The 2012 Chilli growing thread - the second burn!

My big bad curry plant is starting to wilt, thought maybe lack of water as I'm trying to avoid watering them as much, gave it up a top up (been over a week since last time) and water just seeped out the bottom so still moist underneath. So who knows whats happening.
My nagas from last year are really struggling, what is the best procedure for getting them going again? I tried cutting back one and it looks like it has just died, and the other I left as-is in case my first try failed. So.. chilli gods, how do I bring back my second naga properly? They were beautiful 3 foot plants last year :(
Just a couple of quick shots of mine.
Big one at the back is curry, the red looking ones are Explosive Embers and the wee green one at the back is a Summer of Fire.

Four peppers, I've got an other three planted outside in a pop-up greenhouse thing. Admittedly a bit worried about the cold front coming in so tempted to bring them inside =/

Not photographed is a explosive ember that's close to the height of the curry plant.
When did you sow the Curry. I have one growing, but rather slowly in comparison to the others.

One of the ones I don't actually have a date on!
It was start of february. It started with the cling film over a pot technique then about a week later I got the heated propagator where I moved it into.

I think I had two that actually germinated but I accidently killed one when I replanted them by bending the stem causing it to snap partially and it never recovered. =[

I've got three more in the heated prop planted just the other week with one maybe showing signs of starting their second lot of leaves.
Got back home after a long weekend out and still no shoots. Come on you swines, I want chillies!! Will sow some more tonight of the others and hope they come up. Have some germination powder too I will give a try.

I'm inpatient.
Had to replant my curry. It was wilting very quickly after a water. Took it out the pot and it was thick with roots and bone dry.
Seeds I planted on the 22nd are ready to be replanted too. I'm running out of room! The tiny flies are really annoying though!

I'm also inpatient. I'm wanting signs of flowers and stuff =[
Those tiny flies seem to like vinegar, so you could try putting a little bowl of vinegar near the plants. they fly in and drown :) Cider vinegar smells less offensive than most others. Wine works too but not as well
Sadly given up on my chili seeds and started fresh. Been 4 weeks and not a sign so excavated a few pots and there was nothing. It may have been too wet and the seeds rotted, but the tomatoe seeds all sprouted nicely, and some random mini sweet bell pepper seeds I collected when making my salads had a little success.

Stated agin with a few seeds between moist kitten towel in a Tupperware tub.
What does yellow leafs mean? I'm guessing to much or to little fertiliser?

I've got a few with yellow leaves. I'm going to try some fertiliser tomorrow and see if it perks things up. Some people say it could be over watering as well.
Still need to chop the tops off of mine. Anyone done this yet this year?

i have never done this? why do people do this?
i just leave my plants, one of the flowers has turned into a chillie already, i never cut tops off, unless anyone has a valid reason as to why?
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