***The 2020 Gym Rats Thread*** ᕦ( ͠°◞ °)ᕥ

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So gyms in Wales are now closed again for another two weeks. I was doing a push, pull, legs split, 4 days a week. Thinking of blasting some "Murph" (1 mile run, 300 squats, 200 press-ups, 100 pull-ups, 1 mile run) style workouts for the next fortnight. Although, I can't actually complete a full one yet!

Any other home/park workout ideas? I've got access to a garage, resistance bands, pull-up bars but no weights.
225kg deads for 3 - moved well. Comfortably had 2 more in the tank.


I'm on target for breaking my 250kg deadlift by the end of the year. My target (not for this year) is to get to 270kg. Yes of course I'd love 300kg, but that's probably not realistic.

If I can break 615kg total then I will be very happy as that will be my all time best.
225kg deads for 3 - moved well. Comfortably had 2 more in the tank.


I'm on target for breaking my 250kg deadlift by the end of the year. My target (not for this year) is to get to 270kg. Yes of course I'd love 300kg, but that's probably not realistic.

If I can break 615kg total then I will be very happy as that will be my all time best.

Similar place and goals to me :)

Leaner this time though than before lockdown.

Current projections put me 6 weeks away from 250kg, but I’ve hit plenty of walls unexpectedly before, so we’ll see.
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225kg deads for 3 - moved well. Comfortably had 2 more in the tank.


I'm on target for breaking my 250kg deadlift by the end of the year. My target (not for this year) is to get to 270kg. Yes of course I'd love 300kg, but that's probably not realistic.

If I can break 615kg total then I will be very happy as that will be my all time best.

So handsome. You’ll surpass my 620kg total soon enough (albeit a little heavier than my 83kg). Super impressive!
Similar place and goals to me :)

Leaner this time though than before lockdown.

Current projections put me 6 weeks away from 250kg, but I’ve hit plenty of walls unexpectedly before, so we’ll see.

Nice - after my next cycle of progressive overload, I'm going to do a 4 weeks recovery and volume programme just to mix things up a little. Also I seem to respond well to mixing in some volume training with my powerlifting style training.

What's your bodyweight at the moment? I'm around 94kg-ish. I could probably drop some fat and a 2/3kg but I'm still relatively low bf and not that bothered about being ripped/lean.

So handsome. You’ll surpass my 620kg total soon enough (albeit a little heavier than my 83kg). Super impressive!

<3 That would be an epic achievement and humbling. Always respected your strength, and the fact you did so well in your first comp!

Yeah I'm 10kg ontop of you so technically should be stronger than I am now to be a match for you. The fact you shifted 620kg at 83kg blow my mind.

I've really found a groove recently, I think covid has helped if I'm honest, it's allowed me to focus on my lifting more than getting home knackered and unmotivated.
Nice - after my next cycle of progressive overload, I'm going to do a 4 weeks recovery and volume programme just to mix things up a little. Also I seem to respond well to mixing in some volume training with my powerlifting style training.

What's your bodyweight at the moment? I'm around 94kg-ish. I could probably drop some fat and a 2/3kg but I'm still relatively low bf and not that bothered about being ripped/lean.

About 87kg ish. I’m with you, I don’t want to be massively high body fat, but I’m not pushing for super lean either. About 20% body fat currently.

My last dead lift session ended with 232.5kg for two sets of 1 (felt pretty easy) and then 202.5kg for 3 sets of 3. Could have hit 5 and/or more sets. Typically I’m adding 2.5kg each week to my 1 rep lift and see how I feel for the triples. I then do one handed landmine rows, shrugs and rack rows.

Once I hit a wall I’ll go for some volume. I hate volume though, I’d rather just lift heavy.
everyone secretly loves volume, but hates it as well. :D

Nice - I have no idea what my BF is, but I'm vascular around the shoulders, arms, and sometimes along the abs and legs, not at the moment, I seem to be carrying a bit of water, probably higher cortisol levels than normal.

I carry fat on my back mainly.

It's my squats that have really progressed enormously and not sure where that came from - but I'm not complaining!
I'm really hoping I hit my 250kg dead by the end of this training block. That has been a very long standing goal!

squats and deads are feeling nice.

bench... not so much, I cant seem to nail down leg drive.
Did front squats second time in my life on Thursday, was winded after doing 3 sets. Last set 70x5.
Ooooft... Front squats for the first time in months. 5 reps at 60kg and I have DOMS already.

That feeling when you get DOMS part way through a set. RIP.

Week 2 of 6 done of my 5s. Doing this block to try and bring some more strength back and see how my body holds up. Really need 1.25kg plates for OHP but the ones I want are out of stock.

Quite detrained in all these lifts except bench press so started quite conservatively.

Week 1 -> Week 2 (3 working sets)

Paused Bench Press: 105x5 -> 110x5
Squat: 110x5 -> 115x5
OHP: 60x5 -> 65x5
Deadlift: 120x5 -> 125x5

Squats and deadlifts feel pretty comfortable right now but still good to hone the movement after a big break. OHP is already getting pretty heavy, need them 1.25kg plates. Bench feels in the right ballpark.
Looks like another lockdown coming. Man I don't want to loose my gains.

I think I need to buy a power rack and Oly bar...
That feeling when you get DOMS part way through a set. RIP.

Yup! 15 squats in total (5 reps at 40, 50 and 60) and it is like going from a strength taper to hypertrophy routine. :eek::(

Week 2 of 6 done of my 5s. Doing this block to try and bring some more strength back and see how my body holds up. Really need 1.25kg plates for OHP but the ones I want are out of stock.

Quite detrained in all these lifts except bench press so started quite conservatively.

Week 1 -> Week 2 (3 working sets)

Paused Bench Press: 105x5 -> 110x5
Squat: 110x5 -> 115x5
OHP: 60x5 -> 65x5
Deadlift: 120x5 -> 125x5

Squats and deadlifts feel pretty comfortable right now but still good to hone the movement after a big break. OHP is already getting pretty heavy, need them 1.25kg plates. Bench feels in the right ballpark.

10/10 LiE getting back to strength. Yes.
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