*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Dat core (no homo)

It's called a GH gut. a lot of the big bodybuilders have it as well.;)
im not at all convinced m8, i run a company, have a missus and kid, 2 houses always in disarray. I work average 10 hour days i train others in my down time, im on a squash team and a pool team. Sometimes im in the gym at 1am other times im getting up at 4AM to make sure i have carbs in me for training at 7.

Its making life work around your gym time that leads to success. Im not sure what your expecting to achieve if "being busy" means you'll stop training.

People just need to listen to their bodies. Having a break is not going to do you any harm. It's easy to burn out and cause injuries and actually take a step backwards. As long as you manage your diet with your level of activity you can keep a good status quo going.

I guess also it depends on your goals. Mine have changed, although I never thought they would! So it's just a question of keeping that balance.

As for the strongman vs bodybuilding debate - it's not really comparable, as they are 2 completely different disciplines, just as powerlifting is also a different discipline.

I'm sure the big bodybuilders wouldn't fair too badly in strongman comps, but they're just not training to be that strong or powerful, they are building and training for stimulation muscle growth not strength development. However, as resistance increases your body will naturally get stronger - furthermore teh amount of drugs they have in their bodies it'll aid that strength development too.

I'm far more interested in strongman physiques and training - although I'm after keeping leaner and meaner now, I still feel more at one with the strongman psychology than I do with anything bodybuilding related.

Neither are better or worse they are just different sports really. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you train hard, eat well and keep your CV fitness in check, irrespective of what route you choose, do it, give it your 100% and enjoy your life! Life's too short - you've got to enjoy yourself too. Whilst I am dedicated and keen to keep my fitness up and keep my strength and size, I won't sacrifice everything for it - hence why I enjoy my weekends, eating lots "naughty" foods, having a drink or two (or three). Of course if you compete or want to take this to higher levels then of course priorities change... but quality of life is more important!

Speaking of which, 4 days in Ireland coming up.... :D
It's called a GH gut. a lot of the big bodybuilders have it as well.;)

When I was "bigger" I had a bit of a gut like that, it's just the amount of food you eat, and the amount of visceral fat. Obviously if some people take on huge amounts of GH their organs will increase in size.

Most big guys though irrespective of drug use will have a large amount of visceral fat - which, frankly, is far more dangerous than subcutaneous fat - which is down purely to aesthetics. Visceral fat is a killer - it effectively chokes your organs - though conversely not having enough can also damage the organs as it's there to cushion and insulate and protect the organs too - though if you have decent muscle mass that will effectively offer the similar protection it can be argued...
you can lose weight doing anything correctly. I could probably come up with a marsbar and protein shake diet that worked. But working, working well and staying healthy are worlds apart

I'd argue that doing well and staying healthy ought to be part and parcel of the same thing. Why do things by half? :)
It's easy to 'enjoy yourself' when you're huge already. In my position I am forcing myself to be disciplined, that's not to say I'm not enjoying it but I feel that I need to just say "no" to certain things.

Good post, as im sure you understand, my beef with Delvis' break from training is nothing like a meatheaded macho trip that demands throwing up while squatting and training no less than 50 hours a day.

It's moreover the fact that when i got here he [delvis] was generally discussing poor results and difficulties gaining, for which i offered support on the diet side, however this was basically countered with "i cant afford to eat that". Subsequently he then posts about taking 2 weeks off for 1, a holiday which is acceptable and 2 moving house which is categorically not, and even worse the post was basically flaunting that fact like it was something people should pity him for and console him about. Like the fat guy on facebook posting "Just ate a whole tub of ice cream :( diet fail :( :(* "

Ive been around trainees too long now not to react bluntly, ive seen who will and wont achieve their goals, and who does and who doesn't deserve assistance achieving those goals. I do wish delvis all the best in his endeavors, and i hope in 12-18 months time he can post back and prove me totally wrong.

But i think the truth is he will be right where he is now asking those same questions, getting the same answers and no results, wondering why.
You shouldn't. You should make yourself happy. If you want a chocolate bar go for it. I don't crave them (well I do sometimes) and when I do I eat them. However, 9/10 times, during the week, I don't eat chocolate, I don't eat simple carbs or cakes or rubbish food, and do eat really well and train really hard. Even most weekends, but over the last few weekends I've been either away with friends for parties, or birthday parties (:p) etc... Off to Ireland this weekend, and whilst I shall try and eat fairly well, I doubt I'll have the time to go for a run or a skip, certainly no weight training - so you just have to accept it, eat as well as you can, maybe walk or take the stairs instead of the lift, and do little things to help.

