yuck - been thrown off big time in the last 4 weeks.... Niggling shoulder and knee "tweaks", along with a stinking cold/cough that been hanging over me for 10 days as put pay to a decent year so far in terms of increasing my bench/squat/deads.
Off on holiday in 3 weeks time as well now so feels a bit lost with training.... Need to find my mojo again but for now - just focus on loosing a few lbs before holiday and get back to the lifting when I get back home.
Certainly feel 47 years old at the moment - more and more niggles/tweaks when lifting etc - Need to remember I'm not 25 anymore....
Off on holiday in 3 weeks time as well now so feels a bit lost with training.... Need to find my mojo again but for now - just focus on loosing a few lbs before holiday and get back to the lifting when I get back home.
Certainly feel 47 years old at the moment - more and more niggles/tweaks when lifting etc - Need to remember I'm not 25 anymore....