*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Thanks I will read it!

Does that mean I only really need to rest when my muscles are sore or I struggle to work out?

Yes. Remember, you're breaking your muscle fibres down with resistance training. For arguments sake, let's say your biceps consisted of 10 fibres each, you train them and break down a lot of those fibres. They grow back during your rest period and increase to 12 fibres instead of 10 to be stronger for next time. If you keep breaking them down without giving them a rest of recuperate, you're wasting your time.

I'm a big fan of HIT (high intensity training). I'm literally in and out of the gym in 30min, That include warming up exercises too. I do about 2 sets at max weight for any muscles group. For example shoulder training.

Shoulder Presses.

12 reps at 50% of max weight (warm up)
8 reps at 75 % of max weight (warm up)
6 reps at 100% of max weight (working set)
100% of max weight to failure with 2 negatives. (working set)

100% max weight dumbbell side raises to failure with 2 negatives.

I'm done with shoulders.

Sounds like your starting out. I recommend training 2 days a week, hitting your whole body in those two sessions. Pick any 2 days and make sure they're as far apart as possible. If you hit yourself hard enough, then 2 days a week will be plenty. Take another two days and do light cardio to keep fat levels under control. Obviously getting your diet right is a given, or you're wasting your time trying. Some say 2 days a week is too little. Always reminds me of what a natural bodybuilder told me once. 'I trained 5 days a week and made good gains. I moved to 4 day weeks and made even more. Then I moved to 3 day weeks and made yet more'.

Less is more with bodybuilding imo. Just make sure you do it with massive intensity.
You see im not 100% it is however when doing RC exercises there is no pain i.e. barbell rotating and RC extension with dumbells .

cables are fine with raises. I seriously think my grip was too wide and caused the deltoid too much stress.

Edit: hmm reading more into it dj jester could right it seems...that is the EXACT location where the pain is coming from and would explain why it hurts more on the incline bench.

cures? :D

Looks like I light weight strengthening exercises and ice packs?
You'll need physio tbh (i.e. see a physio, as we could very well get it wrong and you could end up with major problems.) :) Though plenty of light rotations will inevitably be prescribed. :)
You see im not 100% it is however when doing RC exercises there is no pain i.e. barbell rotating and RC extension with dumbells .

cables are fine with raises. I seriously think my grip was too wide and caused the deltoid too much stress.

Edit: hmm reading more into it dj jester could right it seems...that is the EXACT location where the pain is coming from and would explain why it hurts more on the incline bench.

cures? :D

Looks like I light weight strengthening exercises and ice packs?
read the mobility thread I started. im posting from my phone so I can't link it,
but I think its on the first page.
Yes. Remember, you're breaking your muscle fibres down with resistance training. For arguments sake, let's say your biceps consisted of 10 fibres each, you train them and break down a lot of those fibres. They grow back during your rest period and increase to 12 fibres instead of 10 to be stronger for next time. If you keep breaking them down without giving them a rest of recuperate, you're wasting your time.

The numbers of fibres doesn't increase, its the size of the actual fibre
Yes. Remember, you're breaking your muscle fibres down with resistance training. For arguments sake, let's say your biceps consisted of 10 fibres each, you train them and break down a lot of those fibres. They grow back during your rest period and increase to 12 fibres instead of 10 to be stronger for next time. If you keep breaking them down without giving them a rest of recuperate, you're wasting your time.

I'm a big fan of HIT (high intensity training). I'm literally in and out of the gym in 30min, That include warming up exercises too. I do about 2 sets at max weight for any muscles group. For example shoulder training.

Shoulder Presses.

12 reps at 50% of max weight (warm up)
8 reps at 75 % of max weight (warm up)
6 reps at 100% of max weight (working set)
100% of max weight to failure with 2 negatives. (working set)

100% max weight dumbbell side raises to failure with 2 negatives.

I'm done with shoulders.

Sounds like your starting out. I recommend training 2 days a week, hitting your whole body in those two sessions. Pick any 2 days and make sure they're as far apart as possible. If you hit yourself hard enough, then 2 days a week will be plenty. Take another two days and do light cardio to keep fat levels under control. Obviously getting your diet right is a given, or you're wasting your time trying. Some say 2 days a week is too little. Always reminds me of what a natural bodybuilder told me once. 'I trained 5 days a week and made good gains. I moved to 4 day weeks and made even more. Then I moved to 3 day weeks and made yet more'.

