*** The 2018 Gym Rats Thread ***

What sort of rest periods are you taking between each set? What part of the press are you struggling most with? If you're failing with the initial push-off then you could incorporate some pause presses into your workout (make sure you drop the weight a bit when doing these). If you're failing just before lockout then it could be your triceps need building up a bit. Speaking of contributing muscle groups, a strong back and shoulders will help form a good base so make sure those are being trained regularly. Finally, I'm assuming you've covered this already but make sure your form is spot on. Retract your scapula, bench with your arms at about a 45-60 degree angle to your body, engage your glutes and use leg drive.

I usually rest (as I can feel the last rep being tougher so I have more rest)

1.5 min
2 min
3 min
5 min
6 min

It feels like I just run out of steam.... the weight is liftsble because I can do the other sets....

I usually know on my 4th that the next one is not gonna go and I can just push and push and it goes nowhere. It’s towards the bottom of press...
I've bought a belt to see if that helps and luckily squats don't seem to bother it. I'm reluctant to give up deadlifts because I know how important they are but may have to accept defeat so any advice would be welcome.

Right. A couple of things...

1) A belt won't necessarily help if your form is bad;
2) Lifting with a herniated disc is a REALLY bad idea if you don't know if your form is rock solid (as checked by somebody qualified to check it).

I usually rest (as I can feel the last rep being tougher so I have more rest)

1.5 min
2 min
3 min
5 min
6 min

It feels like I just run out of steam.... the weight is liftsble because I can do the other sets....

I usually know on my 4th that the next one is not gonna go and I can just push and push and it goes nowhere. It’s towards the bottom of press...

Drop the weight to about 60kg and do 4 sets of 10 reps for a week, then the same at 62.5kg the next week, etc.

Not only will this give you a serious pump and make you feel better about your workouts, you will put in solid volume to taper back into 5*5.

You also have to remember that bench is gash and a stupid lift. ;)
Do people use Myfitness pal and how religious are you with hitting the targets on the nose or thereabouts?

currently sitting between 98-100 kg with ~2500 calories daily
Figures its suggested are:
carb 50% (315)
fat 30% (84)
protein 20% (126)

reading online for training it seems my protein may be low? I can hit ~120 easily but above that I would need to make some large diet changes.
I'm currently vegetarian but eat a lot of Vegan meals maybe too much mock meat but its delicious. although I can get the protein I end up with a lot more carbs and fat so the %split stays similar.

More just curious what split you guys have on Macros and how close you stick to them? Im trying to nail my diet down, although im getting stronger and weights are increasing im worried im going to put a lot of fat back on.
ok will try dropping further and doing that mrthingyx - worth a shot :) Just wondering by dropping the weight so much will I lose my gains so far
Been meaning to post mine here for a while as well.

Form is terrible after watching it back. The first lift is OK but every one that follows is dreadful as I forget to pull my chest back. Last one is pretty spot on so far as I can tell?

(Sorry for the terrible angle, it's a tiny ass gym and I had to work to get that angle...)

This was about a month ago. 100kg. This was my 3rd set of 5 (my grip gave up a little after rep 3 so had to regrip). I'm up to 110kg now and more or less regrip after every rep (terrible grip strength).

I wear a top......most of the time....

It looks like you're having to lift round your knees a bit, but mostly I'd say I'm struggling to judge your form with a weight that light & low to the ground starting. Are there any full sized plates there?

I've been keeping the weight fairly low whilst I try to sort out my form. We do have some bigger plates I could whack on this evening. I'll try for 50kg and re-record :)
This was about a month ago. 100kg. This was my 3rd set of 5 (my grip gave up a little after rep 3 so had to regrip). I'm up to 110kg now and more or less regrip after every rep (terrible grip strength).
It looks alright from a back straightness perspective, but seems like you might be starting with the bar far from your shins? as it looks like you pop onto your toes a bit.

Also, I put the weight on the ground after each rep, maybe I'm a quitter haha
I've been keeping the weight fairly low whilst I try to sort out my form. We do have some bigger plates I could whack on this evening. I'll try for 50kg and re-record :)

My gym has big rubber light weights and even wooden plates of full size so people can practice or warm-up at a comfortable height without loading on weight, might be worth seeing if there is the equivalent in your gym if you don't fancy adding on too much weight before adjusting your form.
It looks alright from a back straightness perspective, but seems like you might be starting with the bar far from your shins? as it looks like you pop onto your toes a bit.

Also, I put the weight on the ground after each rep, maybe I'm a quitter haha

Can't really tell from that angle. I'll see how far from my shins the bar is when I next do them, I feel it's pretty close.

I think I'll have to skip deadlifts this week though. :(
My gym has big rubber light weights and even wooden plates of full size so people can practice or warm-up at a comfortable height without loading on weight, might be worth seeing if there is the equivalent in your gym if you don't fancy adding on too much weight before adjusting your form.

Sadly there isn't anything like that at all. It doesn't have much equipment really, only reason I still go there and not some other more equipped place is because it's 50 yards form where I work :/
This was about a month ago. 100kg. This was my 3rd set of 5 (my grip gave up a little after rep 3 so had to regrip). I'm up to 110kg now and more or less regrip after every rep (terrible grip strength).


Starting position is good but to me it looks like your hips shoot up early as you start the lift and as GP says I think you get your weight too much on your forefoot/toes. I think the two could be combined. If you pause the video at 3 seconds you can see that your upper body is still leaning over the weight quite a bit and your legs have begun to straighten. You're then completing the latter part of the lift with your lower back and that's going to be an absolute killer, even for someone without a pre-existing injury.

Try feeling like you're getting your weight back over your heels a bit more. It also might help to lift either barefoot or in something with a flatter sole, I don't like seeing people deadlift in trainers.
Starting position is good but to me it looks like your hips shoot up early as you start the lift and as GP says I think you get your weight too much on your forefoot/toes. I think the two could be combined. If you pause the video at 3 seconds you can see that your upper body is still leaning over the weight quite a bit and your legs have begun to straighten. You're then completing the latter part of the lift with your lower back and that's going to be an absolute killer, even for someone without a pre-existing injury.

Try feeling like you're getting your weight back over your heels a bit more. It also might help to lift either barefoot or in something with a flatter sole, I don't like seeing people deadlift in trainers.

Thanks for the tips, should I try starting with my back more upright then so there's more of a squat? I'll do some lighter lifts on Thursday to try and work on my form and film it again.
Been meaning to post mine here for a while as well.

Form is terrible after watching it back. The first lift is OK but every one that follows is dreadful as I forget to pull my chest back. Last one is pretty spot on so far as I can tell?

(Sorry for the terrible angle, it's a tiny ass gym and I had to work to get that angle...)

looks like you are squatting a bit too much to me, try putting your knees back so you don't have to move around them. try to aim for shins to be perpendicular to the ground.
also engage your lats/shoulders more. imagine squeezing an orange in your armpit, or trying to bend the bar.

This was about a month ago. 100kg. This was my 3rd set of 5 (my grip gave up a little after rep 3 so had to regrip). I'm up to 110kg now and more or less regrip after every rep (terrible grip strength)

put the weight down on each rep do the full motion :)
For the last 6 months I've been doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and really liking it.
I'm wanting to help my BJJ game, and I'm wondering what rep ranges etc people would suggest for improving?

I'm mainly thinking bridging an 100Kg person off me I can do, but doing it repeatedly for an hour is killing me haha
Just wondering if moving to 8-12 reps for my lifts would help me, or should I just focus on being stronger?
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