The stronglift pdf guide recomends:
Workout A Workout B
Squat 5x5 Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5 Overhead Press 5x5
Inverted Rows 3xF Deadlift 1x5
Push-ups 3xF Pull-ups/Chin-ups 3xF
Reverse Crunch 3x12 Prone Bridges 3x30sec
Also says in the Q and A:
I lack the strength to do Pull-ups/Chin-ups. Can I substitute with the Lat Pull-down or
Assisted Pull-up Machine to build strength?
No. Machines balance the weight for you and force you into fixed movement patterns. Strength built on machines doesn't carry over to free weights/body-weight exercises like Pull-ups & Chinups.
Try these solutions and you'll be able to do 1-3 reps within 4 weeks StrongLifts 5x5.
• Ask someone for help. Have him grab you by your side and help you on the way up. Make sure you do most of the work yourself.
• Use momentum. Use hip drive on the way up, like Jesse Marunde in this video. Notice he does 21 pull-ups at 310lbs body-weight. It's all about strength, body-weight is irrelevant.
• Do negatives. Lower yourself slowly and jump up on each rep. Expect lots of soreness using this method.
• Use bands. Attach a resistance band to your pull-up bar and loop it around your knee, like in this video. I have & recommend Iron Woody bands. They're cheap & quality. Check their assisted Pull-up package.
• Try 'greasing the groove'. Get a doorway pull-up bar and do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up each time you pass the bar, multiple times per day.
• Do Chin-ups only. Chin-ups (palms facing you) are easier than Pull-ups. Stick with Chinups. Once you can do 5 reps of Chin-ups, alternate between Chin-ups & Pull-ups again.
• Do multiple sets of low reps. Do 10x1 Pull-ups with as much rest between sets as you need. Once you can do 10x1 Pull-ups, do 10x2 Pull-ups. Again: take as much rest as you
need to get 2 reps on all 10 sets. Once you got that, do 10x3 Pull-ups. Take enough rest to get all 3 reps. When you can do 10x5 Pull-ups, switch back to 3xF (3 sets until failure), you should be able to do almost 10 Pull-ups on your 1st set.
Ofcourse feel free to adapt things as you please, but as I have been reading the guide the last couple of weeks, a few things just stood out that was all.
Im also aware that you cant subscribe anymore, so im not sure if this guide is easily available.
*edite* just for reference - Im going off the pdf that is now 2 years old.
At that time it had already had some revision such as changing rows to inverted rows.
So it may have changed a little again since.
Darkshadow might be able to chime in as our resident Stronglift Celeb