I'm off to do shoulders in an hour or two for shoulders, been doing them same stuff for a good few weeks, any ideas to mix it up?
What do you do?
Are you still progressing from it?
I'm off to do shoulders in an hour or two for shoulders, been doing them same stuff for a good few weeks, any ideas to mix it up?
Powerclean and do front squats? Or get people to lift the bar up to you?
Try split squats or hungarian squats - or do hack squats (like a deadlift, but bar is behind your legs).
DB lunges can be quite effective.
Felt that with my belt (thanks TANK!), does restrict depth a bit!
Guys i've got a problem.
I've just been to the gym where I will be staying for the next few months.....THERES NO SQUAT RACK!!!!
They only have one of those 'machine' ones, but i find them dangerous!!
What can I do? I tried doing squats with dumbells in my hands but it didn't really work.
I've never done powercleans OR front squats before! Are they difficult? I assume I will have to lower the weight?