*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Yes my good man, I had a bit of a gut myself (even though I wasn't as massive as you). But I'm fairly certain that neither of us had an 8-pack while having that gut.:D

It's certainly possible to have what appears to be GH gut without any GH though. Even if you are shredded, it's possible to have high visceral fat is the point FF is making. :)
I'm reading that Whey Isolate might be the way to go?

Looking on the BSD website and it specifically states:
Unlike other Whey Proteins, Optimise™ will not cause stomach/digestion issues

There's also hemp protein powder.
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They sell some shakes in the gym so I will see if they have any of the above, if not I shall try and get some sample packs.

At least there are some alternatives! :)

I've just found some hemp milk too! I believe rice milk exists as well?
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They sell some shakes in the gym so I will see if they have any of the above, if not I shall try and get some sample packs.

At least there are some alternatives! :)

I've just found some hemp milk too! I believe rice milk exists as well?

Yep along with oat and also almond milk.
Hemp, and pea protein are an acquired taste - just be aware! :D I don't mind them, but a lot cannot stomach them. Isolate isn't as bad if you have intollerances.
Whey Isolate and pea protein (£25 for 5kg, bargain) are probably your best choices sigma. Hemp is quiiiite expensive! There's also Soya, but it's not all that great.

I use pea protein for shakes with a bit if cinnamon and a couple of scoops of psyllium husks. I then use whey isolate for cooking and stuff, like if I'm making protein sludge or whatever.

EDIT: Yes, following on from what FF said above, probably worth trying a sample of pea protein first. It made me gag the first time, but after that as long as you hold your breath your can't really taste the stuff.
Almost too much to try there! Oat milk and almond milk, hmm might pass on the almond milk and just eat almonds.

FF do you mean a lot can't 'stomach' the taste or can't digest it? From what I read hemp appears to be some sort of super food, it's natural, high in essential amino acids, omega-3 etc.

I don't think soya goes down well either, I usually have soya milk but even that seems to cause sinus problems. :s

I guess it's down to trial and error, trying to find small/cheap samples of all of the above so I can see what I like.

Mansize_tissue (great username lol) does pea protein just taste like peas? :o
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Cool. Can only seem to find sample packs of Whey Isolate, hopefully the gym will have some but I doubt hemp and pea protein are that popular.
I can't really describe the taste, but my friends have said it has the taste and texture of mud when they tried it. Honestly though some people get along with it fine, definitely worth a try because it's by far the cheapest form of powdered protein out there.
I will be mixing it with fruit juice for pwo so that'll probably mask some of the taste. Also, a horrible tasting drink is surely better than nothing.

Thanks for all of the advice. :)
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Whey Isolate and pea protein (£25 for 5kg, bargain) are probably your best choices sigma. Hemp is quiiiite expensive! There's also Soya, but it's not all that great.

I use pea protein for shakes with a bit if cinnamon and a couple of scoops of psyllium husks. I then use whey isolate for cooking and stuff, like if I'm making protein sludge or whatever.

EDIT: Yes, following on from what FF said above, probably worth trying a sample of pea protein first. It made me gag the first time, but after that as long as you hold your breath your can't really taste the stuff.

wow, that is a good price for the Pea Protein after the price increases (having to settle for unflavoured whey @ £37 after using ironscience for price beater)

Might have to give it a go or atleast get a sample. Does anyone have anymore tips or anything that can be combined with it to give a good taste? (I normally just chug it down in one go anyway :D)
Did chest today, felt good, got some nice movement on the exercises and can feel it now.

I always find however that my tri's just give up after a certain amount of time, tad annoying
What're you doing for chest? Any sort of pressing movement will obviously cain the tris as well, so I tend to do:
Bench press (pecs/tris)
Flyes (pecs/bis)
Cable Crossovers (pecs/bis)

Then triceps:
Dips (Tris/pecs)
lots of cable work after that.

That routine has four exercises hitting the pecs, but only two of them recruit the tris as well, should stop your tris holding you back :)
Did lunges for the first time today and found them pretty damn good! 30kg was hard enough. :o

Loving slow negative chin ups too. Should they be called chin downs? :p

No whey today, instead I had a bowl of lentil soup pwo and will be chucking some chicken and sweet potatoes in the oven soon. No idea how good lentil soup is pwo but it's better than nothing.

Sonny I don't get on with soya milk :( my mum reckons almond milk is a good one to try.

Tempted to order some pea protein as it seems to be pretty cheap although I am drawn still towards hemp. :o
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