*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Unfortunately lads, one of my biggest "life problems" are my sweaty hands.
People with " normal hands" won't understand the problem - most days my hands are soaked, to the point where sometimes i can actually make it drip.

Yes I'm that guy that needs to wipe his hand quickly before shaking someone's hand in business meetings. Its one of those things I have just had to learn to live with, possibly thinking about doing new surgery to stop it.

Chalk won't suffice ;)

I used to have hyperhidrosis in my teens. Would be sat there in english and I'd feel beads of sweat dripping down my sides. Quick trip to the GP and I was given a roll on to use at night. After about a week of using it I only needed to use once a month and now I probably only use it 3 or 4 times a year! Bone dry most the time, well a little 'moist'.

Sounds silly but would something like this not be suitable? (Driclor - smells like straight vodka)
My doc just kept telling me I'll grow out of it... I'm now 31 and still waiting.
To be honest I'll try pretty much anything... as it affects pretty much all parts of my life.

My work laptop keyboard looks horrible, to the point where one of the IT guys told me to stop spilling **** on it, it's the worst "new laptop" he's seen (nothing spilled - just my fingers). I'm pretty much crap at DYI, because as a kid I was always too embarrassed to pick up any tools and still don't really want to touch it... the list goes on.

I'm lucky that I'm quite the extrovert - otherwise it could have really made me into a wallflower :D
if hes had silicon injections then its probably past the driclor stage :p

It's possible it might - funnily enough the only thing that does work - is alcohol.
When I drink, my hands dry out. It has nothing to do with a nervous disorder (see previous post about extrovert).

UNfortunately chucking a few beers down my neck before gym is not really ideal ;) :D
if hes had silicon injections then its probably past the driclor stage :p

I thought that too but it was very effective for me and others it would seem after a quick google. Perhaps his GP might be awful and not suggested it? :p

Other than that I think we'll have to chop them off and replace them with pneumatic hooks.

Definitely give a shot :) the roll on, not the booze!
I thought that too but it was very effective for me and others it would seem after a quick google. Perhaps his GP might be awful and not suggested it? :p

Other than that I think we'll have to chop them off and replace them with pneumatic hooks.

Definitely give a shot :) the roll on, not the booze!

you forgot to mention the side effect that can make it feel like somone is driving red hot needles into you :p
Is there any benefit from doing daily 20-30 minute workouts splitting body parts and doing 2 exercises rather than a larger 60-80 min workout every other day or every 2 days ?
you forgot to mention the side effect that can make it feel like somone is driving red hot needles into you :p

That's not my job :p

All I experienced was it being a little itchy and a very very very mild sting occasionally. You're off to sleep before you know it anyway.

Worth a try or be d000med with slippery hands forever.
Is there any benefit from doing daily 20-30 minute workouts splitting body parts and doing 2 exercises rather than a larger 60-80 min workout every other day or every 2 days ?

As long as your intensity and volume is at the correct level. Generally good to give each part a days rest and have some days off entirely.

What did you have in mind?
I used to workout m/w/f full body workouts

db Bench
standing Press
Skull Crushers
Pedlay row / One arm rows

Now I am struggling to get time and I am finding it easy to hit it hard for 20mins -30 mins


tonight I did db Bench flat + incline + flyes , monday I did Deadlifts and One arm rows. Tuesday I cleaned into front squats and some calf raises.

So is ok to do it like this or should I try to find the time for a fuller workout but less days?
Originally posted by: BennyC
Any exercise should never hurt. Yes you will get a lactate build up and a pump and maybe a little tightness after each set as the muscle fills with blood but I wouldn't describe it as actual proper pain, I think this is often gets confused.

Not necesarily. Training to failure is very taxing on the CNS and will also extend the period needed for the body to cover. Training to failure isn't always necessary and I've seen some of my greatest progression not training to failure lately. This doesn't mean lifting light it just means stop before you reach failure.

Suffice to say training to failure has it's place but personally for me training to failure will be a rarity from now on having done so for years previously.

Originally posted by: Freefaller
Training to failure regularly will most probably hamper progress, and lead to injury.

Just read what you guys put above. Well when I used the word pain, I meant that feeling that we all know of, when your doing an exercise, you get towards the end of your set, so say you aimed for 10 reps, you started, you do 1 rep, 2, 5, 8, and then you get to 9 and your mind is saying you've got nothing left and your muscle is like dying in everyway, most people that have never been to gym before would just stop there...but thats what I refer to as the pain barrier, and everything I've ever read and learnt from the great ones such as arnold, in pumping iron! and DY in blood & guts and ronnie coleman on his DVD's and many other great bb's they all say its going through this pain barrier and pushing yourself to complete filaure which makes the muscles grow. And since I've been listening to these guys and working out with pure intensity, they call it HIT dont they?

Coz years ago I was a complete newbie, I'd do 3 sets to 8 reps on everything, and stop even tho I knew I could do 5 more reps....and I had 5 minute breaks between sets and would talk to people and mess about lol, I was such a newbie, and now its like 45 mins of pure hell! haha just 110% intensity and for most of this past 12 months I've been doing 5 sets to failure on everything, and now recently I've changed my routine to 3x12 like DY says to do so on his training thing on youtube (blood & guts) coz he trains regular people now and he does two warm up sets with say 20% your max weight taken off to 12 reps and then last set your max weight to failure. So I just been doing that and am loving it because before when I was doing 5 sets to failure I wasnt really hurting the next day even though I was killing myself in the gym. I never felt sore the next day and I would do anything from 7-14 days in a row without a single day off doing a 5 day split and I felt fine and had good results. But since I've changed my routine to 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on and doing a 4 day split and also lowering the sets to 3 sets from 5 and increases the reps to 12 reps instead of 5 and really going to failure, I've seen even better results in last few months.

