*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I have now been going to the gym 3 times a week for about 3 months and am still enjoying it more than I thought I would and my weight is slowly coming down and my fitness going up. I do however have some questions and random observations that I thought I would share.

Mixed grips deadlifts. Up until now I have been using standard grip when doing deadlifts. The weight isn't huge yet, but I am slowly progressing and am happy with where it is heading. However today I decided to try mixed grip after reading about people using it. I didn't change the load from the set before, but instantly the lift felt much, much easier! I was surprised by how much of an effect it had. What is that all about? Does anyone have a scientific explanation as to why mixed grip makes it easier? In my head, standard grip makes more sense as it keeps symmetry, but it looks like mixed grip is the way forward from now.
It's primarily a matter of grip strength. If your grip slips a little it dampens the upward motion of the bar and also distracts you from focusing on the prime movers of the lift. You should be fully tight all over throughout the lift with both types of grip.

Definitely work on grip strength as for most purposes working symmetrically is better. Mixed grip isn't dangerous if done right, there is a slight increase in risk of a bicep tear but this is minimized by having your arms straight and being at max tension before the bar leaves the ground.

Squats. Again, my squat weight is lowly progressing upwards and I am also getting lower and lower. I am now hitting parallel or below on most sets. However I have noticed that when I go low, on the return my knees seem to 'buckle' inwards and pressure goes on the quads despite trying to keep my knees inline with my feet. Is this a technique issue or weakness in a particular muscle?
This is a weakness in your glute medials and also your VMO (google them and consider strengthening them). Try to force your knees out, not just keep them stable over your toes. It's possible that your stance is too wide, but it's more likely the weaknesses. Also try to control the amount your knees go forward over your toes, this is why you're feeling it in your quads.

Isolation exercises. 90% of the exercises I currently do are compounds. Is this too much, and should I be fitting more isolation exercises in there? Is it possible to 'get big' on just compounds? I seem to be hitting most muscles with compounds and core work, but there are a few that seemingly miss out like biceps. Should I not worry about them too much?
It's entirely possible to get big with just compounds. You will probably find that this is slightly slower than an all out bodybuilding routine, but it shouldn't limit you too much. I only do bicep work very occasionally for injury prevention and while my arms huge they aren't small.

Angry gym guy! Does throwing weights down make you bigger? Angry gym guy seems to think so. He comes in every day I am there, gets changed into a hoodie with the hood up and a beanie, looking like he's auditioning for Rockie the muscial! I have no idea how he does it as I absolutely burn up wearing a tshirt, yet he wears a huge thick hoodie with the hood up and a beanie. He then proceeds to throw weights and collars around the weights section. You can tell when he is in, because you can hear him throw the weights to the ground when he's finished a set!
Throwing DBs is a pet peeve of mine. It's often accompanied by a look around the room to see how many people have watched him move some massive weights. Just immature guys trying to alpha up the place by over exaggerating taking up space in the environment.

Then there's vain gym guy. I don't see him as much, but he seems to be passing himself off as a personal trainer. Whenever I see him, he is trying to show someone how to do an exercise, but he ends up just trying to show off how much weight he can lift, while checking himself out in the mirror and using really bad form. The last person you would want as a PT!

Anyway, that is it for my questions and musings for now. Still enjoying the gym. My weight has come down a little, but my bodyshape has changed a lot more than the weight loss would lead you to believe. In a couple of weeks I am going to start increasing my food intake and start a long bulk. :)
Another chap to ignore! Very common in most commercial gyms.

Sounds like it's all paying off for you though so keep up the good work :)

On the subject of straps...

I agree that for the average gym goer who has no interest in it doesn't matter too much if you use them, but it does matter some :) In terms of absolute strength and strength training, your only as strong as a weight you can hold on to. If you're just purely bodybuilding I wouldn't worry about it, but otherwise grip is worth addressing IMO. It's also really easy to train and you can see really rapid strength increases doing simple things like heavy static hangs for time. If you want to be "strong" a couple of mins at the end of a session isn't a high price to pay.

Also, straps add way more to the lift than a belt for the vast majority of people. A belt is not a lifting aid.

Deadlifts were good tonight, 5x5x200kg (mixed grip :p) was pretty easy and still nice and fast. I'm a little sore in my lower abs/psoas for some reason but hopefully it won't effect Squat Friday!

Had a slightly weird moment when one of my mates came in and told me there were two spanish people having sex in my resistance bands :eek::confused:. When I went to check they were doing some weird stuff, like being wrapped in them, so I politely told them to please put them back in my bag. The promptly obliged and scurried off, but, you know, wtf??!
May as well make my first post in here :)

After about 8 months out of the gym, im finally back on it. Except I now train at home and I bloody love it!

Got an absolute amazing bargain on a Marcy half olympic smith machine with leg developer, seperate bench, 7ft bat, ez-curl bar, tricep bar, dumbell bars, a shedload of collars, and 80kg in plates......ill let people guess the price :) Its a brilliant starter kit for me to build on now, just need more plates. So next month, more 20kg plates and some squat stands. At the moment for legs im doing dumbell squat lunges and front squats just to wake things back up.

No more angry gym guys, no more waiting for benches. Training from home is awesome. Just waiting for the DOMS to kick in now :(
Isolation exercises. 90% of the exercises I currently do are compounds. Is this too much, and should I be fitting more isolation exercises in there? Is it possible to 'get big' on just compounds? I seem to be hitting most muscles with compounds and core work, but there are a few that seemingly miss out like biceps. Should I not worry about them too much?

