(rolling and stretching out pulled glute)
(more rolling and stretching)
So, have I got this right?
85 rep leg press superset with Squat for 20reps. Do this 3 times with 1-2mins rest in between?
Sorry to but in guys. Lost a fair bit of weight since November (7 stone) and am now looking at getting back in to the gym. I have either virgin or la fitness close to me and was wondering what one people would recommend. looking at getting a personal trainer for a while just to get me motivated and show me the right way to do things. Not sure what gyms are good and bad.
Go take a look at both, see what they offer, when they are open, how much they cost. Make sure they have what you want and need, not just for now but in 6-12 months time too.
Does anyone have any experience with fat burners/fatloss supplementation?
I don't have a problem dropping weight initially using a simple calorie deficit, but when it comes to getting mega lean for the abs to show - that's when it gets tough.
Merely placebo?
It probably sounds like I am just another newbie looking for magic pillls to avoid hardwork. That is not the case, I know I can get very low bodyfat simply by eating less and adding cardio to my regime - but if these can additionally enhance my look, lower bf % with no significant adverse effects then I could be interested.
Still much to learn, grasshopper!
It's generally best to tend towards doing harder exercises first. In the case of your workout:
lat pull down
bicep stuff
Unless you're specifically pre-exhausting a muscle, don't do isolation exercises before compounds. In the case of biceps with back, I don't think I would ever pre-exhaust my biceps because you're just making the weakest link in the chain weaker.
In my efforts to enter the 400 club by the end of May I tried upping my squat today which resulted in that oh so embarrassing 'stuck with your arse on the ground as you realise you're not getting up and have to rest on the catchers'. Drawing positives, it's the first time I've had to do that and knowing that you can safely get out of the situation will probably result in more confident lifting in the future.
Game on!
I have 4x 2.5k and 2x5kg + 2 sets of dumbell bars at home at the moment, I want to start doing proper Squats and Deadlifts, could anyone recommend a place where I can find a cheap bar for this and if I already got 20kgs how much should I get, should I buy 30kg more? How big should the bar be? 7ft ?