*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I pop to Nandos between sets..

Nah I've been doing heavy squats so rest times can be quite high.

On a different subject, been doing a 3 day split mon,wed,fri but thinking of going back to 4 day split (legs need their own day). Only issue is I don't want to train on the weekend as it's a liability (wife always has plans for me...) so it would be mean training 3 days in on the trot. Anyone find this lack of downtime between training days OK?
I pop to Nandos between sets..

Nah I've been doing heavy squats so rest times can be quite high.

On a different subject, been doing a 3 day split mon,wed,fri but thinking of going back to 4 day split (legs need their own day). Only issue is I don't want to train on the weekend as it's a liability (wife always has plans for me...) so it would be mean training 3 days in on the trot. Anyone find this lack of downtime between training days OK?

Could do Legs then shoulders, your legs still get some rest time for whenever they're next needed then...

ie: Monday=Legs, Tuesday=Shoulders, Wedsnesday=rest/cardio?, Thursday=Chest, Friday=Back
Here is what I have.

Monday - Legs (beast mode)
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Shoulders / Core
Thursday - Chest / Triceps
Friday - Back / Biceps
Sat/Sun - Rest

Can't see another way to do it really. I have to team up biceps with back and triceps with chest otherwise it gets a bit crazy.
I'll write up a split then come back. Doing legs and shoulders on the same day is bad times.

Fine!!! Ignore my split -_-


20mins for squats is about right for me. 5 sets of 5 (at heaviest)-10 (at lightest) reps with up-to 2 mins rest in between + time to plate up/down.

Time flies in the gym :)

So true...I could easily spend two hours if I wanted to. I try and get everything in within an hour though.

My back day has been reduced due to me not trying PB's every session :o
Monday - Chest / abs
Tuesday - Biceps / abs
Wednesday - Chest / abs
Thursday - Biceps / abs
Friday - Chest / abs
Weekend - rest and get wasted with the lads.

I'll write up a split then come back. Doing legs and shoulders on the same day is bad times.

Cheers for the encouragement...that's what I am doing tonight! Too busy this weekend :-(

LiE said:
Friday - Back / Biceps
Monday - Legs (beast mode)

I realise it's a couple of days gap but do you not find say doing deadlifts 3 days before legs ie. squats, effects your balance etc?
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3 days is fine, it's the most time you will get between doing the 2 exercises. I have no issues with balance when doing squats. If my legs are toasted I do struggle with deadlifts, getting it off the floor. But it's no different than doing rows with toasted biceps.
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