*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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14 Oct 2008
Anyone recommend a good shoulders/'core' routine?
I'm going to try changing to a 4 day split for a bit, the reason is I never really fit in a good legs/shoulders combo on fridays before work. I'm gonna put legs on thursday and have friday for shoulders and ..... something. I currently do no direct ab/core work at all so I figure I could benefit from some of that?

Help me masters of gym rats!

Not a full routine, but strengthening your core can be accompolished by either;

- DB shoulder press with no backrest
- Standing barbell shoulder press

I don't do any direct core work, I do however do do standing press, deadlifts, pullups and my core is there (all be it covered in some blubber but it's visible!)
21 Jun 2006
Hehe, £80 though :( I barely have that a month spare!

And no, we have chips for dinner sometimes ;) I don't eat ice cream much anyway

lol, chrikey! Thanks for the effort :)

I didn't put down veg, forgot that :o

I always have veg with my dinners, its the one thing I have to have really :) Normally Peas or sweetcorn, occasionally Carrots when we get them and broccoli

Thanks for the links though, will take a look.

£5-20! I can't randomly stick that in a piggy bank every now and then :p

Oh and to top it all off, i'm currently fighting my way out of my overdraft, all because of last year with my car insurance coming out, so I basically get paid, throw rent across, then end up back in the minus on the 2nd of the month! That and the credit card needs paying, again, used for essential things I had to get at the time

definitely use those sites, you can save a ton on your shopping, then you could potentially put everything you save on shopping into a piggy bank.

like i said, on my first £50 shop i saved £23, that means £20 in the piggy bank.

next shop i know i will save a minimum of £10 due to having another voucher, so £10 in the piggy bank.

every so often there are £10 vouchers and then you get clubcard points which turn into vouchers also.

by using mysupermarket, you should be cutting your costs down, there are downsides to doing shopping online, as in if you only want less than £20 worth of stuff its not worth it, or if you want fresh fruit and veg it aint worth it as they just grab the first one they see, rather than you going into the store and picking which specific one you want.

but for all other stuff you should be fine. you can also refuse / return anything you dont think was suitable i imagine, we have always done our shopping in store, but just switched to online this week due to the time and savings involved.

everybody should look into it.
21 Jun 2006
Supermarkets do beat the mince prices but I only even use it to buy chicken which is a couple of quid cheaper per kg than my local Asda, not including the crap smartprice stuff.

give us a link to the chicken you buy and ill check mysupermarket for the equivalent quality and see what it costs per kg at the 4 supermarkets.

supermarkets have huge buying power, i do not doubt somewhere else may be cheaper, but it may be a lot of hassle for next to no real savings.

what do you do then? freeze it since your buying in bulk? that defeats the purpose of buying quality in bulk imo.
29 Jul 2004
Bad times, the little ready meal pot things I used to get from Morrisons for lunch have been rebranded. I thought it was just a marketing change, it's just a different box. Unfortunately however they've managed to reduce the protein from 35g to 23g and put another 12g of sugar in it's place :|. The search for a new lazy IIFYM lunch begins!
21 Jun 2006
Bad times, the little ready meal pot things I used to get from Morrisons for lunch have been rebranded. I thought it was just a marketing change, it's just a different box. Unfortunately however they've managed to reduce the protein from 35g to 23g and put another 12g of sugar in it's place :|. The search for a new lazy IIFYM lunch begins!

make your own wraps?

takes 2 minutes to do and you can adjust it to your taste exactly.

take tortilla, spread mayo, add lettuce and peppers, add chicken, add jalapeno's, yum yum.

or egg may, or cheese and tomato, whatever you like/want.
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Saw a rather large (read : fat) boy eating a snickers mid gym. Strong dreamer bulk.

I'm in no mood to judge though I'm getting drunk tonight! (and silly me took some jack3d, am I going to die? :p)
21 Jun 2006
order from tesco came they never had the following:

Tesco Healthy Living Diced Turkey Breast 428G (2 for £5)

they sent me turkey fillets instead (higher quality) and also 500g each so 1KG for £5 for the same price they never charge extra on substituted items. so i got better quality and more quantity for the same price.they also never had the cheap milk i ordered they sent the same amount but a branded make for the same price.

the only bad thing i can say is, 1 of the loaves of bread i ordered was slightly bashed, but nothing major.

gonna do shoulders tonight, then have me some turkey fillet goodness post workout.
21 Jun 2006
Saw a rather large (read : fat) boy eating a snickers mid gym. Strong dreamer bulk.

I'm in no mood to judge though I'm getting drunk tonight! (and silly me took some jack3d, am I going to die? :p)

i finished my first tub of jack3d at the start of the week, i think i received it last year (been training on and off and only using 1 scoop).

not bad for £20, got another 5 tubs sitting here lol (they double shipped my order by mistake and i had already ordered in bulk tons of stuff from america)

if i keep going at this rate, with the other pre workouts i have as well, ive probably got a 12 year supply lol, i got it for dirt cheap too.

if i took a pic of all my supplements, you guys would have a heart attack.
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29 Jul 2004
Psycho Sonny, king of supplements. Is there a more potent pre-wo than Jack3d in your experience? I have a ridiculously high stim resistance (no idea how, never drink coffee/energy drinks etc.) and need 3 scoops of Jack3d to feel the faintest beginnings of stimulus. Feelsbadman.
21 Jun 2006
you could give "white flood" a try, its really good and made by controlled labs who only make high quality products.

tbh though if you have a high tolerance, the only thing that is going to help is cutting your caffeine use down to zero for several months, then trying again.

this means no more coffee, no more tea, no more fizzy drinks, chocolate, etc, anything which could have small amounts of caffeine in it, as it all adds up over time.

going cold turkey should help a bit, but i think your brain gets so used to it so even when you come off it still remembers, so it builds it straight back up again when you start taking them.

the key is to never take high amounts in the first place. when you get used to it, stop for a while then repeat. if you have a really high tolerance your stuffed.

its basically like an alcoholic trying to mix his drinks in order to get a buzz. i wouldn't recommend that with pre-workouts though. your going to end up with insomnia or a heart attack.
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3 Oct 2009
1kg various beef, 500g beef mince, 2 packs bacon, 1kg sweet tataoes, 1kg brocolli, 12 eggs, brown loaf, 5 bananas, 8 pints milk = £21. Not bad at all! Now to work out how much whey i need per day to make up the calories
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