ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ||| The 2023/2024 Gym Rats Thread ||| ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Whilst I quite enjoy picking things up and putting them down, having something to focus on makes a world of difference for me.
I mostly lift to keep a good level of strength as I'm knocking on a bit now at 52, but my main hobby is hard* enduro and I've never known anything so physically exhausting, I should stop falling off it really.

*Well, more tepid/meek enduro at my current ability :D

Yes it's helped me focus more. Going to the gym just to lift started to bore me and I didn't really put the effort in. I wasn't really progressing nor particularly wanting to do it. I mean my strength is still there but maybe 30% down which is still better than most.

However I need cardio for martial arts, and speed. Strength and conditioning will help regardless. I need to keep my weight in my weight class as it makes life easier too!

I'm also well into my 40s so I need to be mindful of injuries and recovery. 2 heavy gym sessions a week and 3 Martial arts sessions a week keeps me in good shape. I can't do much more because of recovery and time.
I've recently getting a bit more focus back for the gym, I was just doing basic maintenance style training - now I'm focussing very much on improving my BJJ and the basic bits of striking I do at my dojo. It's nice to have a focus again for something rather than just going to the gym to lift weights.

The focus is still very much on S&C. However a lot more grip work and core stability work. Lots more hinging exercises, and explosive movements.
My BJJ has become extremely lazy over the last few years. I expend very little energy and when I do I'm gassed instantly. Earlier on in the year I had a word with all the other black belts about rolling hard. A week into that and I was injured again. :)
My BJJ has become extremely lazy over the last few years. I expend very little energy and when I do I'm gassed instantly. Earlier on in the year I had a word with all the other black belts about rolling hard. A week into that and I was injured again. :)

How old are you? I find that the decades of S&C work has actually helped make me a better fighter, and although heavy and larger than many, I'm still pretty quick, but I train specifically to not be slow. It's easy to get lazy with BJJ and I push myself hard not to! It's tough! Especially when you throw striking in as part of the training it makes it far more complete but also far harder! Then you roll with a 20 something year old and they're relentless, and that's where experience and resilience comes in! Not easy I grant you.
How old are you? I find that the decades of S&C work has actually helped make me a better fighter, and although heavy and larger than many, I'm still pretty quick, but I train specifically to not be slow. It's easy to get lazy with BJJ and I push myself hard not to! It's tough! Especially when you throw striking in as part of the training it makes it far more complete but also far harder! Then you roll with a 20 something year old and they're relentless, and that's where experience and resilience comes in! Not easy I grant you.
40 and about 72kg. My game since purple belt has always been to slow my opponent and slowly suffocate with pressure which is probably the reason I got so lazy. It's not like it's stopped working for me but I recognise my cardio is really poor.

My conditioning was much better when I was still striking but the club I train at stopped MMA classes years ago and multiple elbow surgeries more or less stopped it anyway.
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40 and about 72kg. My game since purple belt has always been to slow my opponent and slowly suffocate with pressure which is probably the reason I got so lazy. It's not like it's stopped working for me but I recognise my cardio is really poor.

My conditioning was much better when I was still striking but the club I train at stopped MMA classes years ago and multiple elbow surgeries more or less stopped it anyway.

Yeah striking really helps with conditioning - this is why I still do a lot of S&C work at home, to keep that up, makes a hell of a difference. I'm very much like you I like the pressure game / pressure passing, and taking my time. However, I like to surprise people with speed and agility - but I just can't keep that intensity up as long as the younger guys. I'm 97kg so the pressure game does work well for me.

40s does definitely highlight slowdown in performance or at least being able to keep up with the young 20 somethings. I find the 20 year old blue belts are just relentless. Striking we're more even fortunately.

Ouch sorry to hear about your injuries - I bet that was frustrating when it holds you back from the hobbies you love.
Yea, it's a pain. It's all part of it though I guess. I don't know any black belts who aren't dealing with permanent and non permanent injuries. BJJ is great for your mental state and respiratory system, absolutely terrible for you body.

Yes it keeps my mental health and cardiovascular health in check,. I think because of my years of playing rugby and beasting my body I seem to cope of ok, other than my fingers, but that's where noGi can help a little!
Can anyone recommend a powerlifting gym in central London. a mate could join for a couple of weeks while visiting from the states? Will be based in Waterloo for a week and Kensington for a week
It's always tricky for short term, have a look at hussle and what they can do for temporary access.
If you want proper lifting equipment Gymbox is the way, their Farringdon one is what I use and they have 10000 sq ft, 20+ barbells, tonnes of weights, 5 squat racks, lots of platforms etc. Not sure how well they do short term but in terms of equipment it's as good as it will be!
First rugby game ever this Saturday. I have played a fair enough of touch rugby, so this will be interesting.

