*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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21 Jun 2006
right this whole intermittent fasting website is full of too much crap and cant find a simple guide to follow.

6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
6-7 AM: Training.
8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
10 AM: 10 g BCAA
12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

this looks like the only decent info i can find as to a guide. how would i cater that to my routine, if i workout at around 7.00pm-8.30pm?

also he has an 8 hour feeding window, is that around normal? shouldn't the window be a lot smaller?

found this

12-1 PM or around lunch/noon: Meal one. Approximately 20-25% of daily total calorie intake.
4-5 PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
8-9 PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).

looks right for me
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6 Oct 2004
I managed 5x5 squats of 72.5KG today.....after doing a 5 mile run this morning and then spending a few hours ontop of an ISO container in 45oc heat :O!! I was shattered but somehow managed it.... oh...I weight 72.5KG at the moment as well, so it was bodyweight squats :)

My lower back is still hurting my when I deadlift, it's getting annoying now. I PB'd at 110KG a month ago and never had any pain - people commented on a good technique, now I can't even do 1x5 at 60kg!! I went down to 50KG today for my 1x5 and manage 3 reps before I thought 'Nah...this doesn't feel right'.

I've been looking around the stronglifts website and I don't think it's my deadlifts that's the problem, I think it's my squats!

I think i'm leaning forward ever so slightly on the squats which is putting stress on my lower back, so then when I go to deadlift my lower back is already foobared!

I'll correct my technique and see how I go on.
18 Oct 2002
South Wales
I have just started watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEvClanFAI over on youtube.

Ex pro dorian yates training other bodybuilders, after watching these vids I have started to train this way, and it is by far the best routine I have done and im my view its the best way to train.

The other good thing with yates as well is he doesnt talk a lot of bull like the other top level pro bodybuilders, and actually gives some really good advice.

Anyone else tried this way of training, and what are your thoughts?
8 Nov 2002
NW London
I have just started watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEvClanFAI over on youtube.

Ex pro dorian yates training other bodybuilders, after watching these vids I have started to train this way, and it is by far the best routine I have done and im my view its the best way to train.

The other good thing with yates as well is he doesnt talk a lot of bull like the other top level pro bodybuilders, and actually gives some really good advice.

Anyone else tried this way of training, and what are your thoughts?

My only probem is lack of consistent training partner. Love HIT when i can get a decent spotter. Yes you can do drops sets but i've never felt it to be quite as good as a proper assisted extra couple of reps.
7 Nov 2004
there is a lot to it, and im not an expert myself, still learning.

when you walk, your actually supposed to walk a certain way, to absorb the shock better. you supposed to stand a certain way, your supposed to run a certain way, etc.

when i squat, i place my feet roughly shoulder width apart, toes pointing slightly outwards, as you squat down, you want to push your knee's slightly outwards, under no circumstances should the knee cap when you line it up with your feet, should it be coming inwards. it should be all straight and lined up. because the toes are pointing outwards, the knees also have to line up in that same direction, that's why go you slightly outwards. or this may be specific to me because i have to push against the natural resistance.

im no expert, im just following what the physio taught me.

when it comes down to shoes, everybody's feet is different. i am flat footed, therefore i need a shoe with a decent arch or use insoles. flat shoes for me make my flat footed problem even worse.

tbh you really need to go see a specialist, they do a bio mechanical evaluation, takes some time and they feel your muscles, bones, etc, when moving and still, check your stance, walking, squatting, etc. as they go through it they tell you "oh this is a problem", "that's not right", etc and cater it to your needs. they use their eyes as well as their hands to see all the problems. they also compare your legs with each other.

my injured knee had muscle wastage compared to my okay knee. this can be accounted for by me favouring my okay knee and incorrect form.

the pain i get in my knee can be accounted for by muscle wastage and incorrect shoes (no decent arch support).

there are 3 types of foot:

normal = decent arch
flat footed = collapsed arch
large arch = high peaked arch

therefore you may not need insoles, etc and need specific shoes or insoles catered to you.

the shoes are some adidas http://www.google.co.uk/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Adidas+Power+Perfect

version II at £100 is expensive, but tbh i would buy even if they were £200, due to my injury.

they do not seem to offer decent arch support compared to the other adidas the 07 or 08 model which is about £160 this is the thing i am most interested in, if nightmare can verify the inner arch has decent support or not when he gets his, then i know whether or not i need to buy an insole to use inside them.

so its a choice of getting those for £100 and using a pair of £3 insoles if need be, or the £160 better arch supported shoes with a wooden heel, prone to cracking.

Thanks dude, when you say specialist, is it private or? Also what sort of specialist and how much did it cost? My main problem is cash at the moment :(
18 Oct 2002
South Wales
My only probem is lack of consistent training partner. Love HIT when i can get a decent spotter. Yes you can do drops sets but i've never felt it to be quite as good as a proper assisted extra couple of reps.

Yeh agreed mate, I have got a fairly stable training partner at the moment, so he can help me with the forced reps.
Since starting this routine I have never been so knackered/pumped. Best way of training I have ever tried.
21 Jun 2006
Thanks dude, when you say specialist, is it private or? Also what sort of specialist and how much did it cost? My main problem is cash at the moment :(

i was referred to orthopaedics for further evaluation on my knee problem by my GP, orthopaedics after finding zero problem with my ACL or bones but found i was extreme hypermobile with their bio mechanical evaluation referred me to my local physio. all on NHS. physio then told me after another evaluation what i should be doing and told me to get my GP to refer me to a podiatrist. i asked for that referral several months back, not heard anything so far (waiting lists up here are like 3-6 months just to get an appointment, the appointment can then be several months later down the line).

tbh in future i will be getting some sort of private medical insurance, i did have it before but guess what i cancelled it 1 month before my knee injury, what are the chances of that? waiting lists are a joke and the doctors probably skimp on treatment in order to save money if there is a cheaper option which can be made but isn't as good. i know people with private insurance (can be had for £20-£30 a month) and if they ask for something it gets done straight away, they get put up in nice rooms (had ACL operations) with sky tv and all that jazz. they ask for an mri it gets done in day's, i had to wait month's.
21 Jun 2006
29" thighs and 16" arms? holy imbalance that's quite shocking.

my legs are naturally that big, i dont think they have grown much if at all. my arms on the other hand, i haven't done much isolation work but i have started to do so over the past month. my arms look quite big now compared to 2 months ago, but i think genetically im supposed to have small arms and huge legs. the weakest part of my body is shoulders and back.
13 Jan 2004
Hi Guys,

I've just started rippetoes SS and the DOMS are definitely taking it out of me!
Am I doing the right thing by working through the DOMS on my next session or should I fully rest until everything is healed?
30 Sep 2005
Did chest and arms yesterday, gym was empty so played around on smith machines, was good, really pushed myself.

Even went for a 2 mile run this morning at 8am and done a 10 miles bike ride, might do legs tomorrow.
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