ive already stated why i dont want to do that, im not going to change my principles for anyone really, i decided to give up alcohol for life a couple of weeks back, i know a lot of my friends are going to take a few shots at me for doing so, but i dont care, it's my decision and im going to stick to it.
It wasn't meant to be a dig at you. If you host it on PB it won't be accessible to anyone apart from those who you give the link to, unlike youtube vids. I know how you feel with the alcohol thing, I had a friend jokingly suggesting he would disown me as a friend if I choose to give up booze. I probably only drink once a month anyway so just have to find something that's not too high in calories.
Anyway! Back at the gym today, been off for two weeks. Regarding my previous question, I have decided to 'bulk' for the forseeable future and try to stay injury-free. If there was ever a day to leave the ego at home, today was it. My aim was to do some 'conditioning' style stuff that was posted by WantoN but I couldn't access the 'net before the gym so I had to do it by memory.
5 mins warmup on bike
10 mins on rower at faster pace
10/15/10 reps of squatting just the bar but ass to heels
3 x 15 chest BB
10 assisted dips
2 x 15 assisted pullups
10 mins cross trainer
The squatting was actually a bit tough on the knees so I think this stuff is going to be well worth doing for the next 4 weeks or so, slowly adding a little weight towards the end and building from there.

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