Some exercises like deadlifts or squats I'll count how many reps I do and do 12 but if am doing biceps for example I just go to failure, same with shoulders and triceps and chest, pretty much every exercise.

So yeah, I dont know really what is the best for everybody but for me now I just like to workout with maximum intensity and go to failure, I've had the best results I've ever had whilst doing this so it must be working for me.

These days as well the day off really helps coz like I did back tonight, when I wake up tomorrow I'll feel that my back is really sore. I did legs on sunday and they're still hurting even now. It's strange but I've noticed my muscles growing on my days off, like obviously not as it happens in slow motion lol but its like I look at my legs today and am like positive they're bigger then they were on sunday. Same with my chest too.

I really love working out, arnold was right what he said in pumping iron, its the best sport in the world!! lol

EDIT: I've heard a lot of people say this but if I could have any body it would be the one arnold has in pumping iron, coz in that hes a lot smaller then like ronnie coleman these days. I dont like how allot of todays bb's have big stomachs, think its really daft, doesnt look good at all, arnold was big and he didnt have a big stomach so not sure whats going on...

EDIT 2: Oh freefaller I never been injured really, appart from other day on leg press when I burst blood vessels and got my first EIH but oh well, head was only banging for 48 hours and then went away and skin is slowly turning back to normal, but I dont class this as a proper injury coz didnt stop me from working out, a proper injury is like RC or bicep tear where people are out of the game for 3-12 months.

EDIT 3: Oh and bennyC: what is CNS? (my guess, something network system? lol)

EDIT 4 LOL: So we got two videos one telling us to look up and one telling us to look down? which is it to be? I think I've always looked either straight forward or up, dont think I've ever looked down, just try to keep my back straight, I've never had any sharp pains or discomfort so always presumed I've done it ok.
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These days as well the day off really helps coz like I did back tonight, when I wake up tomorrow I'll feel that my back is really sore. I did legs on sunday and they're still hurting even now. It's strange but I've noticed my muscles growing on my days off, like obviously not as it happens in slow motion lol but its like I look at my legs today and am like positive they're bigger then they were on sunday. Same with my chest too.

That's just a kind of swelling similar to "pump", your muscles just fill up with lots of stuff :)

Last exam tomorrow and then in the evening going for a massive session with some more pb popping on deads :p
Dare I say it if you *sounds like morrent* his starting strength DVD he spends about 5 minutes going over the loss of drive from looking up. Before watching his DVD I too looked up/foward.

I now look about 1.5/2 meters infront of me and oddly looking down does help drive. Lift the elbows to ensure the bar stays on 'the shelf'.

For those that haven't seen it. I'm not disputing Morba's video is good because it is! it's just very different from Rippetoe's much easier approach imo. The emphasis on hip drive was key for me fixing my broken squat form after 2/3 months off! I now get good glute & hamstring recruitment because of this 3 minute clip.

Interestingly, what he says is ok about the back angle changing when looking down a bit, that is what I do when looking down. Even with a bar on my shoulders. Sounds like this should be ok (from the vid) but it feels a bit odd, could be a case of needing to get used to that as its how it should be.

Will experiment tomorrow :)

I guess a good way of practising this, though a bit more extreme angle, would be frog squats, as you are using the hips not lifting the upper body?
Having played around with it before I definitely prefer having my head up. Head down seems to promote more of a good morning movement in my squat, as well as other people I've watched. There are a couple of guys I know that squat head down and it really doesn't look great, they have real difficulty keeping their chests up. I think possibly Rip is using it as a coaching tool to teach hip drive. Regardless head up, chest up, break at the hip first, sit back and drive the hips through at the top is a cleaner movement.
I used to workout m/w/f full body workouts

db Bench
standing Press
Skull Crushers
Pedlay row / One arm rows

Now I am struggling to get time and I am finding it easy to hit it hard for 20mins -30 mins


tonight I did db Bench flat + incline + flyes , monday I did Deadlifts and One arm rows. Tuesday I cleaned into front squats and some calf raises.

So is ok to do it like this or should I try to find the time for a fuller workout but less days?

Sounds like you're just doing a very low volume but intense 3/4/5 day split. Should be fine as long as your load & frequency aren't too much. Best bet is to try it and see how you find it mate.

Having played around with it before I definitely prefer having my head up. Head down seems to promote more of a good morning movement in my squat, as well as other people I've watched. There are a couple of guys I know that squat head down and it really doesn't look great, they have real difficulty keeping their chests up. I think possibly Rip is using it as a coaching tool to teach hip drive. Regardless head up, chest up, break at the hip first, sit back and drive the hips through at the top is a cleaner movement.

It's deffinitely worth watching his DVD I think the squat section is 30 minutes long. He gets his newbs to squat looking down focusing on hip drive, then gets them to do it looking up and you can see how much more they struggle. I'm not saying everyone should look up but it's just an interesting observation!

I was amazed at how good some of their form was despite having only been coached for a few hours.
Rather than looking down it's looking at a spot on the floor about 6 feet in front of you, rather than looking at some spot up on the wall.

I've found I like it a lot, and I've added 45kg to my deadlift since I learned that. (135-180kg)
Yeah I was told with deadlift its mainly about keeping your spine neutral so there is little/no angle between the top of your spine and the back of your head. In practice with me the is a small angle but it is minimal. I don't know if head angle affects the lift as much as squat
EDIT: I've heard a lot of people say this but if I could have any body it would be the one arnold has in pumping iron, coz in that hes a lot smaller then like ronnie coleman these days. I dont like how allot of todays bb's have big stomachs, think its really daft, doesnt look good at all, arnold was big and he didnt have a big stomach so not sure whats going on...

GH gut.
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