*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Strength is where it's at tbh. There's so much enjoyment out of stepping up to the squat rack after someone twice your size has finished a set, then loading up twice the weight and squatting in front of their shocked face. Immature, but I don't care. :D

Though at the minute I'm a cripple and have massive envy :(

different people go for different reasons, none of the general public goes to the gym to gain strength, its usually a by product of them wanting bigger muscles. therefore that bigger guy could be laughing at you, just as you do him when he thinks, look at this idiot lifting all that weight yet he has no muscles.

therefore in his eyes your the one doing things wrong. neither of you is correct and neither of you is wrong, it's all subjective.
Oh of course, I agree totally. :)

In reality, I'm not actually laughing at them or anything. I just get a bit of a kick out of it. :)

Agree with the intensity like sigma says. If I see someone lifting lots of weight easily, or they are doing it with pants form just to lift that weight, someone lifting a fraction of the weight with proper form and clearly giving it all they have gets my respect. :)

I realise now my previous post makes me look a complete pratt. That wasn't the intention. :o
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Me and my mates got our chains this week. Played around with them today and they are a lot of fun :)

front squats 2x10x110kg used wrist wraps for the first time and they help massively. Aiming for 120 for 10 next time

Deficit deads 2x10x167.5kg+18kg of chains, so 185.5kg at the top. Really enjoyed these, although my hamstrings were quite upset with me.
peanut butter from your local supermarket works out cheaper and you dont need to pay for delivery, etc too, i dont understand why people buy peanut butter from myprotein tbh.

I never pay for delivery (always big orders) Much prefer the MP peanut butter over Sunpat, and now LOVE the almond butter.... pity i ordered a few days ago so missed the 20% off :(
im talking about the "heart" here and your cardiovascular system.

lifting weights does practically bugger all for your heart and cardiovascular system.

i have seen guys who are huge and can lift heavy, stick them on a treadmill and they will be having a cardiac arrest within 3 minutes.

two other people have said the same thing above, if you don't want to believe this then don't.

lifting weights has very little affect, cardio on the other hand does. when your lifting weights, do you honestly think it pushes your heart to the same level cardio does?

It's entirely dependent on what you're actually doing. Just lifting weights isn't going to automatically get your heart pumping, but if you incorporate cardio aspects in to the weight lifting, like "supersets" of olympic style lifting, cleans and presses, focusing on power and speed, as well as a large set, you can get a lot of cardio benefit from that, when I've done things like that it really gets my heart pumping.
theres no excuse for that delvis, unless your dead that is, you cant just take 2 weeks off because your busy, how exactly will you ever get anywhere?

Actually when i take a few weeks off and go back i seem to lift heavier in about 2 sessions back:p
Actually when i take a few weeks off and go back i seem to lift heavier in about 2 sessions back:p

I did this recently. Took 2 weeks off, lazed around, ate crap and missed meals, came back to the gym and was stronger.

Took a picture the other day to highlight my ankle problem. Feet are in line, heels pressed onto the floor. As you can see the left knee goes much further forward, and can go more if i stretch or put my other knee on the floor. Right side however that is the absolute limit, and unlike other stretching there is no play in it whatsoever, just stops there and if i try push forward more is pretty painful.

Took a picture the other day to highlight my ankle problem. Feet are in line, heels pressed onto the floor. As you can see the left knee goes much further forward, and can go more if i stretch or put my other knee on the floor. Right side however that is the absolute limit, and unlike other stretching there is no play in it whatsoever, just stops there and if i try push forward more is pretty painful.


is that rubber matting or cheap foam that you get in a pack for about £16?

if its the cheap foam stuff, it is awful, i dropped a 25kg dumbell on it and it went straight through it, i got the stuff for free and i threw it away after that. people who sell that stuff should be castrated.
is that rubber matting or cheap foam that you get in a pack for about £16?

if its the cheap foam stuff, it is awful, i dropped a 25kg dumbell on it and it went straight through it, i got the stuff for free and i threw it away after that. people who sell that stuff should be castrated.

Ive got that stuff in garage under my rack also. I dropped a 40Kg dbell on it...and it went right through the matting....and made a big friggin hole in the concrete floor under too :D I need to replace it..really...but I got 300kg rack and stack I need to move first :(
theres no excuse for that delvis, unless your dead that is, you cant just take 2 weeks off because your busy, how exactly will you ever get anywhere?

It's called having a life other than the gym ;)

I went on holiday, then had to help with a house move...So yes, I have an exscuse :p

And I will get somewhere over time, i'm here for a quite some time yet so hey :)
If it moves forward AT ALL, use that range of motion in the mobilisation. This isn't a stretch, this will gradually get more ROM out of your joint but you need to work at it.

Do you get pain anywhere?
Just in your foot or sometimes in your knee?

I've posted a lot of videos relevant to this in the mobility thread. I've looked into this quite a bit because my ankles, calves and knees have a bit of a history of being crap.
It's my ankle only. No doubt down to this which is why im not expecting any normal mobility stuff to work. I just want to be able to go lower than parallel on my squat without falling over :( My knees are **** too but thats a different story, along with my elbows and all my other problems :D
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