*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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13 Mar 2008
icecold - I've had about 4 weeks away from squatting and I'm finding a lot of pressue on the lower back. Can't say I've ever felt this kind of pressue before.

That's at 130KG for 5 reps, coming from 170KG for 5 a few weeks ago where I felt solid.

Any ideas?

All I can say is be very careful.

I've been living in pain for 3 months now, and I'm on my 4th round of Muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories and pain killers.

My original Doctor has been saying for 3 months that it's a pinched or hurt nerve. He kept saying an MRI or Xray isn't needed.

So I went do a different one recently and because the pain has increased and now transfered into my right leg all the way down to my ankle.

I can't bend forward in even the slightest now.
The current doctor instantly saw it could be a damaged or prolapsed disc.

So tomorrow I'm finally going for a proper MRI, along with getting yet another round of medication.

You lot have no idea how badly I want to be able to do any form of training. At the moment I can't sit for long, cant stand or walk really. Or lie on my back even without pain.

If I was an Athlete at the college I'd have gotten all the medical support and trimmings available, while my old doctor seems like a 100% Quack!
The college doc instantly guessed what might be wrong just from me getting out of the chair and walking to her office.

Best of luck in all your training.
13 Mar 2008
Damn man, I asked where you'd been recently, didn't realise it was that :( Hope you get better soon man!

Also, where's Morba? Last active on the forums 1st of Aug :\

Yeah, sorry I should probably have popped on here and there to check in haha.

In fairness this is all really down to my doctor not wanting to really do his job.
The bugger didn't even give me a proper examination 3 months ago, and when I went to see him again he just sat across his little table and gave me a script again saying a scan won't be needed as it's jsut a pinched or hurt nerve.

How would he really know if he didn't get my back looked at.

I'm also doing a bit of an Add-On Postgrad to my degree so Super busy with that, and considering just how bad the college seating is I really really needed to get sorted.
23 Dec 2006
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK, Earth!
icecold - I've had about 4 weeks away from squatting and I'm finding a lot of pressue on the lower back. Can't say I've ever felt this kind of pressue before.

That's at 130KG for 5 reps, coming from 170KG for 5 a few weeks ago where I felt solid.

Any ideas?

Bugger, You are not alone mate :( I've had the same thing the last couple of weeks and since last Monday (12th) I've had a little bit of discomfort/pain.

Managed to get up to 3x5 170KG which was very nice but I had a week off and I've just not felt right since that Monday I came back.

My starting weight was at 100KG after the week off and was working up in 2.5KG every workout but the last few sessions were a little painful when I moved up a bit to 120/130.
I was just working back into things slowly with 3-5 sets of 5 for squats and DL and I didn't expect to be feeling any pain as I've been coming along nicely for a few months with zero problems.



11 Dec 2004
All in one session?...Madness

didnt think it was that bad to be honest, just shatterd at the end for the deltoid work, but for this week and next its all about working out where i am and then the real work kicks in after that with more specific work.

should be fun.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
*polite snip*
I'm trying something similar now where I train my whole body on one day, twice a week with an hour of light cardio on the third day. I'm constantly sore in places I literally didn't know could be sore.

I've gone from 107kg up to 111kg. Although, I'm still down from a year high of 118kg. Stopped eating 6 times a day, stopped drinking so much protein shakes and just eating a normal and healthy 3 meals a day with fruit in between. I've leaned out tremendously in a very short time and drop about 10kg in a matter of a month which showed me I was keeping my weight artificially high. Feel much better (less heavy and lethargic) and practically everyone is commenting on how good I look. Me, happy!
21 Sep 2010
Could you guys give me some advice. I'm new to the gym lark but am determined to give it a go and have settled into a routine of trying to do about an hour every day (which I've done for about a month now). Some of my routine is going to sound pretty pathetic to you guys no doubt, but bear in mind I'm starting from scratch having done virtually no exercise for years, so go easy on me.

I don't have any particular goals to bulk up, but would like to achieve a reasonable level of fitness and (given I'm now in my 30s) avoid waking up as a lard arse one day!

My current routine (which I repeat pretty much every day) is:

1. 20 minutes running. I tend to cover about 1 and a half miles in that time and burn about 200 calories. I seem to more or less hit the wall after that.

2. 10 minutes or so on the weights bench. Like I said I'm not going for muscle building so this is really to give me a rest after the running and to strengthen some of the muscles in my back (which I've had problems with in the past)

3. 20 minutes on the bike. I can't give you many details as the readouts on the bike only tell you the level of resistance and the calorie burn (doesn't even say distance covered) but it burns about 150 calories

4. Sit ups, push ups etc. Again to give me a rest after the bike

5. 2k on the rowing machine. I'm pretty knackered by this point so really this is more than a warm down than anything else.

