*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Cheers icecold. I'll have a play tonight and see how I far with a wider stance, maybe upload some videos if I'm struggling. How long have you been lifting for out of interest?

I've been messing around in gyms for years, but only started training properly 3 years ago and then it's been an inconsistent and slow self taught process, with several periods with months away from a gym :o. Through mostly doing HST and some basic splits I was lifting 170/115/200 (squat/bench/dead) last September when I started powerlifting, with more lean mass/bodyfat at my best/worst (I feel like I look small in those vids! :().
I seem to have a mind muscle connection with mainly my shoulders, trying to get them to move the weight rather then the muscle I should be working which is damn annoying.
Usually feel a massive pinch in one of my shoulders, not sure if it's my front or rear delt, usually comes when im doing later raises or rear raises.

I'm slightly improving but i'm guessing it's something that goes over time, I hope.
I've been messing around in gyms for years, but only started training properly 3 years ago and then it's been an inconsistent and slow self taught process, with several periods with months away from a gym :o. Through mostly doing HST and some basic splits I was lifting 170/115/200 (squat/bench/dead) last September when I started powerlifting, with more lean mass/bodyfat at my best/worst (I feel like I look small in those vids! :().

Nice, you definitely seem to know what you're doing. I've always been interested in powerlifting but something always comes up to stop me pursuing it. I'm going to dedicate some serious time to it in a few weeks after my exams are over, obviously I've done a lot of reading around but have you got any words of wisdom for someone about to start?
Mansize, here's a little something to help.

I can honestly say I regret never being interested in sports or exercise most of my life. The past 2 years since I took an interest has changed everything so far.

In total I've been powerlifting only a paltry 9 months, but my lord does it change the way you feel about yourself and how people see and treat you.
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Bah... back to work tomorrow... been a nice 11 days of Gym eat sleep repeat. 9 Gym days in 11day is fine when you can sleep all afternoon... gonna have to cut back drastically now :(
Good day today got a new PR on the deadlift.
Todays Breakdown.

70kg x5
110kg x5
120kg x2
140kg x2
150kg x2
160kg x2
170kg x2
180kg x2
190kg x1
205kg x1 ( Grip failed as I was putting it down haha, glad it held out until I locked out)
170kg x3
170kg x1 ( very very tired at this point.)
160kg x3
120kg x5

Dumbbel Rows
50kg x6
50kg x6
50kg x6

Dips-Narrow grip as apposed to the wide one we had at college
BW x5
10kg x5
20kg x5
30kg x5
40kg x5
40kg x5
40kg x5

40kg x5
40kg x5
40kg x5

Didn't have any time for Pullups today on account of spending too much time Deadlifting.


Still had some lovely DOMS from the leg day but nothing some stretching and food can't cure.

My grip hasn't failed with deadlifting in nearly a year, also since we're not allowed chalk in this gym I'll just have to train my grip a bit more.
Nice work on the new max today N19h7m4r3, that's a nice little progression :). Just out of interest why do you do the drop sets after your max set?

I'm a little worried over my deads on account of my pulled glute but I'll probably just have to wait an extra week or two until I do my deadlift max.

I had an epic gym session today, there was a great atmosphere and it was just an all round great sesh. I started out on box squat and got up to a new pb on that, 150kg for single. That is only 7.5 kg off my triple the other day and it was so quick! I'm really chuffed with that, 160kg next time :). Then was bench and and I worked up to 100kg for an easy double I should have gone for a triple but the gym was closing early and I didn't want to make a hash of it.

Also my brother set a mega pb but I won't take his glory and I'll wait for him to post it up :).

So, lush session, lush day, now I'm off to the pub and then it's my sixth form ball this evening. Sweet!
Nice, you definitely seem to know what you're doing. I've always been interested in powerlifting but something always comes up to stop me pursuing it. I'm going to dedicate some serious time to it in a few weeks after my exams are over, obviously I've done a lot of reading around but have you got any words of wisdom for someone about to start?

It's a very underrated sport if you ask me.

In terms of advice for starting out:

- start PAINFULLY light, and progress slowly at first.
can't overstress the importance of that. A shift in training style will probably see some big initial strength gains, but it's almost guaranteed that you've got some weaknesses that could easily injure you and keep you away from the gym. Starting slowly and staying injury free will see faster gains in the long run. As an example, there is a guy just starting out who we've kept at a 60kg deadlift for around two months when he is capable of muscle-ing up 120+kg. I'm not saying do exactly that, but bear it in mind.

- perfect form is more important than weight lifted.
Even more so than with other training styles. This is one of the reasons you start off really light, you get the opportunity to teach your body to make perfect form automatic. You might be able to force out a big deadlift, but if the form isn't tidy you will hit a ceiling very quickly. This is probably the hardest thing to do initially, because your ego is screaming for more weight on the bar. Tell it to STFU.

- try and find a good, dirty, spit and sawdust gym in your area with knowledgeable guys.
Not as important as the first two, but I owe a huge amount to the guys I train with. I know it's hard to find the right gym, but at least investigate getting a couple of sessions in a good place. Try googling powerlifting gyms or something, there are loads dotted around (in fact I'll ask if anyone knows of anywhere in Norwich). Most guys will be happy to give you pointers if you're dedicated.

