*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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It's called having a life other than the gym ;)

I went on holiday, then had to help with a house move...So yes, I have an exscuse :p

And I will get somewhere over time, i'm here for a quite some time yet so hey :)

im not at all convinced m8, i run a company, have a missus and kid, 2 houses always in disarray. I work average 10 hour days i train others in my down time, im on a squash team and a pool team. Sometimes im in the gym at 1am other times im getting up at 4AM to make sure i have carbs in me for training at 7.

Its making life work around your gym time that leads to success. Im not sure what your expecting to achieve if "being busy" means you'll stop training.
Ive got that stuff in garage under my rack also. I dropped a 40Kg dbell on it...and it went right through the matting....and made a big friggin hole in the concrete floor under too :D I need to replace it..really...but I got 300kg rack and stack I need to move first :(

strengthshop has some really good cheap rubber mats, i bought 5 for around £100 delivered when they were on sale, probably around £120 now for 5.

they are slightly thinner than 17mm though so im going to double them up, for £100 for 5 mats you cant complain, my other mats were £60+ each, so 2 of these doubled up is better and cheaper.
I did this recently. Took 2 weeks off, lazed around, ate crap and missed meals, came back to the gym and was stronger.


It's why I listened to a few of the well known bodybuilders and took a week off. They recommend a week off every 8 to 10 weeks. It helps your body grow and repair any niggling little problems.

It does drive you nuts though - I was climbing the walls to get back to weight lifting!!
It's why I listened to a few of the well known bodybuilders and took a week off. They recommend a week off every 8 to 10 weeks. It helps your body grow and repair any niggling little problems.

It does drive you nuts though - I was climbing the walls to get back to weight lifting!!

i was pushing my body hard then went on a 5 day bender (relatives from canada came over and had many parties, they were over for a wedding) and i became ill shortly after the bender took like 1 week to recover, so i decided to give my body a rest, finally getting back into it today, its been a month.
It's my ankle only. No doubt down to this which is why im not expecting any normal mobility stuff to work. I just want to be able to go lower than parallel on my squat without falling over :( My knees are **** too but thats a different story, along with my elbows and all my other problems :D
I suspected you had some complication, which is why I posted that vid rather than some calf/achilles stretches. Do it every day and try to get more range each time.

It's also quite likely that your knees are contributing to the problem. What exactly is wrong with your them?
Me and my mates got our chains this week. Played around with them today and they are a lot of fun :)

front squats 2x10x110kg used wrist wraps for the first time and they help massively. Aiming for 120 for 10 next time

Deficit deads 2x10x167.5kg+18kg of chains, so 185.5kg at the top. Really enjoyed these, although my hamstrings were quite upset with me.
Forgot to add that I benched 95kg for 10 quite easily, really pleased with that. Shoulder is basically fine now. I'm supposed to do 100kg next week but if that's easy I'll go up to 105kg. This is a pretty big deal for me as at the beginning of this year I couldn't do 90kg for 10 reps :cool:
Awesome icecold :) I found pinning my shoulders back while bench pressing made the biggest difference to my shoulder.

My shoulders were so bad that even using healthy queues like that didn't help. Many hours of mobility work later and things are a lot better, and apparently my shoulders have changed shape both when relaxed and when on the bench. I would also get weird uneven activation in my chest/anterior delts, but that's on the way out too. I'm still quite restricted, but I'm slowly eroding years of doing things very badly
I have just come back from my first CrossFit session. That was the most ruelling toughest thing I have ever done. No question the guys who train are serious athletes. I thought i was reasonablyfit; boy was i wrong.
I have just come back from my first CrossFit session. That was the most ruelling toughest thing I have ever done. No question the guys who train are serious athletes. I thought i was reasonablyfit; boy was i wrong.

did you do a specific WOD? or just learning the ropes?
did you do a specific WOD? or just learning the ropes?

We did a half Kelly WOD

5 Rounds For Time:

Run 200m

15 Box Jump

15 Wall Ball

only managed 14.38seconds dissapointed but i was just a pool on the floor on the last wall ball.
im not at all convinced m8, i run a company, have a missus and kid, 2 houses always in disarray. I work average 10 hour days i train others in my down time, im on a squash team and a pool team. Sometimes im in the gym at 1am other times im getting up at 4AM to make sure i have carbs in me for training at 7.

Its making life work around your gym time that leads to success. Im not sure what your expecting to achieve if "being busy" means you'll stop training.

Riteo, you have different goals, that's that.

I was in Germany, in the middle of a field, and guess what...There aren't many gyms in the middle of the field, in Germany :p...So yes, being busy, usually means I am being busy.

Anyway, I am achieving what I want to achieve, going to the gym in any manner is better than not going to the gym.
Here's a little something I just tried, really fancied some nutella on toast because I was starving waiting for lunch to cook but decided on something a bit more healthy. I got some of my choc protein blend mixed it into a paste with a tiny amount of water and spread it on my toast. Chocolate toast goodness! With some decent macros
Thought Id throw this in here for lols:
nice picture, i was actually trying to explain that exact same thing to my fiancee yesterday. she was like how come all those guys you see on worlds strongest man are all fat and have huge stomachs and in fact sometimes their stomachs are so big they struggle to lift the thing because their stomach gets in the way.

this is how normal people think lol.
I don't think it's an accurate comparison - get a strongman down to 6% bodyfat and I'd wager he'd look a lot like a bodybuilder


Although strongmen are (unsurprisingly) generally stronger than bodybuilders, put the guy in the top picture back to his off-season 10%+ bodyfat and just see how strong he is...
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