*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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His bodytype is actually what I'm 'semi' aiming for. Some decent mass but very good definition.

Anyway whilst yous lot are mirin him I'm currently mirin and consuming this...


I'm with you. :)

However, I'm actually asking if the Steam Room itself will be of any detriment. I'm still drinking my shake the moment I am finished training, but I was asking if sitting in a hot steamy room for 30mins is going to hinder - not if I delay taking my shake for 30 mins is going to hinder :)

Ahhh, in that case no clue, i doubt it will hurt although i have never read any studies on temperatures impact on stress and cortisol. I would imagine it has the potential to cause stress and decrease stress.

messiah_khan - protein flapjack be fine m8 they have 25g or so protein. As for a minimum i do not know i would assume its around 10g and above but purely an estimate.
Personally I'd not want to lose any more water than I need to so sauna isn't for me right after a workout.
UE, wouldn't protein consumption pre-workout negate the need to stifle cortisol production after workout with a post-workout shake/meal? I usually have 60g of protein prior to working out which takes hours to digest fully so I will still be absorbing it after I've finished lifting.
UE, wouldn't protein consumption pre-workout negate the need to stifle cortisol production after workout with a post-workout shake/meal? I usually have 60g of protein prior to working out which takes hours to digest fully so I will still be absorbing it after I've finished lifting.

Well firstly if you're digesting while lifting then you're hampering your lifting ability, there is absoloutely no grounds that i am aware of for taking anything but a few simple sugars pre work out.

Of course you may mean a few hours pre such as a full meal, however this has no bearing on your hormonal state created by working out. The pressure on the CNS and the introduction of lactic acid into the blood stream over the course of the workout is primarily what stimulates cortisol production. The presence of protein in the blood serum itself is not what helps to control the cortisol, it is the INTRODUCTION of protein into the bloodstream that stems the stress response.

Its important that you separate those facts in your mind because whilst what you say on the surface makes sense, the biological mechanisms do not work in that way. Think about it like fixing a car before a race, no matter how much you fix it beforehand, it will still become damaged from the stress and need repairing afterwards
Cheers UE, hadn't thought about it like that. The reason I have protein pre-workout is for the BCAAs that are absorbed intra-workout, plus I'll be on the tail end of a 16-18 hour fast so I like to have at least something before a heavy workout. I do eat directly after as well for what it's worth.
On Weds' session I decided to spread my legs apart slightly to allow me to go deeper on squats. It worked a little but I'm going to have to keep at it for a while I think...

Todays chest session went amazingly, I was doing 15kg dumbbells but realised after the 2nd set that I was finding them pretty easy so switched to 17.5 and finished off on those!

Was buzzing after that because it means I'm back to where I was the last time I was in the gym so I decided to try 12.5 DB shoulder presses which were tough! Could not manage the 5 rep of any set but meh, think I might stick with it?

Not sure what gave me the strength today, think it's an accumulation of eating OK and being in the gym for about 6 weeks. If I can do 20kg DB chest press in ~6 weeks (and I think it should be possible) I will probably cry. :D :D :D

Must thank FF and UE for pointing me in the direction of the insulin business, only been at it since Thurs but I do feel a lot less bloated, I have however realised that I had become addicted to sweet stuff, especially chocolate/cakes after meals! Still get the cravings now but I am tackling them. :D

20kg DB press in 6 weeks?

Cmon you can aim higher than that! You will crack that in two and be on 24-26's in 6 weeks.

Pain is only weakness leaving the body.
Cheers UE, hadn't thought about it like that. The reason I have protein pre-workout is for the BCAAs that are absorbed intra-workout, plus I'll be on the tail end of a 16-18 hour fast so I like to have at least something before a heavy workout. I do eat directly after as well for what it's worth.

Now bear in mind that this might just be my overbearing narcissistic edge, but don't you think its a little silly to be focussing on a complex nutritional angle involving specific amino absorption mid workout, something that is relatively unproven to even work, and yet at the same time forgoing the 1 lynchpin strategy that has held bodybuilders in good stead since time immemorial?

You must eat a carb loaded pre train meal 2hours before training.
You must ingest fast acting protein immediately after training preferably with a source of simple sugar.

These 2 practices I firmly believe take precedent over any other with the possible exception of a shake first thing in the morning.
From what I've read and learnt, I'm going to have to disagree with you on the recommendation of a carb-loaded meal prior to working out. If you haven't already, this and this are worth a read regarding fasted training (particularly, training with low circulating levels of carbohydrates). The study examined in the second article by Martin suggests that lower circulating carbohydrate levels during a workout actually increases uptake of glycogen in muscles. Now, it's worth bearing in mind this is for endurance training, the first article is more specific for weight training. Unlike fasted endurance training, fasted weight training sees a lower VO2max which will mean you won't be able to workout for as long (due to lack of necessary fuel for the muscles). However, fat oxidation and glucose tolerance (this insulin sensitivity) is increased.

I guess it all depends what your aims are, but at the moment I prefer fasted training for the reasons above. Further, despite theoretically having a lower VO2max I find I can workout harder, for longer. This, I think, is a result of not having a "carb comedown" mid workout which used to always stifle my training when having a carb-rich meal prior.
I've been working on my mobility the past few weeks. This means lots of warrior lunges, glute stretching, hamstring stetching, hip flexor stretching, adductor stretching etc. as well as a lot holding the ATG squat position, and many sets of light ATG squats. Also plenty of thoracic spine stuff (which I *suck* at, I can't believe how locked up my thoracic area is! :( )

My legs have been pumped since Friday, meaning I have had an entire week of pumped legs. It's going to feel weird when they finally deflate :o
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