*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Make sure your shoulders are always back and not rolling forwards. Do some OHP without a bar to loosen up then a light weight (10kg fixed bar or sommat) as a warm up :) Same when doing front raises etc - always make sure your shoulders are back in the right position. I get awful pain in my shoulders when they roll forwards and I lift weights (awful posture here)

Ta monkee, yeah I've always been pretty conscious with my shoulders...Think it was when I started out a couple of years ago, probably jaffed something then :o
If you're set on cutting Chris then stick with that, I'm in what people would call no mans land at the moment I suppose as while I'm getting stronger and leaner I'm not getting anywhere fast. If you want the results quick then stick to one or the other.
I've noticed that since standing up a lot straighter, shoulders back, hips forward etc that I've got a noticeable "bulge" at the bottom of my stomach. Quite acute. I take it that's fat? Weird as I'm not particularly "fatty" all over. :/

Also I did that exercise where you put your shoulders against the wall with your arms in L shapes which you then move above your head. Scapula exercises? Oh sweet Lord, the clicks and pops that were heard. Shoulder hurts now, feels like it won't click if that makes any sense.

Looks like I need to take things slooooooooooooow. :(:rolleyes::o
Intredasting. I've been cutting forever(133-87kg), and weight is still slowly coming off. The plan was/is to 'stop' cutting at christmas (around 80kg hopefully), I won't have enough mass to look good lean yet anyway, as such I'm not particularly fussed with cutting any quicker/longer, I want a break.

Considering stronglifts routines generally have less volume, I wonder If I could fit in the routine & some LISS every morning before work to speed up the cut a notch, and maybe get to Christmas under 80kg.
Stick with it Chris and reap the rewards, 'Rome wasn't built in a day' :)

I'm currently cutting too so can realte, I'm going to lose size/strength, but it'll be worth it. My tip is to weigh yourself only once a week at the same time of day you did the previous week (although first thing in the morning after unloading your bowels is the most accurate I hear!)
Finally signed back up to the gym :D :D :D Over 3 months of half hearted training and crappy diet so tomorrow it begins again! I'll probably start my HST log next week once ive got all my weights sorted and whatnot
I've noticed that since standing up a lot straighter, shoulders back, hips forward etc that I've got a noticeable "bulge" at the bottom of my stomach. Quite acute. I take it that's fat? Weird as I'm not particularly "fatty" all over. :/

Also I did that exercise where you put your shoulders against the wall with your arms in L shapes which you then move above your head. Scapula exercises? Oh sweet Lord, the clicks and pops that were heard. Shoulder hurts now, feels like it won't click if that makes any sense.

Looks like I need to take things slooooooooooooow. :(:rolleyes::o

Aww bless :p

I hate shoulders, way too dodgey for my liking :(
I went for a Tui Na massage therapy session the other week. Easily the most brutal of massages I've ever had, but damn it felt good after.

Absolutely recommend it to any of you guys, particularly anyone having musculature problems.
Intredasting. I've been cutting forever(133-87kg), and weight is still slowly coming off. The plan was/is to 'stop' cutting at christmas (around 80kg hopefully), I won't have enough mass to look good lean yet anyway, as such I'm not particularly fussed with cutting any quicker/longer, I want a break.

Considering stronglifts routines generally have less volume, I wonder If I could fit in the routine & some LISS every morning before work to speed up the cut a notch, and maybe get to Christmas under 80kg.

If you want something quick to fit in before work, you could look at complexes. Im sure they would fit along side a cut (I'm on one myself). I guess no harm in taking a look.

T-Nation - Complexes
Had an awesome leg session tonight. Worked my way up to a set of 10 at 175kg for squats and a set of 5 at 470kg for leg press. Still on course for a few big PBs in the winter :cool:

I then got home and had the most epic of fails :(
Had an awesome leg session tonight. Worked my way up to a set of 10 at 175kg for squats and a set of 5 at 470kg for leg press. Still on course for a few big PBs in the winter :cool:

I then got home and had the most epic of fails :(

I had legs today, and my body is still recovering from the cold I had I think...Nearly got dizzy I had to slow it down :(

Sucks, I was looking forward to doing more really.

