I've been keeping to a set routing the last 8 weeks now that I've sussed how my fast metabolism behaves and what I need to do to grow muscle and noticed a marked improvement in lean physique and also being able to increase progressions, static holds etc.
I started out at around 56KG and am now 61.7KG according to the gym scales.
Nutrition wise I've been eating normally but also added a fixed homemade smoothie combo, one for breakfast (carbs) on workout days and one for after workout which is heavy in protein respectively for muscle repair and growth. The latter I will have every other day anyway as an additional meal to pad out my macro needs. My goal as per thread a while back is to gain lean muscle and end up shredded as I have a very low body fat percentage. Given the past 8 weeks progress, I think this should easily be possible given the routine stays put for a full year, maybe even less. I've been reading other peoples training programs and routines and it's amazing how it can vary so much between each individual. Just proves there is no right or wrong, each program has to be tailored to your own body.
Here's the pre-workout morning smoothie:
And the smoothie to have later in the day or early evening:
Sadly I accidentally managed to delete the day 1 pic but the below is after 8 weeks, working out 3 times a week and twice weekly boxing training.
At the start of this journey at around 56KG my shoulders, abs and biceps were nearly non existent, everything was flat!
I've been doing mostly bodyweight based routines (Calisthenics) on my own and weight based circuit with a friend, stuff like barbell row (20KG), deadlift (1.6x my body weight and holding each shoulder shrug on a lift for time under tension), squats (40KG building up to 60KG between sets), military press (30KG), pushups (with progressions of explosive & diamond) as well as using resistance bands strapped to vertical parts of gym machines to get full range of motion in forearms, biceps and triceps.
I'll also now be adding the dragon flag to the routine as that's quite tough but my core is a lot stronger now.
It's been quite fun tracking progress over time!