*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Just had a look, 900g packet of pork loins steaks with 8 in the packet. So just over 100g per chop. I eat 3 at a time so around 60g of protein. Cheers Steedie.
Could someone tell me how much I should rest? At the moment, I only got a pair of dumbbells because I'm trying to save up money to buy a good set of weights + barbell bar.

Atm, I'm doing ~30-45 minutes work outs a day.

Day 1

Shoulder Press (dumbbells) 6 x 4
Lateral Raise 6 x 4
Bicep curl 6 x 4
Two-Arms Triceps Extension 6 x 4

~4-6 hour break~
Dumbbell Squats 6 x 4
Dumbbell Dead lift 6x 4
Crunches 30 x 4

Day 2

I basically do about 4 reps of 10-15 push ups with my arms close to my chest so that it works out my biceps/chest and then I do another 4 reps of 10-15 with my arms wide so that it works my lats/triceps.

Front Raise 6 x 4
Wide Row 6 x 4
Dumbbell Squats 6 x 4
Dumbbell Dead lift 6x 4
Crunches 30 x 4

I've been doing this everyday alternating between work outs because I don't have barbells and proper heavy weights (saving up to buy some) so I was wondering if I should rest or if it's okay to do those everyday? I've only been resting 1 day of the week atm, is that enough?
Depending on your intensity. I cannot train more than 2-3 times a week as I pulverise myself in the gym. But there has been times, usually after an injury, where I trained 7 days a week and felt fine.

So I guess it's all depended on how you feel. Don't force yourself to train if you feel tired or aching. It's your body sending you a message that it needs rest. We all have different bodies with different levels of fitness/development. There's no right way of doing it. Looking at your program I'd say yes, you're training too much and not resting enough, but if it works for you, go for it. If not, settle for a 3 day a week routine. Gordy wrote a good program in one of the stickies in this forum section. Check it out.
Depending on your intensity. I cannot train more than 2-3 times a week as I pulverise myself in the gym. But there has been times, usually after an injury, where I trained 7 days a week and felt fine.

So I guess it's all depended on how you feel. Don't force yourself to train if you feel tired or aching. It's your body sending you a message that it needs rest. We all have different bodies with different levels of fitness/development. There's no right way of doing it. Looking at your program I'd say yes, you're training too much and not resting enough, but if it works for you, go for it. If not, settle for a 3 day a week routine. Gordy wrote a good program in one of the stickies in this forum section. Check it out.

Thanks I will read it!

Does that mean I only really need to rest when my muscles are sore or I struggle to work out?

If you're not pumped for legs after watching those then there's something wrong :p

I find those to be better than any pre workout supplement
Thanks I will read it!

Does that mean I only really need to rest when my muscles are sore or I struggle to work out?

You need rest in general, even if they don't ache or feel odd. You only grow and heal when resting.

I train 4 days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The rest of the time I eat and sleep.

I like others have tried squeezing in as much as possible and in my case that only resulted in injury and putting me out of the game for over a month.

You're sore and struggling to train you probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. Everyone has off days, but if your actually struggling and it's putting stress on your muscles and joints stop right there and go home and eat and rest.
I can't wait to get started with this fitness now, after reading through I'm determined to change my life around and stop being lazy.

I've got my routine planned but it needs a few tweaks (will post later as I'm at college)

Hopefully going to be ordering the Whey Protein tonight and going food shopping for the things I need :p And then start from Wednesday / Thursday onwards and ordering my bike as well when I can find the suitable one.

I'm going to weigh myself before I start and then continue weighing myself every 2 weeks to see if there any improvements and hopefully I'll be able to start losing weight
[bodybuilding youtube vids]
If you're not pumped for legs after watching those then there's something wrong :p

I find those to be better than any pre workout supplement

Sadly they don't do much for me at all. Never really cared much for body building. Yes they're very impressive, but the thing I see through it all is lack of range of motion in 90% of their training

Not my cup of tea.

Although A good motivating video is usually all you need haha.
But it's not watching them train that's the motivating part for me, it's just the whole video, they're brilliantly put together
Cheers. One day I hope to lift the weights you guys lift :p

I think you under estimate what you are doing. Shoulder pressing 45's is outstanding tbh. If comparisons were direct, that would be a 90kg barbell press, however things aren't as easy as that. I think people lift something like 80% of their BB weight with DBs, meaning your barbell press for 6 reps should be over 100kg.

There arent many people here who can press 100kg on a barbell for reps :)
About 6 weeks ago i went too heavy on the flat bench (olympic bar) and although my chest was ready by shoulders were not :(

I strained my left anterior deltoid. I think my grip was too wide to be honest as well as the weight. It hurt for about 4 days and the pain went.

However, I now get pain when doing flat/incline/fly bench press in the same place, stopping me from exercising(flat bench not so bad). This is with dumbells.

Any ideas to cure the injury?

I have been training for circa 6 years and last year hurt my right shoulder - that took a good 6 months to fully recover. I am not a novice but I am annoyed at myself for rushing my flat bench.

Also to add I can train my shoulders with no pain :S
Have you tried some cable work, some ad/abductions / raises etc to see if there is a specific movement that causes the pain?
You see im not 100% it is however when doing RC exercises there is no pain i.e. barbell rotating and RC extension with dumbells .

cables are fine with raises. I seriously think my grip was too wide and caused the deltoid too much stress.

Edit: hmm reading more into it dj jester could right it seems...that is the EXACT location where the pain is coming from and would explain why it hurts more on the incline bench.

cures? :D

Looks like I light weight strengthening exercises and ice packs?
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