*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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First week back after another 5 weeks off. Not lost a great deal of strength but feel really weak. This year has been a complete write off since around April but I'm going to push myself harder than ever through December and next year :cool:
Not get injured and hopefully not get the flu again :o

Joking aside, I would be happy to just get a solid 8 weeks behind me of something simple like Stronglifts 5x5 then reassess.

Massive congratulations with your deadlift btw. Probably the most impressive lifter on here now imo.
Not get injured and hopefully not get the flu again :o

Joking aside, I would be happy to just get a solid 8 weeks behind me of something simple like Stronglifts 5x5 then reassess.

Massive congratulations with your deadlift btw. Probably the most impressive lifter on here now imo.

Ah your too kind. There are plenty of really good lifters on here, icecold and dom surpass my abilities.
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Yeh by weight those pulls are crazy. 250 ain't all that tho so don't go buy in the big pants yet. Be what's say we setup 1st to 300 straps allowed video only? Been meaning to head that way anyhoo
3 reps at 250kg is crazy progress UE!

I'm currently residing in Snap City so I'm currently far from repping 250kg, but it gives me a good excuse to build back up. I'm hoping for some interesting numbers at my next comp, and maybe I'll get to use my hamstring when squatting.

I think I could still pull 300kg from 18" though, does that get me chips?!
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