In other news, a big squatting session was had today...

2 months ago my gym tested 1rm was 205kg. Today I did that for 3 sets of 3 :cool: I'm a little chuffed :D
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Not sure if this is the right thread to post in but I'm thinking of starting up with cycling and that (I've posted in the bikes thread) And although I can't afford to go to the gym my Brother does own some weights and a bench.

I've read the above post and there are some good tips but I'm also looking for what supplements to take, I've been looking on Holland & Barrett and another company (It's a competitor) and not sure what I should be looking for.

I'm 17 and just want something to help gain muscle, I'm not fat but have a little belly but hopefully if I start cycling that will start to go. If I'm going to be getting some supplements I'd rather it be the powder.

I'm going to start using my brothers weights and follow the guide above :)
I wasn't really planning on the new PR today and was originally going to do sets at 180kg, although I just had a little urge to try it.
I did the drop sets because I felt I needed to, since I didn't really feel that tired. I want to do about two sets at 170kg, but on the second set for it I suddenly hit my limit ( I found my core was too tired at that point since I rarely do any core work).
So dropped to 160 for a quick three and straight to 120 for five.

I used the belt starting at 160-190 then dropped it for the 205 and the remaining work.
Still not that use to it really. It didn't cut in at all today though, although it did squeeze out a big burp during the 190 hehe.

From that 205 today I spotted and felt a good few weak points in my body.
My core was the first to go, followed by my glutes and hamstring, probably from still suffering from DOMS. My biceps also felt tired, specially after the 50kg dumbbell rows.

It's a 30 min walk to the gym daily though, and I've not had a single day there I've dont all my extra supplimental training really.

So I'm going to have to force myself to stop with the crazy amounts of sets and just stick to my core sets and reps so I can start addressing my weakpoints.

This means, bicep work ( which I detest) , core work, hip work ( time to use those lady machines Hahaha), lat work and more grip training.

Addressing those will actually help with all my compounds.

I even find that my biceps are the first to go when benching, in total I've only trained my biceps 11 times since I took an interest in exercise 2 years ago.

#Edit: I'm also going back to my routine of 1 week heavy, 1 week light. Light week is more for supplimental work and practicing my form then.
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Don't buy Holland and Barrett protein!!

Look at www.myprotein.co.uk , it's far cheaper and you get far more. Diet is far more important, but if you're looking for whey protein get it from one of the bulk suppliers.

Specifically: http://www.myprotein.com/uk/products/impact_whey_protein

actually you can also go here: http://www.myprotein.com/uk/pages/Price_Matcher

and enter www.ironscience.co.uk which makes it even cheaper

Use my referrer code for 5% off if you want: MP96516

Okay, What would you suggest to have?
Thanks a lot icecold, I appreciate your help.

I usually train at home but I'll try to find a decent powerlifting gym for a sesh every so often. I realise I'll have to leave my ego at the door regarding the weight, my house mate recently gave up on his first foray into powerlifting because the weights were too light in the routine he was following. :rolleyes:
I think HST will put me in good stead for powerlifting, my form has improved a lot the second time round (which is surprising because I thought it was fine before starting HST, it's really highlighted my weaknesses). I'm now lifting more weight for SLDL this time round and with a dead stop after each rep.

Do you have a copy of your current routine handy? Also congrats on the squat, that's quite an improvement!

Yes Frozo it's fine for you to use, but its important to remember it should be taken to supplement to an already sound diet. What's your food intake like for an average day? Don't worry about nutrient breakdowns (protein/carb/fat) as you probably don't know them, just what sort of foods you're eating and what quantity.
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Yes Frozo it's fine for you to use, but its important to remember it should be taken to supplement to an already sound diet. What's your food intake like for an average day? Don't worry about nutrient breakdowns (protein/carb/fat) as you probably don't know them, just what sort of foods you're eating and what quantity.

I try to eat breakfast in the morning and that consists of either Toast or Cereal if I don't have time I usually have a Cereal bar,

Break / Lunch (At college) Is usually a packet of crisps, chocolate bar and a baguette

Tea is usually a cooked meal (varies) and on Fridays it can be a takeaway

And on the weekend it varies as I don't really each much apart from breakfast and then usually tea (Which isn't good)

Edit: I know this doesn't really help but I also use the Wii Fit :p
I try to eat breakfast in the morning and that consists of either Toast or Cereal if I don't have time I usually have a Cereal bar,

Break / Lunch (At college) Is usually a packet of crisps, chocolate bar and a baguette

Tea is usually a cooked meal (varies) and on Fridays it can be a takeaway

And on the weekend it varies as I don't really each much apart from breakfast and then usually tea (Which isn't good)

Edit: I know this doesn't really help but I also use the Wii Fit :p

To make changes to your body/physique you're going to need to do far more than take whey powder supplements. Read the bodybuilding sticky.
New PB with DB shoulder presses. Threw up the 45kg dumbbells for 6 solid reps. May not sound like much but with the doctor saying two years ago I'll never be able to lift my right arm above my shoulder again after a skiing accident, I'm pretty darn pleased with it. Eyeing the 50's next.
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