*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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4 May 2007
West Midlands
Wont lose much weight on that lot i dont think m8 - EDIT to be fair depends on bodytype, im biased i have to cut WAY more severely than that. Do you know your maintenance kcals? and i dont mean what the internet says your maintenance kcals should be.

Maintenance prob ~2200 odd tend to store quite a lot of fat around mid but not too much on shoulders/back

Yeah thats what I was thinking normally I dip much lower (~1800-2000, but I struggle to maintain and end up binge eating) its just a pain to fit in lower carb then a higher carb post workout meal.

Currently doing a 4 day split (mon/tue/thur/fri), ~20 mins cardio post workout bar thursdays where I'm starting canoe club so 2.5hrs canoe training

I think I'll prob. change the preworkout meal to chicken/salad or chicken and stir fry post workout (need to get my freezer in my flat and stock up on chicken first!)
28 Apr 2009
Shrugs? Holding plates for intervals, rinse and repeat?

It's something that comes with time really as far as I'm aware. Other than that get some Captains of crush or whatever they're called :p

http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/Main/captainsofcrush.html : although how much they will 'help' with the grip I don't know

Good suggestions but don't forget static holds and just not using things to help grip. Towel pullups are good fun but you may need to add weight.

A note with the captains of crush, I have quite good grip strength (double over hand 180kg is causes no grip issues but I haven't test anything more) but could only just close the number 1 gripper. They are good but with that in mind along with the price I wouldn't bother, are other things.

My advice would be things like Delvis mentioned, for instance, plate rows at the end of a session gripping a 20kg or something just to make it slightly more functional.
7 Nov 2004
Aye, I've never used the CoC but i've heard people on here mention them that is all :)

Personally I'd do anything that involves a grip movement to improve my grip...But i've not reached a stage yet where grip is an issue as the weight is so light
3 Oct 2009
Wow. That was bloody tough. Havnt squated more than 50kg in over 3 months so after 60x10 and 80x6 i can barely walk. Like having the most painful doms but straight away. The rest went OK. Definitely lost some strength in bench and shoulder press. Triceps and biceps felt alright except for my elbow being a bit funny on dips.

Having second thoughts about whether i should be jumping straight into HST or not. Only did 1 working set on most things and im shattered and didnt feel i could perform 100%. Might give it a week or so to get back into the rhythm first.

Going to figure out all my weights based on what i did today anyway...
22 Aug 2004
Maintenance prob ~2200 odd tend to store quite a lot of fat around mid but not too much on shoulders/back

Yeah thats what I was thinking normally I dip much lower (~1800-2000, but I struggle to maintain and end up binge eating) its just a pain to fit in lower carb then a higher carb post workout meal.

Currently doing a 4 day split (mon/tue/thur/fri), ~20 mins cardio post workout bar thursdays where I'm starting canoe club so 2.5hrs canoe training

I think I'll prob. change the preworkout meal to chicken/salad or chicken and stir fry post workout (need to get my freezer in my flat and stock up on chicken first!)

sounds similar to me, im supposedly on 2200 but in reality i have to go near 1600 kcal to shift the fat near the middle, which is a joke on my cardio days, when the hour of squash i play supposedly burns 1350kcal!!

Considering your workload is relatively high i would have a shot at those cals but formulate a tapering plan if weight loss stalls. Also rather than stick to a set diet reigieme try to 'medicate' yourself as and when required. What i mean by this is get your days carbs in as you prime towards activity and load your protein as you recover. In my experience this allows for far more productive training sessions whilst cutting the cals real low. Makes a lot more sense than someone failing on a set of squats due to being carb depleted then eating bread or potatoes later that same day. Madness.
23 Apr 2006
probably his vagina is chaffing

buuut its soo manly looking! Also look at the added benefits!

  • Your arms no longer have to support so much of the load to keep the bar from rolling off your back!

  • Finding the center of the bar on each set is no longer a problem. Once you center and snap the Manta Ray to the bar you know your right in the middle, every set!

  • Repairing trauma from that shearing force crushing muscle and nerves against bone is no longer wasting part of your bodies limited ability to recuperate from a workout!

  • The bar no longer rests on the deltoids, or pulls the arms back. This eliminates much of the common squat related stress to the shoulder complex (which houses the injury prone Rotator Cuff Assembly)!

  • The MANTA RAY takes away that shearing pain in your neck so you can focus on the movement and watch your gains skyrocket!

On a more serious note, look at Rippetoe or Stronglifts guides on how to position the bar. When I first started out, I didnt look at guides and ended up positioning it on my shoulders, against my neck. Let's just say it wasn't a happy experience..
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
sounds similar to me, im supposedly on 2200 but in reality i have to go near 1600 kcal to shift the fat near the middle, which is a joke on my cardio days, when the hour of squash i play supposedly burns 1350kcal!!

Considering your workload is relatively high i would have a shot at those cals but formulate a tapering plan if weight loss stalls. Also rather than stick to a set diet reigieme try to 'medicate' yourself as and when required. What i mean by this is get your days carbs in as you prime towards activity and load your protein as you recover. In my experience this allows for far more productive training sessions whilst cutting the cals real low. Makes a lot more sense than someone failing on a set of squats due to being carb depleted then eating bread or potatoes later that same day. Madness.

Cheers for the advice man, appreciated and noted from a more knowledgeable lifter like yourself. The main problem will be my drinking, currently probably drinking once a week as I've started uni but will cut down to zero soon enough when uni starts. Not looking to drop fat massively quickly but will see how my body reacts and might swap the porridge in the morning for some eggs instead possibly then miss another egg meal later or something.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
How come you want a squat aid, is there some reason that you cant rest the bar on your back?

Old shoulder injury + hitting quite heavy now on the squat so I could do with some other way to spread the load differently, don't know really just looking for an alternative that enables me to continue squatting and increasing my PB
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I don't see the big deal with a squat aid. Are gloves homo then? How about knee supports? Kinesio tape? Do you really want to try and out E-peen me? ...silly little boys ;)

Delvis, it is to do with the Acromion (?), it makes extending my arm out down the length of the bar difficult sometimes and rotation can be stiff which makes stacking heavy weights on my shoulder difficult sometimes.
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