ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ||| The 2023/2024 Gym Rats Thread ||| ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

First real push of the new year last night, hitting a deadlift AMRAP PB set, 8x152.5kg. The aim was to hit RPE 9, this felt at the end like an 8-8.5 but had i done 1 more rep, the one to follow would have definetely been ugly. Anyway super happy with this as the most ive ever done before was a 3x157.5kg.
Making it look super easy. Great job!
5-6 weeks away from my goal of a 1 rep 170kg bench. Have kept progressing consistently since last September adding about 1kg every couple of weeks. Slow and steady. Happy with 140kg 5x5 today.

Everything else progressing nicely too. Bodyweight not increasing like before, but have added a small bit. I figure I have some gains to make within my current bodyweight, but would still like another couple of kg.

OHP up to 96kg, would love to hit 100kg, but I know how hinged my OHP is to my bodyweight, so the summer months could detract on this front.

3 weeks off a 240kg squat.

Shirts feeling a bit tight :p
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Hows your recovery coming along @ShortWarning
I'm not sure really.

I decided to test it with squats the other day. Slowly worked up to 3x2 @100kg and it felt fine. It's the rest of the time it's a problem. Things like walking up and down stairs, kneeling down funny and getting out of the car etc sometimes cause issues.
Nothing debilitating but I'm aware it's still there so not really sure how to proceed with it. The physio and my trainer expected it to have more or less cleared up by now (based on the doctor's reading of the MRI).
I'm not sure really.

I decided to test it with squats the other day. Slowly worked up to 3x2 @100kg and it felt fine. It's the rest of the time it's a problem. Things like walking up and down stairs, kneeling down funny and getting out of the car etc sometimes cause issues.
Nothing debilitating but I'm aware it's still there so not really sure how to proceed with it. The physio and my trainer expected it to have more or less cleared up by now (based on the doctor's reading of the MRI).
Check out kneesovertoesguy's ATG program and follow that for 2-3 months, so many success stories off of it, and your a perfect test subject!
I'm not sure really.

I decided to test it with squats the other day. Slowly worked up to 3x2 @100kg and it felt fine. It's the rest of the time it's a problem. Things like walking up and down stairs, kneeling down funny and getting out of the car etc sometimes cause issues.
Nothing debilitating but I'm aware it's still there so not really sure how to proceed with it. The physio and my trainer expected it to have more or less cleared up by now (based on the doctor's reading of the MRI).
Try sled pushing if your gym has the equipment to do it. Definitely help my knee pain from doing squats. Most of gym sessions I'll spend 10-15 minutes doing sled pushes. Around 60kgs in plates plus the sled for four lengths of the matting. Maybe 90-120 seconds rest in-between. Pretty decent warm up/cardio session.

You could also try using the hack squat machine and experiment with different foot placements, rather than using a barbell.
I'm not sure really.

I decided to test it with squats the other day. Slowly worked up to 3x2 @100kg and it felt fine. It's the rest of the time it's a problem. Things like walking up and down stairs, kneeling down funny and getting out of the car etc sometimes cause issues.
Nothing debilitating but I'm aware it's still there so not really sure how to proceed with it. The physio and my trainer expected it to have more or less cleared up by now (based on the doctor's reading of the MRI).
You have an ACL injury right?
That's actually about right when you think of what ACL does. Squats your stood in the same place with not much lateral movement and a it's a natural movement (for how the knee works). Putting the weight down through your quads, knees, lower leg then foot.
As soon as you start putting any lateral movement on it or kneeling, where your putting weight on it in the opposite direction, your damaged ACL will struggle to keep your knee together. I was squatting a few weeks before I was able to do split squats.
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Check out kneesovertoesguy's ATG program and follow that for 2-3 months, so many success stories off of it, and your a perfect test subject!
I'm going to do just that, thanks!

You have an ACL injury right?
That's actually about right when you think of what ACL does. Squats your stood in the same place with not much lateral movement and a it's a natural movement (for how the knee works). Putting the weight down through your quads, knees, lower leg then foot.
As soon as you start putting any lateral movement on it or kneeling, where your putting weight on it in the opposite direction, your damaged ACL will struggle to keep your knee together. I was squatting a few weeks before I was able to do split squats.
No, all my ligaments are okay. A tendon tear (although they couldn't tell where it originated) and lots of swelling. I can still feel the swelling restricting some movements.
I'm going to do just that, thanks!

