That's hugely inspiring and impressive. I guess PBs might be off the cards then?
Will you have to be on a pouch for the rest of your life? Or is this temporary until you're insides are all fixed?
I know how much intra-abdominal pressure I put when pushing myself, I'd imagine bits of me would ping across the room if they weren't inside me!
Did they offer you any medication to bulk you back up or was that just your metabolism kicking in again?
What are the realistic expectations for training in the long term?
I don't have a large intestine any more so the only option is a 'j pouch' where they create a sort of fake rectum and hook that back up. It's an option but I don't fancy any more major surgery at the moment and it's not a guaranteed success, it brings with it its own set of potential issues.
The abdominal pressure issue is interesting. I really understand my abdominal area and how different lifts work it now since surgery. I don't know whether it's me naturally compensating to avoid injury or just how different lifts works but the major compound lifts feel quite safe. I brace my core by sucking everything up and inwards rather than the feeling of pushing outwards and it hasn't yet felt like anything is going to herniate.
Alternatively, If I was to hold a 20kg plate out in front of me with my arms fully extended, it feels like my insides are going to fall out!
Thankfully I didn't need any medication to bulk me up after surgery as I had a crazy appetite. I was easily putting away 4000 calories a day. Sadly, a lot of it was cake and custard. I probably only put on a tiny percentage of muscle but at the time I was so out of it, I just wanted to eat anything and everything.
Realistic goals for training are pretty much the same as before surgery, albeit with less flare ups and backwards steps. I just want to continue improving the big compound lifts as much as I can and get my body looking vaguely like someone who trains. I want to keep a decent amount of body fat (15-20%) as if I opt for surgery, its better to have more in reserve than too little.
There's so many inspiring people with stomas that I feel like more is possible than life with ulcerative colitis before surgery. People have climbed everest, run ironmans, travelled the world and come top 3 in powerlifting comps with a stoma.
This guy has 2 bags and look at him less than a year after surgery!