*** The 2016 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Hi I am wondering if you guys are able to help me.

I've been working out for about 4 years and more intensively for the past 12 and I am getting pretty good muscle development on the whole from doing Bro splits I am happy with the majority of progression at 95kg, 6.1ft and 34 waist and 44 inch chest.

One problem I am noticing is that when looking in the mirror my left lattimus dorsi is smaller than my right. When I flair my 'wings' and pose it is definitely less developed than the right side I notice from the antior view. Posteriorly it is hard for me to see but my gf does say it's less defined.

Now I have dislocated both my left elbow and shoulder before in an accident and since have trouble with elbow extension due to fracture site osteopyhte formation into the joint.

I am asking if you think this would be the cause? I can curl the same amount of weight with my left arm and shoulder some times feels a little weaker but on the whole they are fairly balanced on the ohp.

I was wondering if there was a way I could work out just the left side for extra reps or just isolate the left side for a while until equal? most lat exercises seem to be two handed though.

Any thoughts or help is appreciated.


P's my usual back routine:

3 X chin ups
3 X single arm row
3 X lat Pull down / or v bar pull down
3 X seated row
3 X bent over row

All for 10 to 12 reps

Then some curls to finish up with ez bar and then single arm concentration curl

Did you do all your physio at the time? The shoulder is an absolute pain (literally) to rehab, and sub-optimal control of the scapula and humeral head will cause muscle development in areas you didn't expect.

Do you do rotator cuff work? Can you get full and equal shoulder extension with somebody checking your scap fixation/position? Is serratus screwing you over on one side or another? Do you have tight pecs? How good is your posture? How good are your genes? Have you ever checked how even and symmetrical your skeleton is (just kidding)?

There are a lot of factors that could be screwing you over: the only ones that really matter are the biomechanical ones, as they will determine how badly the joint wears. :)
Unfortunately physio was not offered at the time, it was literally just popped back in at walk in clinic and on your bike son (literally as I cycled in after falling off bike). Elbow was dislocated a few years before.

Shoulder is mostly okay now, I have done exercises on it since to build up the cuff.

The only movements I'd say troubled a bit are it clonks under depression and internal rotating is clonky. Other moments seem on par.

Think that the shoulder is preventing the lat from fully engaging?
If you don't have full ROM in the shoulder it's quite possible. Considering your injuries I'm not surprised that there's some residual asymmetry. 18 months down the line from my ankle fracture my vastus lateralis and tensor fascia lata (and probably otheir abductors) remain visibly reduced in size despite full ROM and being as fully rehabbed as I can imagine. Part of the imbalance is probably to do with 8 weeks of hopping on the right leg leading to massive abductors!
So today, during my split, I saw a guy do: ez curls, preacher curls, cable skullcrushers and db skullcrushers. That was it, and he spent about an hour on them. Must be curlz for teh gurlz day

And after all that he didn't do bench on International Chest Day! I assume his split goes Arms, Chest, Arms, Chest, Arms + Chest, Legs (well, arms), rest
For those who started out on 5x5 what did you progress onto? At the moment my primary focus is building strength, would 3x3 benefit me?
Progress on to what? Working weight for sets, or on to a new routine?

Why do you want to do 3x3 instead of 5x5?
Progress on to what? Working weight for sets, or on to a new routine?

Why do you want to do 3x3 instead of 5x5?

He/she wants to move to a chestanbize routine, but is too shy to ask. So just wants to know if "moving to lower reps for the strength training bits" is good enough to hide his/her embarrassment. ;) :D
Progress on to what? Working weight for sets, or on to a new routine?

Why do you want to do 3x3 instead of 5x5?

New routine.

I've been doing 5x5 for a while now and results are starting to plateau, I've seen a few people switch to 3x3 and progress strength wise but I get the feeling it's not really enough just doing that.

He/she wants to move to a chestanbize routine, but is too shy to ask. So just wants to know if "moving to lower reps for the strength training bits" is good enough to hide his/her embarrassment. ;) :D

How did you know :eek:
If your gains are plateauing you need to eat more, rest more or increase your working weights by even just small amounts each session or all 3.
What are your working weights? SL shouldn't really plataeu below a 1 rep max of 180kg for deads, 160kg for squats and 100kg for bench.

Most people who have done a beginners strength routine normally move on to something like 5/3/1.
Thank you for your replies about my lat problems, i've started training them individually using the previously mentioned excercise and also single straight arm push downs to activate them individually.

I have another question, relating to Hex bars.

I wish to get a hex bar to dead lift with as I am unable to hold a bar correctly as I cannot rotate my wrists to a palm up position due to more previous injuries (broke both elbows and wrists) and I get on better with the hex bar.

They come in different lengths though and I was wondering if their length dictates their centre opening size also. i.e. does a 6ft bar have more room inside than the 5ft.

any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your replies about my lat problems, i've started training them individually using the previously mentioned excercise and also single straight arm push downs to activate them individually.

I have another question, relating to Hex bars.

I wish to get a hex bar to dead lift with as I am unable to hold a bar correctly as I cannot rotate my wrists to a palm up position due to more previous injuries (broke both elbows and wrists) and I get on better with the hex bar.

They come in different lengths though and I was wondering if their length dictates their centre opening size also. i.e. does a 6ft bar have more room inside than the 5ft.

any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,


I think you need to see a physio to work out what you can do for your shoulder as your are talking about some rather serious-sounding impingements. And putting additional volume into your lat with such impingements is probably not going to help.

In addition, work on your external rotation and stretching of the shoulder capsule.
I'm going to start some shoulder mobility work. I've started doing some shoulder dislocations, internal and external rotation and scaption raises. Would I be ok doing these everyday? I will probably do them in the evening with some light dumbbells at home whilst my main workout is during lunch. Also thinking about slinging some push ups in each evening cos dat chest.
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