They had a good working though anyway, really felt my glutes kicking in for once :)
Anyone got any tips for improving my grip? Been trying some new things the last few weeks and haven't really been getting the full benefit as I can hardly hold on once things start to get a little harder and have to let go due to the discomfort and pain in my forearm :( Don't want to use straps either.
Anyone got any tips for improving my grip? Been trying some new things the last few weeks and haven't really been getting the full benefit as I can hardly hold on once things start to get a little harder and have to let go due to the discomfort and pain in my forearm :( Don't want to use straps either.

Shrugs? Holding plates for intervals, rinse and repeat?

It's something that comes with time really as far as I'm aware. Other than that get some Captains of crush or whatever they're called :p

http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/Main/captainsofcrush.html : although how much they will 'help' with the grip I don't know
Anyone got any tips for improving my grip? Been trying some new things the last few weeks and haven't really been getting the full benefit as I can hardly hold on once things start to get a little harder and have to let go due to the discomfort and pain in my forearm :( Don't want to use straps either.

at the pullup bars suspend yourself static for aslong as you can until failure. do this 3 times in a row, oh the pain, the pain!

BCAA's - essential on a cut or nay? I've been cutting a week, weigh in is today. Nervous!

If I've lost i.e. 5lb, am I to assume some is water weight, some fat, some muscle presumably? If so, what ratio should typically be correct/ideal? I've been eating my macros at a 300cal defecit and am suffering no detrimental affects to strength *yet*

I understand that the losses will slow down and down the further I get into my cut! Will actually be happy when a steady 1lb a week will be coming off.

had a look at that link Delvis, 'CoC Training Center: 10 CoC Grippers & Tethers' LOL! :p
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If you only just started cutting from a long period of bulk/maintenance it will be mostly water IME, probably as much as 70%.

BCAA only necessary with fasted training I think, even then they're not absolutely necessary.
Think I've sorted out my diet for in uni (or at least this seems conveniant):

Meal 1: 80-100g porridge + ~50g whey
Meal 2: can of sardines +60g couscous + mixed veg
Postworkout 40g whey powder
Meal 4 Can of Tuna + 80g wholeweat pasta + mayo (how to add veg here??)
Meal 5 Spinach omellete (3 eggs + spinach - I need to buy more spinach first)
Pre bed ~100-150g cottage cheese

At least thats what I ate yesterday and enjoyed it, will need to work out the macros of this as I currently want to lose fat..
As Chris says, BCAA's are mainly used on a cut (I use them as part of my IF protocol im following at the moment) Just beware of the flavour (if getting them from MP) they taste nasty even if gulped down in one go, so I mainly add a bit of squash.
Think I've sorted out my diet for in uni (or at least this seems conveniant):

Meal 1: 80-100g porridge + ~50g whey
Meal 2: can of sardines +60g couscous + mixed veg
Postworkout 40g whey powder
Meal 4 Can of Tuna + 80g wholeweat pasta + mayo (how to add veg here??)
Meal 5 Spinach omellete (3 eggs + spinach - I need to buy more spinach first)
Pre bed ~100-150g cottage cheese

At least thats what I ate yesterday and enjoyed it, will need to work out the macros of this as I currently want to lose fat..

Wont lose much weight on that lot i dont think m8 - EDIT to be fair depends on bodytype, im biased i have to cut WAY more severely than that. Do you know your maintenance kcals? and i dont mean what the internet says your maintenance kcals should be.
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Any input on my HST routine?

More/less sets on anything or any exercises im missing. Gonna go later to try and work out my weights for 15s. I guess i go, pick a weight a bit less than i used to do for 8 reps and give it a whirl? My strength is probably down a bit anyway
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