*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Starting Strength is very good. Mark Ripptoe is an amazing strength coach.

Yeah I've been reading about it, looks really good, exactly what I want, just want to get fitter/stronger in general. Do I just do the squats/deadlift/bench training and don't bother with specific muscle exercises ?
I almost always wear vests in the gym. Cant stand wearing a t shirt i end up sweating buckets and i feel restrcited movement wise. I guess its ok because im no where near big enough to come off as cocky wearing one :D
Yeah I've been reading about it, looks really good, exactly what I want, just want to get fitter/stronger in general. Do I just do the squats/deadlift/bench training and don't bother with specific muscle exercises ?

Mark Ripptoe and Jim Wendler love the big coumpound exercises.
What you want to do:

Squat, Deadlift, Bench, Press, Pullups and train your core.

As far as they are concered those are the main ones. Then you have the supplemental training that address weaknesses and help improve in the other bigger lifts.

Have a look at the starting Strength site and Elite FTS for articles and about the exercises.
Hey all, posted in the Beginners guide prior to this but this seems to be the post.

I've been checking up on form (a little late admittedly), having frequented the gym for a long time, and am very worried by my squats; I'm worried I will never be able to squat conventionally.

Basically, I'm 6"5, very tall in the legs, and not amazingly flexible. If I attempt a squat without feet very wide with the toes pointing out, I cant get a decent ROM (hardly at all) due to overbalancing backwards. With the wide stance I feel my knees coming in. With a 1.2" or so raise on my ankle (haven't tried this with weights as I know it isn't safe) I can get to just below right angles without overbalancing backwards.

What can I do to rectify this, specifically stretching, but also to train as I'm hesitant to do squats now knowing that my technique is so glaringly poor.
It looks rather nasty. These guys also have massive upper bodies and smallish legs. As in their arms are bigger then legs.

They're girls. Leg training is what separates the fairies from the men. I dread leg training, but my gym is full of sculpted upper bodies and thin hairy legs. They can't handle the pain :D
Regulus you're talking about hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy, which is not very well understood and may/may not occur in humans. It's the size of the existing fibres that get bigger.
Managed to get a 125kg deadlift for two reps last night \o/ Went like this:
20kg x8
60kg x8
90kg x8
90kg x8
100kg x5
110kg x3
120kg x3
125kg x2
60kg x8

So who knows, maybe there's yet more there if I didn't tire myself out first :) But I like to hit volume as well!

Also did Bent Over Rows for the first time, had someone show me how to do them with correct form, and wow, you can really feel that! Think I'll replace One Arm rows with Bent Over Rows now!
gonna mix up my training and go back to basics with the starting strength workout, is it ok to mix in some cardio days in between?
64 lengths of the pool tonight. Makes me so so hungry :D

Strap a shake to your head with a tube hanging down for easy sips :D

Speaking of Rippetoe, he's just done the latest T-Nation article on the importance of deep squats:


Great to read and Imust say I'm guilty of not going all the way down sometimes. When doing a squat above parallel it eally is an awful lot easier and you can easily rack at a good chunk more reps. But the deep burn from the low squat is very satisfying indeed.

Actually, I might just go do legs today inseatd of Back/Bi's :D
did squats 4x10 @ 75kg yesterday (nice and deep ofc) then front squats 2x5 @75kg supersetted with bodyweight x20

Just doing some higher rep loads atm, gonna do a light upper body workout on friday, my right rotator cuff is shagged! (well, inflamed and gonna have a few weeks of lighter loads)

Went for a light run today too :p (very light, only 12 mins +30 mins walking helping my brother get into it).
Does anyone know any decent Rowing Machines for sub £100? Probably not many but I've had a look in the shop with a catalogue but not sure if they're any good.

Thanks :D
Does anyone know any decent Rowing Machines for sub £100? Probably not many but I've had a look in the shop with a catalogue but not sure if they're any good.

Thanks :D

Don't waste your money, they are crap.

The only rower you should be using is a concept 2, but they are not cheap. Have a look on ebay for a 2nd hand Model C, but they would still be a good few hundred and not £100.

Save that £100 for gym membership or get some running shoes fitted and go out running.
Don't waste your money, they are crap.

The only rower you should be using is a concept 2, but they are not cheap. Have a look on ebay for a 2nd hand Model C, but they would still be a good few hundred and not £100.

Save that £100 for gym membership or get some running shoes fitted and go out running.

I'll give that a miss then :p

I'm buying a bike soon so doing that as well instead of running.

I would feel embarrassed at the gym that's why I was looking at getting some things for home (Already have weights)
Hey all, posted in the Beginners guide prior to this but this seems to be the post.

I've been checking up on form (a little late admittedly), having frequented the gym for a long time, and am very worried by my squats; I'm worried I will never be able to squat conventionally.

Basically, I'm 6"5, very tall in the legs, and not amazingly flexible. If I attempt a squat without feet very wide with the toes pointing out, I cant get a decent ROM (hardly at all) due to overbalancing backwards. With the wide stance I feel my knees coming in. With a 1.2" or so raise on my ankle (haven't tried this with weights as I know it isn't safe) I can get to just below right angles without overbalancing backwards.

What can I do to rectify this, specifically stretching, but also to train as I'm hesitant to do squats now knowing that my technique is so glaringly poor.

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