*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Misha is ridiculous.


Mostly echoing what others have said; slightly deeper, slightly narrower. Also, try doing some of the hip stretches freefaller posted. And the best way to stop the knees from collapsing inwards is to drop the weight and practice, it's as a result of tight/unbalanced hips/groin and a week VMO (vastus medialis obliquus, part of your inner quad).

Other than that it seems to be fairly solid. For the future though it's easiest to judge form from the side or slightly from behind.
I had a good session today. I did some more rowing, fairly high intensity 5 min pieces, and then some deficit deadlifts just to feel them out for my next program. I did some horrible semi-lactate resistance training on the leg press with about 120kg for 20 reps and then finished it off with some shoulder work (rotator cuff and lat raise). Oh and lots and lots of rolling and stretching :). I think I'm beginning to enjoy this type of training :).

Oh yeah and FF massive +1 on those stretches you posted, I tried a few of them today and they were great, I felt loads looser and had very happy legs :)
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Thanks for the input guys.

I'll try the following next time:
-Narrower stance: I think you're right about this being the cause of my knee movement.
-A little more depth: I definitely want to be at or below parallel.:)
-Driving more upwards with the hips: I watched the Ripptoe video where he recommended this, but I've found it pretty difficult to accomplish.

You'll find Rippetoes teaching points much easier to adapt to when you adapt his stance and whole squatting style. Sitting crouched as a child would when playing in the sand and driving up like he describes, recruiting the hamstrings too.
PAradox - great squatting, but looks like you lack a bit of glute/hip flexibility. As icecold has mentioned try doing some stretches to "open" up your hips a little.

Try box squats with a lighter weight and going a little lower than parallel - it'll give you a good feel for how it feels going to parallel and helps the legs get used to the ROM.

Otherwise, good effort, keep up the good work. :)
Jack3d - 2.5 scoops.

Excellent, that is if you are looking for something to make you wee everytime you sip some water!

Concentration- nothing noticed
Pump- nothing noticed
Extra feeling- nothing.

Will try 3 scoops on sat before gym, if nothing then I'm giving up on it. The BA tingle on lips is nice, but not worth it at this price :p
Yeah that works well imo. But make sure you warm up very well before doing deadlifts, and couple of warm ups on deadlifts pretty crucial imo.

Make sure your technique is good as well, watch some vids online and biceps you don't really need to have overkill. If it makes you happy throw another exercise in.

Thanks for all your help will give an update in here few weeks time to tell you how i am doing.

For my warm up i always tend to do a 10minute cycle or run. Does everything else in my workout look good? Will hopefully move to chins when i have lost more weight and strong enough ;)
Jack3d - 2.5 scoops.
Excellent, that is if you are looking for something to make you wee everytime you sip some water!

Yeah, I often go to the toilet once in a workout regardless, but I've been 2 or sometimes 3 times while taking jack3d :o.

My shoulder workout was somewhat lacking only getting 1 set of 5x50kg military presses, tried some standing single lateral raises though for a new exercise and starting to get more vascular as well as bodyweight still dropping.

As for that squatting video, could be the angle of filming but the depth looks like it could be a bit lower and your stance did seem too wide and watch out for the knees wobbling.
I don’t know if this is necessary a good thing, but the girlfriend ordered me a Slendertone System Abs Toning Belt Mens i know these are not cheap i think she forked out £100.00 for this; i don’t know what to think! If it will be any good.

Was a bit of a surprise gift, as i said i wanted to try one. I am a fairly low b.f 11.3% but i wonder if this will actually help if at all?

Anyone have any experience with the following?
Send it back and tell her that you'd rather spend the money on a hotel room for a night. The bedroom gymnastics for one night will be better than the ab belt even if used for 5 years.
Yeah just looked at feet, they look wider than shoulder width, though that could be because of the light on your England top

I think you've got your feet too wide apart to be honest. Which is why making sure your ankle and knee are in alignment is difficult and pushing them out to the side is tough. Narrow your stance (a little wider than shoulder width) and point your feet out a little more to about 30 degrees. Drive your hips and ass up.

Some nice power there though :)

Depends on the training lads.

For powerliting the wider stance is better. :D

With my wide stance I get those hamstrings, quads and calves really really working. Plus hip drive works easier that way.

Although if he doesn't care about powerlifting, your way seems to be the way most bodybuilders train. Although even here at college the athletes are encouraged to use a powerlifting stance. Specially the rugby players.
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That's one of the benefits of using my cage, you can proper limit your width without your feet going further. Great for sumo deadlifts :D
I don’t know if this is necessary a good thing, but the girlfriend ordered me a Slendertone System Abs Toning Belt Mens i know these are not cheap i think she forked out £100.00 for this; i don’t know what to think! If it will be any good.

Was a bit of a surprise gift, as i said i wanted to try one. I am a fairly low b.f 11.3% but i wonder if this will actually help if at all?

Anyone have any experience with the following?

If you think about the science behind it it's just creating static contractions with no load. So it might help increase muscle tone, and by this I mean the actual muscle tone, not what people mean when they say I want to be 'toned'. The taughtness of the abdominals muscles could increase resulting in your gut not protruding as much naturally. But in no way will it create hypertrophy.

My dad had one a few years back. Funny thing to try and a bit strange at first. But I'd tell her nicely that while you appreciate it you didn't mean that you actually want one, explain to her nicely why it doesn't work so she won't be offended and ask if she'd rather buy you some tubs of whey or go have a nice meal out, book a hotel room and beat it up.
Calfs Raises this morning on smith (weight is only plates, no idea how much the bars weigh on a smith):
1x20 @ 40kg
1x20 @ 70kg
1x20 @ 90kg
3x20 @ 100kg

Seated Calf Raises on a machine:
3x20 @ 50kg
2x20 @ 55kg

MEGA ruined calfs. This is only my second week of really hammering my calfs on a 4 day split, they were RUINED last weekend 'cause of it, so hoping it's not AS bad this time :p

Also trained forearms and abs \o/
I'm glad I don't specifically train my abs anymore, if there is one thing I don't miss its ab DOMS and the burn when you ruin them and can't move after :(.

I should be getting my belt and vibram fivefingers next week so bring on the new improved powerlifting routine :)
My PLL is still sore, I think I need one more physio appointment - hopefully once I finish this bloody project I'll be able to get back into a routine. No gym for about 4 weeks now :(
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