Less is more with bodybuilding imo. Just make sure you do it with massive intensity.

Thanks for the advice, sounds good :)
I've put together a little routine / diet and here are Monday & Tuesday

"Get up at 6am for 1 hour bike ride
Get home – Whey Protein Shake and breakfast

Breakfast – Yoghurt and Weetabix
Dinner – Chicken Pasta and an Apple
Between Dinner and Tea – Yoghurt and Training Session (As stated on the beginners guide but not over doing it – Mondays) Then a Whey Protein Shake
Tea – Pork, Potatoes, Asparagus and Green Beans

Breakfast – Milk and Weetabix
Break / Dinner (College) – Tuna Pasta / Rice with chicken
Afternoon (Just to keep me going) – Apple or similar
Tea – Beef, Broccoli, Potatoes"

The Bike ride and Whey Protein in the morning is everyday, It's not complete yet but this is what I've come up with. I'm at College Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. So I needed to work around that.
Still got leg doms from sunday :D It's amazing how hard things become after only a week and a half away! Managed 6x80kg to finish still but dear lord it hurt.

It certainly is haha!
You should try a month off, then a week back and 2 weeks off.

My legs are still sore from last Thursday's training and I was training at only 75% of my max.
Thank goodness Wednesdays are off days. Good night's sleep and good food for tonight.

----Oh yes, I noticed the strangest thing today. The gym in town I train at has some truly massive guys, all wearing vest and what looks like string tanktops. All their backs are covered in huge Pock marks and heavy acne. One of them's pock marks and acne ran all the way up his upper back even over this shoulders.

It looks rather nasty. These guys also have massive upper bodies and smallish legs. As in their arms are bigger then legs.

I stick out badly being one of the smallest there, myself being only larger then the school kids that joined today.
I've been out of action for 3 months :/ The only form of lifting I get to do is carrying the weekly shop up to the flat from the car, in as few trips as possible. I even ache a bit after that now (forearms) :(
All their backs are covered in huge Pock marks and heavy acne. One of them's pock marks and acne ran all the way up his upper back even over this shoulders.

Doesn't mean much. Loads of guys get back acne.

However yes it can be a side affect from steroid use... But who cares if they use them, it's their choice after all.
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It's rather nasty though. If it were me I'd put on some cream and cover it up.

I never understood why guys wear string tank tops and vests when training. I've seen the same folks in town still wearing that.
It's rather nasty though. If it were me I'd put on some cream and cover it up.

I never understood why guys wear string tank tops and vests when training. I've seen the same folks in town still wearing that.

I like wearing them because they allow better movement of my back and sports tops in XL tend to be quite big and sheet-like and I'm a sweaty boy as it is without wearing sheets :p.

As for curing backne a "herp derp you should put some cream on that son." Isn't going to help. Same for people with stretchmarks, its a hard problem to fix/alleviate.
All the stretch marks I've ever gotten was quickly fixed with some 100% Aloe Vera gel and a good diet with Vitamin E.

Also do you wear the same tank tops out in town all the time? For me it's strange when these guys finish training, shower and put on a different tank top to wear outside haha.

The college gym had a nice little poster on its door saying:
No pansy tank tops, if you wanna show off go try it outside. No over bearing aftershave and calogne, this isn't a night club. If you want to pull go do it there. No jeans, this isn't a casual sitting area. Dress to train and train, don't sit about chatting.
All the stretch marks I've ever gotten was quickly fixed with some 100% Aloe Vera gel and a good diet with Vitamin E.

Also do you wear the same tank tops out in town all the time? For me it's strange when these guys finish training, shower and put on a different tank top to wear outside haha.

The college gym had a nice little poster on its door saying:
No pansy tank tops, if you wanna show off go try it outside. No over bearing aftershave and calogne, this isn't a night club. If you want to pull go do it there. No jeans, this isn't a casual sitting area. Dress to train and train, don't sit about chatting.

Yeah some creams can help fade stretch marks (I use bio oil) but they dont go away. And no I do not wear tank tops in public alas :eek: however they are useful to train in, regardless of what silly signs on your college gym say :p.
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