Biceps will be hit via pull ups, chin ups and rows (one arm, low row, t-bar rows etc), so can still be hit via compounds :)

You still living in Darlington?
Someone beefy looking chap tore his pectoral muscle last night in the gym, no one had seen this guy before but he was a big old lump.

I could hear him screaming in pain from the other side of the gym, people closer said it was just like a massive tearing and then pop noise

He was lifting stupidly heavy weight while bench pressing.
Thanks for all the comments and answers guys. :)

You still doing stronglifts routine?

I found the same thing with the grip, moving to a mixed grip made a big difference to me, I was struggling at 70kG before.

Rest of it I don't know enough to try to give advice so I won't :)

We don't have an angry guy but we do have a couple of guys who only do biceps. Loads of different ways of doing biceps though :p

Yeah, I am doing some form of the stronglifts routine. It has gone a bit to pot though as I have been away with work quite a bit recently, so I have ended up doing loads of Wednesday sessions, but less Monday and Friday sessions. Hopefully will get a better run on it from now on in. I am also throwing cardio in there as well as I am training for a half Marathon (and a 10k). Last session I ended up doing my cardio first. I know I shouldn't really, but it did mean that the free weights section was all mine by the time I had done my running. If I go and do weights first I have to battle for a place in the squat rack etc.

Ignore them, they are idiots.

Hehe, those questions were somewhat rhetorical. I do ignore them (Well, I amuse myself by watching them but don't have any intention of ending up like that!) I still want to know how he doesn't spontaneously combust wearing that hoodie though!

Biceps will be hit via pull ups, chin ups and rows (one arm, low row, t-bar rows etc), so can still be hit via compounds :)

You still living in Darlington?

Yeah, I should probably start doing more pull up and dips as well. My chest and arms are definitely weaker than my legs! No, I now live up in the Toon. You still in darlo?
Use an assisted pullup/dip machine if you can, that's how I started out. Been doing bodyweight dips etc for the last two sessions before I go back to doing my HST 5s!

Yeah still in the Darlo slums, although spend my weekends down in Leeds now with my lovely girlfriend. I go to the Bannatyne's just off Houghton Road, just wondering where you went if you were in Darlo still :)
To those who work on your rotator cuff, where do you fit it into your routine? I'm looking to add in these exercises to my workout - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/criticalbench24.htm

I usually just do a quick shoulder warm up & mobility routine consiting of a few standing horizontal flys and then diagonal flyes (both ways), internal & external rotation with arms parralell to the floor, couple of quick shrugs and a few 'around the worlds'. All done with 2 x 2.5KG plates. Takes me two minutes tops.

Any actual 'work' I'd do on a day with cardio or a day where the shoulders aren't going to be stressed heavily.
Just did a kettlebell group exercise workout after
legs-monday, shoulders/bis- tue, chest/tris-wed.

My body's in pain :p. Also my shoulder seems to be getting better, I think I'm gonna take morbas advice in another thread and not db bench too low!
Lot of people seem to think peri-workout nutrition as is, if not more, important than PWO :O

These teenagers are probably just doing it to act swole though. Pump up between sets with protein! ROARGH.
I know a lot of folks here don't really go tot he Powerlifting thread but I though I'd post this here as well then.

I was squatting upto 175kg today for a new PR, afterwards I decided to try my new belt from Pullum-Sports again. I've only had the belt a week now and have used it in total 4 times, all on "light weights".

So after getting a new PR on the squat at 175kg, I thought to try to squeeze out a few reps at 160kg, I did two reps and heard a little "POP".

One of the studs in the belt pulled itself apart.
Does anyone know if this is going to affect the integrity of the belt much? I'm also going to email Pullum-Sports about it and send the pictures.



Nightmare, give Pullum a call and I'm sure they'll sort it out. Went down on monday and the chap who runs it is a nice guy. I know he's been having some issues with his supplier recently, so maybe you just got unlucky.
Do you lot have the teenager gangs in the gym their protein shakes while doing weights.

Yeah they're the best :D. Got two good groups that frequent mine. Both groups consist of one short black guy who is fairly cut but with no real mass, and a really tall lanky best mate, its like a buddy cop film.
The best pair seem to train the same time as me and they always do chest + bi. My favourite is when they tried to use olympic DB's with 20kg plates, and when they just shadow box whilst holding DB's. Also saw one of them actually trying squats last week, fair play I thought. Until he walked up to the rack BACKWARDS to get the weight on his back, he looked VERY precarious trying to re-rack it after! Can't see him trying that again.
I had some 19 year old telling me he ate about 4 chicken breasts and a shake before coming and it made he do extra reps.


I cant stomach eating anything bar a banana before the gym or cardio.

Still getting use to lifting weights, did chest and back today, worked it hard for me, was shaking afterwards, had a swim, 5 min jacuzzi and steam room. Then ran 3 miles around 7pm, was feeling sick but kept on pushing.

I have Chris Ryan's SAS Fitness Book, had it for years, its great for all round workout, cardio/weights with info on how to do each and correct technique and gives a weights plan.
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Nightmare, give Pullum a call and I'm sure they'll sort it out. Went down on monday and the chap who runs it is a nice guy. I know he's been having some issues with his supplier recently, so maybe you just got unlucky.

Well I emailed them tonight since there's no point in calling.
Hopefully I'll get a response by tomorrow and find out what's going on.
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