OK - waffly post alert lol! So 2 years ago I was 6 and a half/7 stone heavier. A combination of crappy news, lifestyle changes and not eating much resulted in the weight loss. Good. But not in shape or fit, but a start. I started cycling and rowing. Then, about 12 months ago I started "lifting". By which I mean just doing random stuff to try and build some muscle back up. I enjoyed it, so decided to go for a more structured approach instead of the scattergun stuff I had been doing, and so 6 months ago started lifting 3 times a week. I workout Mon, Wed and Fri after work, but before we have our evening meal. This fits in well with kids/other housework stuffs etc. Can't do weekends as I also do wedding catering at weekends, and have no time. I work in a kitchen (education) so I do a lot of steps - 10,000 a day and with the walk to and from work usually rack up 9-10km a day. I don't do any cardio specific stuff because of this, and lack of time!
My current program consists of 2 alternating sessions. Both have the same warmup. Both currently take about 1hr 10/20 mins with a "working" time of about 25 mins. Week 1 = A B A Week 2 = B A B The first set is a
warmup set, approx 2/3 of the "work weight". The following sets are all at work weight if that makes sense? I'm currently 182cm and as of Monday 76.8kg 47years old. I'm aiming for 160g protein a day, and come in a few grams over that per day. Currently eating 4 meals a day. Not sure of my current calorie needs, still dialling it in.
8 flights of stairs, but going up two steps at a time
10 weighted pushups (currently 10kg)
40 Russian Twists with weight (currently 7kg)
2 minute plank with arms fully extended
20 Neck Curls (currently 6kg)
Workout A:
Chinups x8 x7 x7 x7 then x5 weighted (currently 5kg)
Deadlift x11 x11 x11 x11 (
61.5kg 81.5kg)
Overhead Barbell Press x9 x9 x9 x9x (
21.5kg 34.5kg)
Dumbbell Biceps curls x11 x11 x11 x11 (
10kg 14.5kg)
Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extensions x15 x15 x15 x15 (
9kg 12.5kg)
Situps x20@ bodyweight then x16 x16 x16 weighted (22.5kg)
Workout B:
Barbell Back Squat x9 x9 x9 x9 (
41.5kg 61.5kg)
Barbell Bench Press x11 x11 x11 x11 (
36kg 52kg)
Barbell Bentover Row x11 x11 x11 x11 (
49kg 69kg lol)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise x15 x15 x15 x15 (
73.5kg 10.5kg)
Barbell Calf Raise x15 x15 x15 x15 (
60.5kg 86kg)
Hanging Knee Raises x15 x14 x13
My metric for weight increases is if I lift the workweight successfully 3 sessions in a row I increase by 2.5kg for the bigger lifts and .5kg for the dumbbell ones. The weights have been increasing at a fairly steady rate, although I do struggle with OHPs and Presses - I damaged my rotator cuff after a slip on some ice back in December. I have had physio on it, and he recommended not to stop using it, so there's that.
I do have some biometric impedance scales. I knew these were crap but thought it might be lineally crap, but no, the scales reckon I'm the same body composition I was 12 months ago. I have no inclination to go to an actual gym, so all my stuff is done at home. I have a bench and a squat rack with pullup bar and a barbell and dumbbells. Space is very limited, so I have to do my workouts outside.
I have no real goals though, that's the trouble. I would like to get stronger, obvs, and was hoping to track bodyfat % but as I said the scales I have are a total waste of time. I know that a lot of the results are visual, trouble is I can't really see it as I find it too subjective. I can see the weight numbers going up, so that's good!
Would appreciate any comments/thoughts on the above regime, any changes I should be making etc. I have no problems with the repetitive nature of the above, I still enjoy getting out there and actually doing something!
Thanks for any pointers/helps