*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Had an atrocious workout today...

Happens to everyone. Personally though I'd just continue with your sets and just lower the weights rather than stop outright.

Had a very lightweight chest/back/tri session today. Have flared up my shoulder yesterday doing legs (just manouvering my body while foam rolling it I think =/). All round a great pump though from doing lots of supersets though.
I was just perusing leangains.com, and I think I might be inadvertently almost doing IF.

My day generally looks like this.... (In the middle of 7 week gap between coursework & exams so excuse the laziness :p)

Wake up 1000-1100
Gym 1200-1300 ish
Shake as soon as I get in (so 1330 ish)
'Lunch' around 1500 (~500kcals)
'Tea' around 1930/2000 (~1000kcals)
Shake around 2200
Bed around 0200-0300.

What say you BennyC and other IF dudes. Am I close enough accidentally that its worth changing just a bit to do it properly and also look into BCAA's?

EDIT: Maybe not. Looks like more of the fast should be during waking hours, rather than half because of sleep.
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Suffered really sharp shooting pains on my left shoulder and upper left back today...all day....still hasnt let up....

Couldn't train at all, dumbell incline my left shoulder just wouldn't provide the power....so decided to call it a "rest day"

Still a little worried though...pain still pretty bad :s
Suffered really sharp shooting pains on my left shoulder and upper left back today...all day....still hasnt let up....

Couldn't train at all, dumbell incline my left shoulder just wouldn't provide the power....so decided to call it a "rest day"

Still a little worried though...pain still pretty bad :s

Nurofen for pain and inflamation, icepack as well.

If it persists after a few days, go see a physio or doc. Shoulder injuries are terrible.
Nurofen for pain and inflamation, icepack as well.

If it persists after a few days, go see a physio or doc. Shoulder injuries are terrible.

Thanks man...btw great socrates quote, just sent it to a non training buddy of mine who does nothing but moan about his physical condition...and spends zero time working on it....his response was erm...blunt ;)
First chest day at the new gym.

I love the Benchpress they have. I also got some wrist wraps to help with the cleans and presses and the bench a bit as my hand always curved backwards a bit.

Only did two things today, bench and barbbell bicep curls. I've decided to get to grips with my pathetically weak/small biceps.

20kg x20 Warmup
40kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x5
70kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
80kg x5
70kg x5
60kg x5
60kg x5
50kg x10
50kg x10

Barbbell Bicep curls ( yes they're low as hell, I've very weak biceps. So much so they got tired first on the bench even.)

25kg x5
25kg x5
30kg x5
30kg x5
35kg x5
35kg x5
35kg x5
30kg x5
25kg x5

Followed by all my stretches. Dear lord, my legs were in agony doing them all.
Free weight squats are amazing!
The owner of the place is a Sound Man. Nice fellow, even though they don't allow chalk he said I could work away with mine as long a I don't make a mess. Considering I'm doing powerlifting.

He also said he's looking into getting a Power Rack and Monolift later on if he can afford them.
I feel like I have always had poor legs compared to the rest of my body, despite trying numerous routines.
They do grow when im on a bulking phase etc, but they just dont "look" big.

So the guy who runs the gym by me used to compete, and he used a routine to get his legs to grow which I am now giving a go.

I have never done something so hard in all my life, on the 2nd and 3rd exercises im fighting for every rep, and its soul destroying, (but the next day feels so good :D )

Leg extensions to start

50reps first set, where the final 15 are very difficult and the final 5 require assistance
40 reps second set (weight up by 10k) now it get insanely tough here, and the legs ahave got an extrem burn
Final 2 sets are of 20 and 15, upping the weight 10k each time. And he has to assist, but also makes me hold at the top of every rep, just to make it that much harder:)
By the end of this it feels like ive done 100sets of squats

Hack squats second

no weight to start for 20reps, but he is pusing down on the bar so i have to fight him on the way down, and he then pushes down on the accent, which as you can imagine makes it extremly difficult

2nd and 3rd sets 10k a side is added for 15 (same style as first) and another 10k for 10 (same style)

Leg Press 3rd

Starting on a weight I usually use for my first set (15 usually) I do 20 reps, but he makes me hold at the bottom for 1 second then drive up

2nd set with another plate a side for 15, same thing again, but he also pushes back down slightrly, to make it harder

3rd set is for 12 with another 10k a side on, again pause at the bottom and resistance on the way up. I then drop set down to 1 plate a side to absolute failure.