I make sure I stretch before and after the session of course. I've been doing the above for a month or so and and pretty much dripping in sweat at the end of it (although not quite gasping for breath). I do seem to have hit a bit of a wall in the respect that the above is more or less all I can manage and I don't really seem to be improving at the moment (I know a month is not long but I was hoping to see some improvement, just so I know I'm doing the right things).

So I guess my question is whether the above is a decent workout? Are there any things I'm missing that I should be going for. As well as treadmills, bikes and rowing machines my gym (which is tiny) also has step machines and cross trainers but I don't tend to use the latter as I didn't seem to get much bang for my buck for them in terms of calorie burn.

Any advice appreciated.
25 Sep 2006
Seems that perhaps swinging my right leg over to hop on my green 2 wheeled monster has given me a strength imbalance in my lower back and right glute. I'm pretty sure I could do with some DTM to release some tension in there and I'm also fairly certain my chair at work isn't helping. It could well be a twisted pelvis which might be more likely from all the back cracking I do...

SMR with my roller and golf ball does help slightly but isn't curing it. To the masseuse!

Fairly frustrating as I just find my right spinal erectors pumping up with every rep unless I actively sit to the left or engage my glutes as if I were picking up a crisp £20 note off the floor.

Very much looking forward to a months time where I will be able to box sqaut. Front squats, lunges and press for now.

Edit: Having had a more in depth self examination :eek: ooo err, it's definitely from swinging my leg over my bike so I'll be doing a few sets on the other side to balance it out.
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13 Mar 2003
Been making some steady progress lately.

Got my squat to 142.5kg for a single which i was chuffed with. I have also recently done a 125kg bench, a 185kg deadlift (tonight) and also managed an 80kg overhead press.

Looking to start a new program soon so hopefully I should top those weights:)
5 Aug 2004
Could you guys give me some advice. I'm new to the gym lark but am determined to give it a go and have settled into a routine of trying to do about an hour every day (which I've done for about a month now). Some of my routine is going to sound pretty pathetic to you guys no doubt, but bear in mind I'm starting from scratch having done virtually no exercise for years, so go easy on me.

I don't have any particular goals to bulk up, but would like to achieve a reasonable level of fitness and (given I'm now in my 30s) avoid waking up as a lard arse one day!

My current routine (which I repeat pretty much every day) is:

1. 20 minutes running. I tend to cover about 1 and a half miles in that time and burn about 200 calories. I seem to more or less hit the wall after that.

2. 10 minutes or so on the weights bench. Like I said I'm not going for muscle building so this is really to give me a rest after the running and to strengthen some of the muscles in my back (which I've had problems with in the past)

3. 20 minutes on the bike. I can't give you many details as the readouts on the bike only tell you the level of resistance and the calorie burn (doesn't even say distance covered) but it burns about 150 calories

4. Sit ups, push ups etc. Again to give me a rest after the bike

5. 2k on the rowing machine. I'm pretty knackered by this point so really this is more than a warm down than anything else.

I make sure I stretch before and after the session of course. I've been doing the above for a month or so and and pretty much dripping in sweat at the end of it (although not quite gasping for breath). I do seem to have hit a bit of a wall in the respect that the above is more or less all I can manage and I don't really seem to be improving at the moment (I know a month is not long but I was hoping to see some improvement, just so I know I'm doing the right things).

So I guess my question is whether the above is a decent workout? Are there any things I'm missing that I should be going for. As well as treadmills, bikes and rowing machines my gym (which is tiny) also has step machines and cross trainers but I don't tend to use the latter as I didn't seem to get much bang for my buck for them in terms of calorie burn.

Any advice appreciated.

It's not great because you're not progressing. You could do with setting yourself with some aspirational goals, fair enough you're not weights orientated so maybe make it something like 'run 5k in under 22mins' then focus your workouts on achieving this goal, increase your distance even if you need to drop the pace the get your speed up. Once you've got something to aim for you can start to give things a bit more structure and you can start to look for small improvements session after session.

I think something like this would be ok for you, mixing it up a little but giving you something to aim for (set your own goal and fix it yourself to help you get there)
Made up goals = Run 5k in 22 mins + Row 2k in under 8minutes.

Monday, Weds, Saturday
Running Training,
5 Mins warm up
Build distance to 5k, increase speed
Measure progress week to week and follow a runners guide because it might be more efficient to include distance sessions and speed sessions.

Tuesday, Friday
Weights (I know they're not a goal of yours but they're brilliant for overall fitness and health and will help with your athletic goals). Something simple if you aren't interested such as:
3x8 Squats, Barbell, Dumbell, Overhead, whatever depending on your equipment.
3x8 Rows
3x8 Chest Press (use free weights if at all possible but barbell or dumbell isn't an issue)
3x8 Chin ups/Pull Ups
Just try and add a little weight to each exercise every week.
Rowing training (same general thing as the running training)

Thursday/Sunday Rest/Walk the Dog/Do whatever but don't have as a goal training day.

Keep a log of how you do and see where you are in a month.
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