*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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lol icecold :)

but dumbell benches work :)

tbh though - I also include Reverse Row, Chin-ups, Pull-ups, Close-grip Smiths, Dips etc

and LOTS of Cardio - at least 35 mins of high intensity cardio a day

but I don't do deadlifts etc

Actually I'd say there wasn't enough emphasis on pulling movements (although what's a reverse row? inverse pushup? if so they're pretty easy). You need to be approaching a 2:1 ratio or you risk imbalances and injuries.

Also, there is no excuse to not do deadlifts and squats :)
How are you getting on with stronglifts and how long have you been on it? :)

Only the past couple of weeks.
Tried it before when I first started lifting and losing weight.

Not sure if anyone remembers...but i started lifting after I came across the gym rats thread. Been lurking on this forum for 11 years :O

I did post pics of me going from 15st 2 down to 11st 9 (eventualy hit 11st 2).
Didnt quite get my abs out, but at 6foot 2 , i was looking pretty thin.
Bulked up to 14st 2 over 8 months, then spent last few months dropping the excess.

Put a bit too much fat on during that bulk to be fare.
But learnt a bit and put on some muscle, so pretty happy.

Been pulled back into Stronglifts as I ljust like how simple it it.
Also started following leangains IF few months back.

All about keeping it simple and making it easy to live with for me.
That said, Ive only missed about 3 weeks of going to the gym in 2 and a half years now . Love it!

Trying to get into habit of posting a bit more on here.
I read a lot and take a lot from it....about time I got a bit more involved :)
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Man I hate my shoulder, it's just naff...Constantly aching or getting in nots...That and I have to crack my collar bone all too often.

But hey, the docters and X-rays say it's fine, so you know?
I'm the same Delvis, really really really dodgy shoulder! Just get as much mobility exercises as you can =)

Yeah...Sucks, all cause I went clay pidgeon shooting a year ago =/

I try, but it's hard when you cant buy a band or anything
Anyone got some good links for IF? The lean gains website OK but doesn't answer a lot of questions.
Man I hate my shoulder, it's just naff...Constantly aching or getting in nots...That and I have to crack my collar bone all too often.

But hey, the docters and X-rays say it's fine, so you know?

i just ordered a deal from groupon the other day.

£39 for a consultation with chiropractor and any x-rays, etc if needed. and 3 follow up sessions. RRP £220.

i know guys who have been to a chiro before and paid like £60 for 1 session, so when i saw this deal i had to grab it.

maybe add yourself to groupon for your local city and home a deal like that comes up in your city.
Thinking of giving it a go for a few months but I train at 5.15pm so thinking of going for the 2 pre-workout meals. Something like this.

1PM: Meal one.
4PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
5.15PM: Training until 6:30PM
8PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).

Calories would be.

1PM: 876
4PM: 902
8PM: 1217

Planning to sip some xtend between 8AM - 1PM.
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Anyone got some good links for IF? The lean gains website OK but doesn't answer a lot of questions.

leangians is what a lot of people follow, but your right in that it leaves a lot of questions. Hes supposed to be writing a book, but its taking years and has become a long standing joke now.

Has some info.

Ive posted it before, but:

is another awesome resource for just generaly getting into diet/training with a bit more depth and its written by the chap who is/was close friends with Martin (the creater of leangains) and I think is where a lot of the science/understaning came from that led to the creation of leangains.

I like it a lot as Lyle is always good at supplying links to research and providing sound evidence to what hes saying.
Thinking of giving it a go for a few months but I train at 5.15pm so thinking of going for the 2 pre-workout meals. Something like this.

1PM: Meal one.
4PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
5.15PM: Training until 6:30PM
8PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).

Calories would be.

1PM: 876
4PM: 902
8PM: 1217

Planning to sip some xtend between 8AM - 1PM.

Thats pretty similar timings to myself.
You only need BCAA i.e. your xtend if your training fasted and not eating straight away after.

So as you train at 5:15, just fast till 1pm.

Its recomended staying under 50cals during that fasted state. I personaly dont have anything.

Maybe trace amounts from diet redbull on the odd occasion I have one, but generaly just have black coffee or green tea to help keep hunger away.
You become acclimatized to training at peak times.

I think your probably right, I'm used to being pretty much the only person in the weights room at 0800 in the morning. Yesterday I was one of about 10 people trying to use 4 benches, feelsbadman. Similarly I am properly used to fasted training now, I felt really slow, weaker and just a bit meh training yesterday having eaten lunch etc. Weird eh.

Does anyone by chance train at the 24h gym in Swindon? I'm in Swindon all next week for a training course and might do a couple sessions there for a change of scenery, their equipment looks very very good for a 'normal' gym. Then again, I haven't had a rest week in about 3 months so that might benefit me.

Thinking of giving it a go for a few months but I train at 5.15pm so thinking of going for the 2 pre-workout meals. Something like this.

1PM: Meal one.
4PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
5.15PM: Training until 6:30PM
8PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).

Calories would be.

1PM: 876
4PM: 902
8PM: 1217

Planning to sip some xtend between 8AM - 1PM.

Looks fine to me, though you don't need the BCAA. If you can't get through the hunger pangs in the morning you could try some caffeine, though I'd recommend sticking it out as they will subside after 2-3 days. You might want to tweak the kcals around a bit, I think it's generally suggested that the majority of intake is post workout (ie 60%). So in your case you'd be looking closer to 1800 for your last meal and 600 each for the pre-workout. Though that might be asking a bit much, perhaps 700/700/1600 would be more achievable.

You might find you need to change your overall calorific intake anyway, depends on your goals I guess. Before I started IF I would cut 1lb a week on a depressing 1700kcals, now on IF I can get away with 1900-2000 generally.
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You think 3000kcals is too much for a clean bulk on IF?

I'm just saying your calorie requirements may change. Just bare it in mind, you know your stuff anyway so I'm sure you'll notice if you think you need to change a bit. It's only going to be 5-10% if at all though.
I don't know what you'll need, personally I found my maintenance increased slightly once I started. However mine is pretty damn low anyway! I should think If I EVER get the luxury of being 'allowed' to bulk (forevercutting, 133kg down to 87kg so far:/) I wouldn't get away with more than 2500kcals or so.
speaking of protein shakes, yesterday I popped into H&B and bought one of these in chocolate flavour.

You only need to mix 125ml with one scoop of it! It's like some kind of protein milkshake shot!
As a general point and not just for IF...
I think working things out on paper is all well and good, but should just been seen as a starting point.

From there, you want to stick to it for a few weeks and monitor how you react as there are so many different factors at play.

Going back to IF though...as Chris said, most people find their requirments are higher when doing IF.

So you could try 3000 cals and see how you get on.
If its too much, it shouldnt do too much damage over a few weeks.
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