*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Steedie - Hope i can validate that high opinion of me you have, your achievements in getting to competitive level far outweigh anything i've managed! Your points are very valid.

FF- Agreed i could never compete even my level of obsession and commitment which i feel is far above the average doesn't come close to enough, id have to sacrifice too much

Psycho Sonny - Too many people pandering to each others problems in this day and age. Im not meaning to really single out Delvis, he is one of many who behave similarily. I sympathise wholly with real life being tough at times. I have lost a years hard earned progress because my own immune system decided to try and kill me. But he is a big lad, all grown up, he can reach his goals, he can exceed his goals, he can do and be anything he wants to be! But me sitting here at a keyboard telling him its "all ok 2 weeks off is fine, food? yeah dont worry about food eat what you like, there there want ultra to rub your little belly" What exactly does that achieve?

Maybe he gets angry at me, maybe upset, maybe he doesnt care, who knows but i am speaking home truths, he MUST eat and he MUST dedicate more time to the gym if he want to improve. You simply cannot compare someone at his level to freefaller or steedie etc Once you hyave achieved a good level and know your apples you can do almost anything you want give or take.

But to begin with you really do need to go above and beyond to avoid failure.
well after basicalay 3 weeks off i was back in the gym yesterday, lifts were all down a tad but on my last deadlift set i bangd out 110kg's for 6 and nearly passed a kidney afterwards :D
People just need to listen to their bodies. Having a break is not going to do you any harm. It's easy to burn out and cause injuries and actually take a step backwards. As long as you manage your diet with your level of activity you can keep a good status quo going.

I guess also it depends on your goals. Mine have changed, although I never thought they would! So it's just a question of keeping that balance.


As stated, I was in the middle of a field, and quite frankly didn't fancy doing press-ups after 4 hours sleep :p ;)
Good post, as im sure you understand, my beef with Delvis' break from training is nothing like a meatheaded macho trip that demands throwing up while squatting and training no less than 50 hours a day.

It's moreover the fact that when i got here he [delvis] was generally discussing poor results and difficulties gaining, for which i offered support on the diet side, however this was basically countered with "i cant afford to eat that". Subsequently he then posts about taking 2 weeks off for 1, a holiday which is acceptable and 2 moving house which is categorically not, and even worse the post was basically flaunting that fact like it was something people should pity him for and console him about. Like the fat guy on facebook posting "Just ate a whole tub of ice cream :( diet fail :( :(* "

Ive been around trainees too long now not to react bluntly, ive seen who will and wont achieve their goals, and who does and who doesn't deserve assistance achieving those goals. I do wish delvis all the best in his endeavors, and i hope in 12-18 months time he can post back and prove me totally wrong.

But i think the truth is he will be right where he is now asking those same questions, getting the same answers and no results, wondering why.

I'm sorry, but lol...I actually liked and took in your advice when you came back. I didn't post about poor results I posted a pick from a few years ago before I started training, to how I was now, with some training on and off for various reasons. I am now doing the gym thing 3 times a week, and eating more purely because my needs require it. Which is better than no gym for me and i'm already seeing some results.

And you know what, no, I can't afford to eat a whole chicken a day, I'm on something like 12k a year, over half of my wage goes towards rent, then there are bills, and general living (petrol and car maintenance for example)...Currently I'm making do with what I can afford and can eat. However I feel that it is working.

I'm not after results within 6 months, i'm hoping to keep doing this for a long time and build up my physique over time, purely because I do not wish to take the bulk / cutting route currently.

I don't know about Delvis directly - but your general point about people complaining about not getting results when they are not putting the effort in is valid. Again I don't want to single Delvis out as I don't know his situation, but I have many times put on FB "eaten too much of this... diet fail :(" type of statuses... or "too tired for gym..." etc... because sometimes, my body is just saying, "gym? **** off mate, you're having a laugh aren't ya?!"

Indeed, people do give up way too easily because they don't get results quickly, they either give up or pump up by other means. However, I'm aware things take time and I don't mind this.

wow that's a bit harsh, im pretty sure the guy is in a bit of a rut, judging by his posts, he doesn't have much money, etc. depressed about his life and injuries, etc.

but i don't think it's fair to just have a go at him. your basically saying don't help the guy because he doesn't seem to want to help himself. like i say, he is probably depressed, so no need to stick the boot in further.

i dont know his personal situation but judging by his posts, im guessing his accommodation and related bills are too high compared to his income. he should maybe look at moving in with someone (parent's, friends, etc and saving as much cash as possible to buy a small place).

Cheers dude :)...I just won't post up unless I have something positive to say :o (RAWR EATEN FIVE CHICKENS TODAY! HORARR!)

Psycho Sonny - Too many people pandering to each others problems in this day and age. Im not meaning to really single out Delvis, he is one of many who behave similarily. I sympathise wholly with real life being tough at times. I have lost a years hard earned progress because my own immune system decided to try and kill me. But he is a big lad, all grown up, he can reach his goals, he can exceed his goals, he can do and be anything he wants to be! But me sitting here at a keyboard telling him its "all ok 2 weeks off is fine, food? yeah dont worry about food eat what you like, there there want ultra to rub your little belly" What exactly does that achieve?

Maybe he gets angry at me, maybe upset, maybe he doesnt care, who knows but i am speaking home truths, he MUST eat and he MUST dedicate more time to the gym if he want to improve. You simply cannot compare someone at his level to freefaller or steedie etc Once you hyave achieved a good level and know your apples you can do almost anything you want give or take.

But to begin with you really do need to go above and beyond to avoid failure.

Not angry, just thoroughly confused by you really.

I'm not sure how helping someone move house 300 miles isn't a valid reason to not get to a gym...What should I do next time, say no? Yes i'll just defriend myself with everyone I know :p

I would also like a belly rub right now, it would go down a treat :)
As i say Delvis, its not a dig at you per sey, just knuckle down, whatever you think you need to do do even more. I may be just a grumpy old jaded trainer, i dunno. But that old saying "where theres a will theres a way", its a good one.
As i say Delvis, its not a dig at you per sey, just knuckle down, whatever you think you need to do do even more. I may be just a grumpy old jaded trainer, i dunno. But that old saying "where theres a will theres a way", its a good one.


Believe me, I'm training, and will hopefully have results to show in a few months :)
Think I might have to stop taking whey. :rolleyes:

Not entirely sure, but I believe it is causing me to have digestion problems and spots. :rolleyes:

No, it's unflavoured. :(

I had a 1.5 scoops of whey after Friday's session and my stomach wasn't right until Sunday and today (after whey pwo yesterday) I have a spot on my face. Usually I'd put it down to poor diet but my diet has been pretty good.
I used to (many many years) ago found excuses why I couldn't train, why I couldn't eat, rest, etc, but in the end NOBODY cares and you're only doing yourself an injustice. You cannot hide from your body or blag anyone, the result (or lack of) is there for anyone to see. You can create or invent any colorful or interesting excuses, but in the end you're doing yourself no justice. Just get in there and do it!
Are there any other alternatives besides Pea Protein?

If not, I shall have to give it a ago, providing it's a direct replacement?
I faffed around a lot and put off losing weight until I read this.......

Earl Nightingale said:
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."

Well that wasn't the single eureka moment but it did flick some switches in my head, sort of pushed me into finishing Uni properly (1st) aswell.
When I was "bigger" I had a bit of a gut like that, it's just the amount of food you eat, and the amount of visceral fat. Obviously if some people take on huge amounts of GH their organs will increase in size.

Yes my good man, I had a bit of a gut myself (even though I wasn't as massive as you). But I'm fairly certain that neither of us had an 8-pack while having that gut.:D
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