Wow, I can't even get close to my max deadlift. What is going on? Everything else continues to increase![]()
Brain, de-training, confidence, etc...
Wow, I can't even get close to my max deadlift. What is going on? Everything else continues to increase![]()
Has anyone got any experience with Adipower shoes with orthotics? if you have both, how do you find them?
None of the shoe shops keep the Adipower in stock so I can't check them with orthotics and I want to make sure I'm not wasting my money. I'll need to get some more orthotics made to put in my shoes (current crop are very old) so will have a chat with the sports physio first and see if he has come across this before.
Contemplating trying out the intermittent fasting diet anyone else on here tried it and does anyone use as more of a lifestyle change and not go back.
Also to start the year off on a bang I'm off to the gym to do get it has 10x10 deficit Bulgarian split squats, ouch.
When you say IF, do you mean daily 16 hour fasts or the eat x out of 7 days one?
I intermittently do 16 hour IFsand found it to work for me in the sense it helped me stick to a set number of calories and raised my productivity with not eating every few hours or as soon as I woke up.
The inner sole is removable and some people wack hard inserts under them to bump the shoe height up slightly if they feel they need more than the effective 0.75" heel height.
Since you're not going to be walking much in WL'ing shoes do you really need inserts in the shoes though? This is assuming you have flat feet rather than a slight leg length discrepency or something. Anything soft will get squished when you've got a loaded bar on your back compressing your feet down on top of them and they'll elevate the heel height further which could be bad or perhaps good depending on what sort of squats you perform (or if you're using them for their intended purpose of the actual sport of weightlifting) and your levers.
As for training I started gvt again yesterday, that was brutal so I've started 2017 rather interesting for myself.
German Volume Training (GVT), or the 10 sets method, has been used for decades by weightlifters to increase muscle mass. To date, no study has directly examined the training adaptations following GVT.
It seems that the modified GVT program is no more effective than performing 5 sets per exercise for increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength.
Well I've started IF at 9pm last night, and my next meal will be at 1pm today, which works out great for me as that's when I have break. First week is meant to be the hardest, I've never missed breakfast or not eaten in that long period of time, but I must be strong.
As for training I started gvt again yesterday, that was brutal so I've started 2017 rather interesting for myself.
Well I've started IF at 9pm last night, and my next meal will be at 1pm today, which works out great for me as that's when I have break. First week is meant to be the hardest, I've never missed breakfast or not eaten in that long period of time, but I must be strong.
well I have a completely fallen arches so it's just to ensure there isn't any roll inwards on the ankles. My current orthoitcs have hardly any bounce left in them so as long as the inner sole is removable, I can swap them in and out to see how I fair.
then forest has got the adipower for £102 so way cheaper than most other places which are putting them at circa 165
In regards to GVT, I posted this a few weeks back but it quickly got buried with the bench press challenge posts. The reason i'm reposting is I personally don't see the point in doing double the volume suggested for no extra results.
I hear GVT mentioned a lot around here, Martin Berkham posted this link the other day:
I've never run the program, just thought it might be of interest to some of you.
A guy in the gym I go to benched 220kg, fair enough he stopped going down when the bar was 4 inches from his chest, but I'm still jelly.