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yuck - been thrown off big time in the last 4 weeks.... Niggling shoulder and knee "tweaks", along with a stinking cold/cough that been hanging over me for 10 days as put pay to a decent year so far in terms of increasing my bench/squat/deads.

Off on holiday in 3 weeks time as well now so feels a bit lost with training.... Need to find my mojo again but for now - just focus on loosing a few lbs before holiday and get back to the lifting when I get back home.

Certainly feel 47 years old at the moment - more and more niggles/tweaks when lifting etc - Need to remember I'm not 25 anymore.... :p
AMRAPS are disgusting. :p

Im just starting to get back into the Gym again after a few years out... I did Back and Biceps on Sunday and still feeling it today, I'm pretty sure recovery never took this long when i was in my early 30s :cry:

Got Legs and Shoulders tonight so cant wait to not be able to get out of bed tomorrow :D
Has any one ever tried Phraks Greyskull LP before?

I am wondering if I should or how I should add any biceps, triceps to the program?

The only change I have made is pull ups instead of chins.

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Has any one ever tried Phraks Greyskull LP before?
Yup, used it as a re-starter program a few years back as Stronglifts is just too squat focused for my liking (did a few runs on it, not a bad program at all, just too much squatting), oddly was also going to post about GSLP when I saw AMRAP's being mentioned.

Don't be tempted to add accessory exercises at the start, volume soon ramps up and gets quite fatiguing in little time. Also agree with you on pull ups versus chins, more back focused.
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1x5 on deadlifts really is far from optimal volume. I would up that to 3x5 same as your squats.

Also the big compound lifts last is counterintuitive. I would be doing the squats and deadlifts as the first lifts of the sessions.
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1x5 on deadlifts really is far from optimal volume. I would up that to 3x5 same as your squats.

Also the big compound lifts last is counterintuitive. I would be doing the squats and deadlifts as the first lifts of the sessions.
There used to be a good reddit post where Phrak explained his reasoning on the 1x5 on deadlifts and the order of exercises but I can't find it while at work.

I agree with you though, nice to get the big lifts out of the way first - i just did GSLP for a while as it was just a nice change of pace after endless squatting on SL. :D
Yup, used it as a re-starter program a few years back as Stronglifts is just too squat focused for my liking (did a few runs on it, not a bad program at all, just too much squatting), oddly was also going to post about GSLP when I saw AMRAP's being mentioned.

Don't be tempted to add accessory exercises at the start, volume soon ramps up and gets quite fatiguing in little time. Also agree with you on pull ups versus chins, more back focused.

Ok I won't add any extra arm work.
So yes just to comment on the points mentioned above.

For me starting strength is too much squatting.

My lower back needs a rest and 3 sessions of squats a week is too much.

Same applies for the deadlift. This is why I like the idea of just one amrap set of deadlifts a week.

In theory it won't destroy the lower back before your next squat session.

Also the theory is that if you start with heavy squats or deadlifts it impacts your upper body lifts. But by starting with upper body you can give it 100% and still have the energy to do a heavy squat or deadlift afterwards.

Additionally I have always struggled to do a bent over row after squats or deadlifts due to the lower back fatigue. But by doing the row before these heavy lower body movements you get round this issue.

So for me it makes sense.

Which is what attracted me to the program in the first place.
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Also the theory is that if you start with heavy squats or deadlifts it impacts your upper body lifts. But by starting with upper body you can give it 100% and still have the energy to do a heavy squat or deadlift afterwards.
IIRC this was a point in Phraks reddit post - this is more for people who want to hit the big 5 compounds but prioritise upper body.
Sorry but doing the heavy compounds last is going to have the same detrimental affect on them as them having a detrimental affect on the other lifts.

With the deadlifts 1 working set is dubious at best, and that single working set being an amrap is even worse. Where’s your build up to it, the form establishment for the session etc.

I’m not against amrap work, my current program has it, but I’m sticking to technical failure amraps, allowing only a small amount of slack to creep in right at the end of my set before calling it. Probably ends up being an rpe 8-9 equivalent rather than an all out rpe 10.
Where’s your build up to it, the form establishment for the session etc.
I assumed it was a given that no one would just jump into working weight on any of the exercises, you'd still ramp up to it as you would with any other program?

SL for example has you doing 3 or 4 sets pyramiding up to your working weight - this would be no different IMO. Also as I workout in my garage, i'm never pushing past an RPE of 8 for an AMRAP set, I just wouldn't feel safe doing so.

Not disagreeing with any of your points, perhaps I have too much faith in peoples common sense and doing structured warm ups.
First week of phraks for me. First time I have ever tried such a routine based around the basics and reps of 5.

I've always been doing an upper lower split but found that I stalled and was suffering from fatigue.

So I am enjoying the reduction in volume, more rest days and also looking forward to the increase in intensity.

I stalled and my lifts aren't great on my upper lower:

Bench: 70kg @ 3x4 reps
Squat: 87kg @ 3x866 reps
Deadlift: 120kg @ 3x6 reps
OHP: 37kg @ 3x766 reps
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