When I say "go crazy" I don't mean eat everything you see, and screw the consequences, but when you have little choice, it's about making the best choice, and sometimes, sod it, have the 1000calorie chocolate fudge cake - doing that from time to time is not going to do you any harm.
I'm certainly not unhappy at the moment. :) For instance we had a bbq Sunday, whilst I did eat, I didn't eat any of the rolls because they were white rolls so I just ate meat and salad etc and drank squash rather than booze. Still had a great time but remained disciplined.

My problem with chocolate is that I'll eat one today then I'll get a taste for it and eat one tomorrow then one the day after, then cakes, then more sugary stuff! I did reward myself with two small chocolates from a box of heroes after my first week of insulin control though.
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I'm certainly not unhappy at the moment. :) For instance we had a bbq Sunday, whilst I did eat, I didn't eat any of the rolls because they were white rolls so I just ate meat and salad etc and drank squash rather than booze. Still had a great time but remained disciplined.

My problem with chocolate is that I'll eat one today then I'll get a taste for it and eat one tomorrow then one the day after, then cakes, then more sugary stuff! I did reward myself with two small chocolates from a box of heroes after my first week of insulin control though.

I have a similar problem with Pizza! I'm good all week, but as soon as the weekend comes and the Football is on, I crave a Pizza hut. I can't help myself and give in sometimes, then feel dirty afterwards. I hate myself for doing it, not to mention it costs me nearly £18 a time! :(
Good post, as im sure you understand, my beef with Delvis' break from training is nothing like a meatheaded macho trip that demands throwing up while squatting and training no less than 50 hours a day.

It's moreover the fact that when i got here he [delvis] was generally discussing poor results and difficulties gaining, for which i offered support on the diet side, however this was basically countered with "i cant afford to eat that". Subsequently he then posts about taking 2 weeks off for 1, a holiday which is acceptable and 2 moving house which is categorically not, and even worse the post was basically flaunting that fact like it was something people should pity him for and console him about. Like the fat guy on facebook posting "Just ate a whole tub of ice cream :( diet fail :( :(* "

Ive been around trainees too long now not to react bluntly, ive seen who will and wont achieve their goals, and who does and who doesn't deserve assistance achieving those goals. I do wish delvis all the best in his endeavors, and i hope in 12-18 months time he can post back and prove me totally wrong.

But i think the truth is he will be right where he is now asking those same questions, getting the same answers and no results, wondering why.

I don't know about Delvis directly - but your general point about people complaining about not getting results when they are not putting the effort in is valid. Again I don't want to single Delvis out as I don't know his situation, but I have many times put on FB "eaten too much of this... diet fail :(" type of statuses... or "too tired for gym..." etc... because sometimes, my body is just saying, "gym? **** off mate, you're having a laugh aren't ya?!"

However, I do bounce back and when I do I'm on it like a dog on heat full of viagra with 200 legs to choose from. However my training is very cyclical, i.e. I'll be on it for 8 weeks solid, then falter for a bit, then bounce back. Yet because I do things properly and well when I am "on it" - it doesn't have too much of a detrimental effect in the long term.
I have a similar problem with Pizza! I'm good all week, but as soon as the weekend comes and the Football is on, I crave a Pizza hut. I can't help myself and give in sometimes, then feel dirty afterwards. I hate myself for doing it, not to mention it costs me nearly £18 a time! :(

Every time I am in the supermarket I can literally smell the chocolate through the wrappers. :o:o:o

Strangely I get a buzz off forcing myself not to buy them. This problem of lack of discipline is what has seen me not gain anything (apart from a little belly) over the last few years and I am determined not to fall back in to that trap. I've only been training for around 6 or so weeks, if I start allowing myself to fall back I'll end up going nowhere.

No chocs, booze, processed foods etc!

You could battle the pizza thing by making your own at home - you'll still feed your habit but at least you'll be certain of what you're eating. :) I have made chocolate at home in the past and I'll probably do it again when I start introducing more carbs, sugars and treats into my diet.

However, I do bounce back and when I do I'm on it like a dog on heat full of viagra with 200 legs to choose from.

