*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Went to the Gym yesterday, mainly did Shoulder and Leg work. I got there so late I missed out on some critical exercises, so I am a bit disappointed with this workout.

I did the following:

Box Squat - 8x3 @ 50kg, 55kg, 60kg

SLDL - 8x4 @ 40kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg,

Donkey Calf Raise - 8x3 @ 30kg

Shoulder Press - 8x3 @ 52kg

Shrugs - 8x3 @ 30kg

Dumb-bell Lat Raise - 2x7kg, 8, 6, 5 reps.

I was doing every last set to failure - I couldn't have done another 8 if I tried! It appears that my Calves are quite weak as I was only able to manage the 30, I would have done some standing Calf Raises as well if time was on my side.

I made the mistake of also doing 8 reps on most of the exercises, when really I wanted to do 5x5s on my Legs - force of habit as I always do 8x3s on my Back/Biceps and Triceps/Chest days so that was a bit of a mistake.

I reckon I would have been able to go higher in weights if I stuck to 5x5s, possibly an additional 5-10kg.

But I intend to do Back/Biceps on Thursday as it was recommended that I do Back & Biceps together so that on Saturday I can do Chest & Triceps without burning out my muscles previously.

Verdict...I needed more time and shouldn't have done 8 reps, I'll just need to remember the distinction for future sessions, I don't count it as a proper workout.

Edit: I've also dropped down to 1/2 tin of Mackeral in the morning and stopped taking fruit juice. I didn't realise the Mackeral Fillets I had were so high in saturated fat! It may even go some way in explaining why I have a bit of fat on my belly.
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Did arms today but didn't warm up, normally do 1000 metres on rowing machine and felt something in my right shoulder, eased off after a bit. Cycled there and back which was about 12 miles.
Had a very good deadlift session today, felt really good doing them. Was so close to beating my pb, but it was not to be:(

100k x 12
120k x 12
140k x 10
160k x 5
200k x 1
220k x 1
235k (failed about half way up, know i can get this soon though)

Strongest I have ever been, last time i hit 220 i was 17st 10lbs, im now sitting at 15st 3lbs. So im making some good progress:D
Damn nice lifts Nitrogen!

I'm sure if you didn't bother with the 10 reps at 140kg and did a few less at 160kg you'd easily have gotten that 235.

Yeh I think your right, I was pretty knackered by that point. I wasn't intending on doing 1reps but i felt so good at 140 and then 160, i thought why not and just start sticking weights on:D

The 200 and 220 felt easy, which is unusual since I was working nights last night and only got up at 2pm today and only had breakfast before getting in the gym at 3.

I think a realistic aim by the end of the year will be 6 plates a side, which would be 260k. I would be proud of that
Anyone have any ideas what a lower back pump/tense lower back while squatting could be from?

Was doing some lower weights today, trying to improve form a little and also because my knees been playing up a little.

Also did a couple reps without hands because I saw some powerlifter do it on a video here with 400+ pounds lol (this could have cause the back issue, not a straight enough back?)

Also did some 20+rep bodyweight sets at the end of my session, and could actually feel the burn! I'm gonna be in pain tommorow.
^ that

Loosen glutes and hamstrings, your ass is tucking under and you're losing tension in your back.

Benched 3x3x117.5kg today, yay! Shoulder feels good.
52 lengths of the pool tonight, breast stroke, in 45 mins. Not bad for a 133kg, completely non aerodynamic, terrible drag coefficient, skip. Aiming to get down to 50 lengths in 30 mins (about how long i can get away with if i go during work time!).
52 lengths of the pool tonight, breast stroke, in 45 mins. Not bad for a 133kg, completely non aerodynamic, terrible drag coefficient, skip. Aiming to get down to 50 lengths in 30 mins (about how long i can get away with if i go during work time!).

Ah Morbo, post some pics.

Do you wear speados? They'd improve you aerodynamically. Haha

Or start shaving off all your hair.
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Thanks Delvis. Would be great if you could continue to do some bodyweight stuff if nothing else. Even some adjustable dumbells and do some dumbell exercises would still be good. If you can do dips and chins etc, I can't see why you couldn't do some other basics :)

Cheers man, I'd love to keep at it ,but I just can't in this current situation, I literally have no money! Hell, we've put off a tesco shop for over a week because neither me or the partner has anything at the moment :p

I still have my weights, so I can potentially still use them for some form of squats etc or flys...Will consider it :)

Sucks really...Need more money from this job, sadly they can't pay up =/

you could always use a spare room, but as been said before home gyms tend to be a lot more expensive than a gym membership, so that is the best way to go, especially if money is tight.

i found cycling to be absolutely useless, swimming is a lot better imo, after 1 hour of cycling im starting to feel tired, 10 mins of swimming and im dying.

Don't have a spare room, this is used for the abundance of animals we have :p

My home 'gym' was cheap for me really, don't need a lot to get myself working...I just don't have the space now due to no garage....A gym membership costs money, so as per my post above I can't do that due to being poor currently! :(

Also, cycling doesn't tire me out as much no, but swimming again, costs something stupid like £4 a go...I can't afford it once a week let alone three times at the moment =/

Swimming is good for me as I can't swim properly anyway, shame its such an expense
You have a mankini?!

Oh dear lord! I can just imagine this huge powerlifting bugger in a mankini emptying out half the pools water in an awesome canonball!

Haha, no i dont and the thought scares me hehe.
I'm not that big really (well my gut is!), just have heavy bones, hence why i sink (my head being mostly filled with marshmallow is the only thing that stops me being a brick on the bottom of the pool!)
Haha, no i dont and the thought scares me hehe.
I'm not that big really (well my gut is!), just have heavy bones, hence why i sink (my head being mostly filled with marshmallow is the only thing that stops me being a brick on the bottom of the pool!)

HAHA! Brilliant!

Although I don't understand why some women don't like a bit of a gut, with powerlifters and strongmen that gut is usually just huge abdominals.

Unlike with average folk, where it's just fat.

Big belly = big bench.

I now see why my bench is so lacking! Must feed more!
HAHA! Brilliant!

Although I don't understand why some women don't like a bit of a gut, with powerlifters and strongmen that gut is usually just huge abdominals.

Unlike with average folk, where it's just fat.

Big belly = big bench.

Indeed! Bigger belly = bigger bench! haha

My gut most definitely isn't bigger abs lol, shame :(

Must feed more!

Now you're learning :P
AH Morba I've been increasing in my feeding habits since I started a 1.8 years ago.

I'm slowly growing, I'm a good 1kg heavier since last year hahaha!

I'm aiming for a good 80kg by next December. With largely increased lifts as well then.
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