Its the most extreme routine I have ever done, and its massive volume in terms of reps, and the feeling during this routine is like nothing else, but he's pushing me to the absolute limit with forced reps etc, and making me hold the weight. Im loving it so far though (not during the routine, but the day after:)

Anyone got any opinions on it? probably will sound like over training to a lot of you, but I am going to try it out and see how it goes (done 2 sessions of it so far)
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Anyone got any opinions on it? probably will sound like over training to a lot of you, but I am going to try it out and see how it goes (done 2 sessions of it so far)

Sounds similar to the programme i'm doing, although mine is actually higher volume (eg 3 sets of 85 reps on leg press supersetted with 20 on squat the other day)

Seems to be doing the job though, and i'm losing weight at the same time.

Might even post pics in a couple of months :eek:
Over training tends to be a very much over exaggerated thing, plus your legs being massive muscles I'm sure they can cope with more volume than other parts.

Went for a light run today with my brother whos looking to get into running (very light, only running for 15minutes :o). Starting to get some vascularity in my calves which is nice, still sitting at around 15" but I want them much bigger!

Training sessions for me are going to be a bit erratically placed for me for the next 2 weeks while I'm revising for final exams, I'm also going to have to go very light on my shoulder as its giving me grief :(, next session is Tuesday though so that's a good 5 days off.
Sounds similar to the programme i'm doing, although mine is actually higher volume (eg 3 sets of 85 reps on leg press supersetted with 20 on squat the other day)

Seems to be doing the job though, and i'm losing weight at the same time.

Might even post pics in a couple of months :eek:

That sounds worse than mine:eek: That is very similar to the way Neil Hill trains legs isnt it?
I was just perusing leangains.com, and I think I might be inadvertently almost doing IF.

My day generally looks like this.... (In the middle of 7 week gap between coursework & exams so excuse the laziness :p)

Wake up 1000-1100
Gym 1200-1300 ish
Shake as soon as I get in (so 1330 ish)
'Lunch' around 1500 (~500kcals)
'Tea' around 1930/2000 (~1000kcals)
Shake around 2200
Bed around 0200-0300.

What say you BennyC and other IF dudes. Am I close enough accidentally that its worth changing just a bit to do it properly and also look into BCAA's?

EDIT: Maybe not. Looks like more of the fast should be during waking hours, rather than half because of sleep.

You're pretty much there. When I started I ate in the usual 8-hour window 12pm-8pm. It's gradually changed to 4pm-12am to suit my sleeping pattern (roughly 2am-10am, not eating from 8pm until 2am was killing me!), though I usually start fasting again at around 10pm providing I've eaten all my food for the day.

Some days I just have one huge meal. It's not so much a meal but an hour or 2 of constant eating after working out, and it's awesome.
I'm quite pleased with my super speedy session today. Firstly on Wednesday I pulled my glute doing 190 for 3 deadlift so I had to cut that session short :(, then I found out at 2:30pm after just waking up and not having had breakfast that my gym closes at 4pm today. Cue mad dash to the gym to get there at 3:15pm to find it unbelievably busy and not being able to start squatting until 3:40pm and then busting out this:

(rolling and stretching out pulled glute)
(more rolling and stretching)

Booyah! :D

All of that in 20mins, but my god did I need to mobilize after. As soon as I got home I got straight on it and now my hips/ass/back/legs in general feel gooooood :). Pretty chuffed with the squats considering they were causing me some hassle a few weeks ago and that felt easy, 5 reps would have been on the cards if it wasn't so limited by time :).
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