I guess this is where we differ. I need routine and I need to force myself into it, especially at the early stages, my main goal is to make it to the 12-week mark without failing.
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I'm not going to disagree with anything UE said as I respect his opinion too much, but I will say my opinion on breaks and training differs, only through my personal experience

I think not taking a week off and being too strict on yourself can mean you eventually get in the mind set that you can't take a week off, and that you HAVE to go to the gym, no matter what. Same with your diet, if you're too strict and never treat yourself, you start to worry too much when you do, and then you stop enjoying your food and the diet becomes a chore

Before last year, I didn't take much time off, but if I did want too or need too, I didn't think twice about it and just did it. Whether it was for a rest or just a week off, it didn't phase me. I had goals but I also didn't want the gym to rule my life in that I felt I couldn't really take a week off as it was affecting my gains etc. Same with my diet, last year, if I missed a meal, meh, not a single **** was given, and if I wanted to binge, it wouldn't bother me. Also, I'd sleep in and I'd not think about "need protein after a long nights sleep" etc

Fast forward to October 2010 onwards, the gym rules my life. And that's not a good thing. I can't take a week off, and won't do anything like holidays unless it fits in with a scheduled rest week. I won't go out on Friday nights as I want a good nights sleep after a heavy back day. I don't drink, because all I can think about is the negative affect (even if I have just a couple) it will have on my gains. I won't take days off work apart from Wednesday because it's my day off the gym. If I'm sick, I'll still go to work because I can't miss the gym (gym is next to my office).

Diet wise, I refuse to stray off track (apart from a meal out with the other half), why? Because I value every gram and every calorie of my diet plan. I won't ever have a lie in, no matter how tired, I'm up at 7am every morning of every day, and cooking my breakfast. Drives my girlfriend up the wall but to me it's a necessity. If I'm going out for the day, I'll take food with me, no matter what we're doing, and I'll make sure I eat it and not care what people think

I make sure I'm in bed by 10 at the latest every day apart from Saturday, and it bothers me if I have to be up later than that.

I'm so strict on myself and it has taken over my life. To the point that I'm well aware it's no longer a good type of strict, it's one of obsession rather than passion, it's almost work rather than a hobby.

And I was all ready to give it up after my competition this year, because that was what all this was leading up to. I was going to let the gym be a hobby again and be relaxed about it all again. But I wasn't happy with how I looked. My girlfriend seems to think I'll be the same next year, but she doesn't understand that it's not about placing to me, I wouldn't care if I came last or won, all I want from this is to be able to buy those photos and look at them and say "Yep, I absolutely nailed it 100% that day, I couldn't have done any more or looked any better". And once I've done that, I can be happy. It's about being able to be proud of what I've done, and don't get me wrong, I am of this year, but I know I was far from perfect that day, I'd lost a lot of size, was carrying too much fat and water and a lot of other things. And I honestly can't look at my photos as I think I look horrible

So this year I've tightened the reins even more, because it was being slack before that meant I didn't come in at 100% last time, so I've eliminated the slack to make sure next year once I've stepped off that stage and look at the photos, I can say that

Basically, after all that rambling, what I'm trying to say is, don't worry about having a week off, it won't hurt, as long as when you are in the gym you are as intense as you can be. Don't let it take over your life.

Remember, the iron can be your best friend, he's a loyal one, he's there when you're happy, angry or sad. But he's not a social friend, and he'll make you a lonely person if you let him
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That is why I will never compete. I like the little things too much in life that would take me away from my goals! I'd rather go out with my friends, have a lie in, go on holiday, enjoy myself than sacrifice any of that. I'd sacrifice my training over not being able to see friends or spend time with the OH. :)
Good post, as im sure you understand, my beef with Delvis' break from training is nothing like a meatheaded macho trip that demands throwing up while squatting and training no less than 50 hours a day.

It's moreover the fact that when i got here he [delvis] was generally discussing poor results and difficulties gaining, for which i offered support on the diet side, however this was basically countered with "i cant afford to eat that". Subsequently he then posts about taking 2 weeks off for 1, a holiday which is acceptable and 2 moving house which is categorically not, and even worse the post was basically flaunting that fact like it was something people should pity him for and console him about. Like the fat guy on facebook posting "Just ate a whole tub of ice cream :( diet fail :( :(* "

Ive been around trainees too long now not to react bluntly, ive seen who will and wont achieve their goals, and who does and who doesn't deserve assistance achieving those goals. I do wish delvis all the best in his endeavors, and i hope in 12-18 months time he can post back and prove me totally wrong.

But i think the truth is he will be right where he is now asking those same questions, getting the same answers and no results, wondering why.

wow that's a bit harsh, im pretty sure the guy is in a bit of a rut, judging by his posts, he doesn't have much money, etc. depressed about his life and injuries, etc.

but i don't think it's fair to just have a go at him. your basically saying don't help the guy because he doesn't seem to want to help himself. like i say, he is probably depressed, so no need to stick the boot in further.

i dont know his personal situation but judging by his posts, im guessing his accommodation and related bills are too high compared to his income. he should maybe look at moving in with someone (parent's, friends, etc and saving as much cash as possible to buy a small place).
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