, but time was a bit of issue to everything was a little rushed. I was initially quite concerned, but after some heavy mobilisation work my shoulder feels loads better.
Hmm cheers, I might have a go at adding in the bulgarian split squat, I'll keep it real light today just while I check any balance issues etc.
Just went for a spur of the moment leg session, mainly out of anger for messing up a uni presentation :p Managed to squat 80kgx8 after a couple of sets at 60 and 70 which is the most weight ive tried before. No ankle pain aswell so i think my form must be getting better. Was going to film but my phone ran out of battery!

Legs are now on fire :D

Also had this sountrack playing on my ipod

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