No, all my ligaments are okay. A tendon tear (although they couldn't tell where it originated) and lots of swelling. I can still feel the swelling restricting some movements.
Ahh ok, did your physio give you an exercise routine to follow?
As for me deadlifts are still progressing nicley. Squats haven't changed, my depth/mobilty wasn't good enough so worked on that past two weeks and kept at the same weight but with better depth.
As it's busy been a bit inconsistent bench going between dumbbells and a bar.
Potentially hit my first stumbling block since my return to training. Last rep of my last set of deadlifts last night my back just seized up, I can see from the replay I didn't get in to the best position and lifted with the bar a little to far in front of my. I don't think I've done anything serious but this may end up in my calling off my last 2 sessions of the week in order to aid recovery. Apart from getting COVID in my 3rd week back, this will be my first missed sessions, lets see how I feel tomorrow.
Potentially hit my first stumbling block since my return to training. Last rep of my last set of deadlifts last night my back just seized up, I can see from the replay I didn't get in to the best position and lifted with the bar a little to far in front of my. I don't think I've done anything serious but this may end up in my calling off my last 2 sessions of the week in order to aid recovery. Apart from getting COVID in my 3rd week back, this will be my first missed sessions, lets see how I feel tomorrow.

It’ll heal, just rest from deadlifts for a bit and ease back in.

I had my first scary moment in a while on Monday when I lost balance as I walked out for my first heavy squat at 216kg or so. Lost balance on my left side and the bar pulled me and my arm out of position. I just about managed to pull it back into position, but I definitely felt it in my arm and shoulder. It was more worrying since the safeties wouldn’t help much at that angle and so close to the rack. The lift itself was fine. We learn from these things and I just need to brace better on the walk out and perhaps change my stance.

Still progressing well, this is probably the best lifting phase I’ve had.
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After taking a age to get over the cold at the start of the month, I've just been hitting come classes at crossfit to get moving again.

Finally got started today on Stronglifts today... Will update as I go with my target of 1xbw/1.5xbw/2xbw for the year. No rush to get there - will build it up again. Nice to be back squating/deadlifting again after a few months off.
Struggling with squats and deadlifts at the moment in terms of volume. Single reps are fine... anything more is a struggle. So I'm just doing loads of singles to get a decent amount of volume. I'm also really enjoying doing flat shoe squats, and no longer using oly shoes - but those are for low bar squats of course.

Do have issues with a very tight piriformis at the moment so that's inhibiting my glute drive in most exercises at the moment which is frustrating.

1RM goals for this year are:

200+ squats
220+ deads
130+ bench

The days of 600+ totals are long gone unfortunately.
Last session tomorrow then off to ski for a week. I’ve promised myself not to be all mental disordery and train in the hotel gym and timed this as a deload/full week off. Not done it since just before lockdown v1 so hoping I don’t end up with my knees or shoulders ejecting from my body on the side of a mountain.
I've done my first full month of 'lifting heavy' (heavy for me anyway :cry:)
And I'm feeling it as well. Knew it would be hard but a bit of an eye opener as I'm 30 this year and feeling it now. lol
I've done my first full month of 'lifting heavy' (heavy for me anyway :cry:)
And I'm feeling it as well. Knew it would be hard but a bit of an eye opener as I'm 30 this year and feeling it now. lol

try being 46.... lol.

Feeling it - probably a general suggestion would be eat more calories and get more sleep. I find sleep is the best thing for me - the more I get, the better I feel. Been using a whoop for about 3 months now and the sleep data is excellent to help with recovery etc.
Try being 54

Sleep is the one thing I struggle with now. Despite 5 X 1 hour gym sessions a week, minimum of 10000 steps a day and at least 16km of running a week. On my feet all day at work too.

The very most I ever get is 8 hours and I always wake at some point to go to the loo.

It's not caffeine either, I'm now down to two cups a day. First one around 3 hours after waking and the last one at least 8 hours before bed. I also go to bed and get up at the same time as well.

Just an age thing I guess.
Try being 54

Sleep is the one thing I struggle with now. Despite 5 X 1 hour gym sessions a week, minimum of 10000 steps a day and at least 16km of running a week. On my feet all day at work too.

The very most I ever get is 8 hours and I always wake at some point to go to the loo.

It's not caffeine either, I'm now down to two cups a day. First one around 3 hours after waking and the last one at least 8 hours before bed. I also go to bed and get up at the same time as well.

Just an age thing I guess.

yeah - I honestly think the best thing I did was switch/purchase a proper mattress about 3 months ago as well (simba one) - sleep has been incredible every night on this mattress - 8 hours a night, solid. Costly to start with but 100% worth it when you spend third of your life lying on a mattress....
Try being 54

Sleep is the one thing I struggle with now. Despite 5 X 1 hour gym sessions a week, minimum of 10000 steps a day and at least 16km of running a week. On my feet all day at work too.

The very most I ever get is 8 hours and I always wake at some point to go to the loo.

It's not caffeine either, I'm now down to two cups a day. First one around 3 hours after waking and the last one at least 8 hours before bed. I also go to bed and get up at the same time as well.

Just an age thing I guess.

Have you tried not drinking anything X hours before sleeping? Might help to reduce the need to pee.
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