*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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ive already stated why i dont want to do that, im not going to change my principles for anyone really, i decided to give up alcohol for life a couple of weeks back, i know a lot of my friends are going to take a few shots at me for doing so, but i dont care, it's my decision and im going to stick to it.

It wasn't meant to be a dig at you. If you host it on PB it won't be accessible to anyone apart from those who you give the link to, unlike youtube vids. I know how you feel with the alcohol thing, I had a friend jokingly suggesting he would disown me as a friend if I choose to give up booze. I probably only drink once a month anyway so just have to find something that's not too high in calories.

Anyway! Back at the gym today, been off for two weeks. Regarding my previous question, I have decided to 'bulk' for the forseeable future and try to stay injury-free. If there was ever a day to leave the ego at home, today was it. My aim was to do some 'conditioning' style stuff that was posted by WantoN but I couldn't access the 'net before the gym so I had to do it by memory.

5 mins warmup on bike
10 mins on rower at faster pace
10/15/10 reps of squatting just the bar but ass to heels
3 x 15 chest BB
10 assisted dips
2 x 15 assisted pullups
10 mins cross trainer

The squatting was actually a bit tough on the knees so I think this stuff is going to be well worth doing for the next 4 weeks or so, slowly adding a little weight towards the end and building from there. :) The gym was pretty busy too, good job I'm not fussed about what people think! I'd imagine some people would be embarrassed at just pressing the BB :p
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Some of the stuff is probably going to seem really boring, but it all has a purpose. Hopefully other people will find it useful, I know I'll be showing it to a friend of mine with some similar postural problems. I'll start a thread when it's done so you see it, expect it towards the end of next week or early the week after.

Fully prepared for it, boring dosen't even enter into the equation. Also if you could point out what equipment I'd need (lets not go mental, I'm a poor student :p), I'll get that purchased now so as not to be waiting for delivery.

P.s If you have an affiliate code you want me to buy stuff through, not a problem. :)
It wasn't meant to be a dig at you. If you host it on PB it won't be accessible to anyone apart from those who you give the link to, unlike youtube vids.

Actually, you can do the same with youtube now :)

I have videos up that are only shown on here, otherwise you cant get to them
Jeeze, how do any of you go the gym at peak(ish) times? I really couldn't get out of bed this morning so I ended up going straight after work, what a nightmare! Ended up waiting about 15mins for a bench, another 5 mins for decline and once I saw the 3 inbreds standing around the cable machine having a social I'd had enough and just left. Never again!
Yeah I think peak time is awful. At the moment I either go around 2-3pm or 8pm. Even then you still get gangs of pillocks.
Had a good leg session tonight until my leg made a snapping sound. No idea what it was because I didn't feel any pain and nothing hurts. Was loud enough for the people around me to stop working out though :o
Below the knee around half way down my leg. Will see if it's bruised or painful tomorrow.

Last time it happened on my forearm doing pull-ups and that produced a huge bruise the next day but again no pain when I did it :o
If I had not started going to the gym at peek times, I wouldnt know half the people I do down there now.

Makes for a better environment when you know people enough to be able to grab someone for a spot etc. Also means that its a little more social. Though dont get me wrong...its not like a social club all standing around chatting and messing around.

Still......was watching the making of pumping iron (raw iron) last night.
I so wish I knew somewhere like Golds Gym. Id feel so inferior and tiny, but it looks like a hell of an environment for learning and support.
Jeeze, how do any of you go the gym at peak(ish) times? I really couldn't get out of bed this morning so I ended up going straight after work, what a nightmare! Ended up waiting about 15mins for a bench, another 5 mins for decline and once I saw the 3 inbreds standing around the cable machine having a social I'd had enough and just left. Never again!

not too bad at my gym -but FAR busier at peak times

I normally go lunchtimes and evenings at weekends - where mostof time I have to do no waiting at all - or re-arrangement of my routine

tonighgt I went at 7pm and was packed -was shocked - like a different gym lol

still managed good session though - I've been eating a lot more recently and feeling far stronger for it

did a good 35 min hard run (average speed 12.2k, average gradient 1.6%)

then 45 mins of chest - and I'd said I managed the 32s on the flat at weekend - well the 30s are feeling pretty easy now :)

managed on the flat, 10x24, 5x30, 8x24, 5x30, 8x24, 4x30

Buckster, have you considered doing something other than dumbbell bench?


lol icecold :)

but dumbell benches work :)

tbh though - I also include Reverse Row, Chin-ups, Pull-ups, Close-grip Smiths, Dips etc

and LOTS of Cardio - at least 35 mins of high intensity cardio a day

but I don't do deadlifts etc
Jeeze, how do any of you go the gym at peak(ish) times? I really couldn't get out of bed this morning so I ended up going straight after work, what a nightmare! Ended up waiting about 15mins for a bench, another 5 mins for decline and once I saw the 3 inbreds standing around the cable machine having a social I'd had enough and just left. Never again!

Yeah it's pretty horrible at my gym. Fitness First in city is always going to be a bad one. I've been tempted to pay extra for the GYM BOX™ gym down the road (I had a tour, they have an excellent selection of weights and it was not busy at all at 6pm) but it's damn pricey. There are also some real spit and saw dust gyms around me, but if I'm going to be completely honest, I'm scared of them.
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