No more heavy lifting this week as I am only just recovered from deadlifts on Friday...

Not sure how long it will take to recover from the game, however!
First rugby game ever this Saturday. I have played a fair enough of touch rugby, so this will be interesting.

No more heavy lifting this week as I am only just recovered from deadlifts on Friday...

Not sure how long it will take to recover from the game, however!

Are you still alive?? Probs still in the bar I guess :cry:

I’m missing rugby a whole lot, but I think I’d struggle to get anywhere near conditioned enough to play again. The air pressure changes and I seem to get aches and pains :p
Are you still alive?? Probs still in the bar I guess :cry:

I’m missing rugby a whole lot, but I think I’d struggle to get anywhere near conditioned enough to play again. The air pressure changes and I seem to get aches and pains :p
Heh. I managed 12 minutes on the wing, enough for one tackle, one try and a shredded hamstring, despite warming up to a point I thought was sufficient...

Upon reflection, I haven't actually sprinted at over 85% effort for nearly 30 years, so even with building up acceleration drills and near full tilt "flys" over the past few weeks, I just hadn't gotten back into the right neuromuscular zone... and paid the price.

I burned 3 of the opposition, however, even if - being a vets game - that might not be such a big deal. :D
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Heh. I managed 12 minutes on the wing, enough for one tackle, one try and a shredded hamstring, despite warming up to a point I thought was sufficient...

Upon reflection, I haven't actually sprinted at over 85% effort for nearly 30 years, so even with building up acceleration drills and near full tilt "flys" over the past few weeks, I just hadn't gotten back into the right neuromuscular zone... and paid the price.

I burned 3 of the opposition, however, even if - being a vets game - that might not be such a big deal. :D

Nice work to score a try in your first ever game! 12 minutes probably qualifies you as an “impact player” :cry:

Hope you can recover in time for the next one.
Nice work to score a try in your first ever game! 12 minutes probably qualifies you as an “impact player” :cry:

Hope you can recover in time for the next one.
I had a great clean ball from my openside flanker. :)

Current joke is the other coach (who plays football and doesn't lift) managed almost a full game and three tries!

As to recovery, Ive not torn something like this for a while, but potentially good to go for the next game in November. We shall see!

This does not sound good?!?! how serious dude?
Heh... currently to be determined (initial physio consult tomorrow), but it went *ping*, lit up like a hot poker and swelled up pretty badly, too. Suspect it is a grade 2 and the pain is a lot less than it was two days ago. :eek: :D
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After a load of tests, it turns out I have 2 bulging discs in my neck pushing on my nerve which is why I have no strength in my tricep. Funnily enough, the consultant said I can carry on doing what I'm doing as it's unlikely it will make it any worse (even BJJ) but he did say that if it hasn't improved within 6-8 weeks I should see a spinal surgeon for some injections.

Main thing is, I know the issue, there should be a fix (to an extent) and it isn't really affecting my day to day life. I'll probably never hit a bench or shoulder press PR again though.
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Funnily enough, the consultant said I can carry on doing what I'm doing as it's unlikely it will make it any worse (even BJJ) but he did say that if it hasn't improved within 6-8 weeks I should see a spinal surgeon for some injections.
This sort if thing is why i have very little faith in sports rehab/prehab "professional" that we have in this country, very few good ones or ones that even have a clue. How on earth is BJJ not going to be a potential risk of worsening bulging disks in your neck, when you spend half your time with your neck/head buried in the floor/opponents armpit / elbow crook etc etc!
This sort if thing is why i have very little faith in sports rehab/prehab "professional" that we have in this country, very few good ones or ones that even have a clue. How on earth is BJJ not going to be a potential risk of worsening bulging disks in your neck, when you spend half your time with your neck/head buried in the floor/opponents armpit / elbow crook etc etc!
He's an Orthopedic surgeon as opposed to a physio or anything. To be honest, I was fully expecting him to tell me to stop doing everything I'm doing but he said that unless I injure the same spot again, I should be okay to carry on (somewhat carefully).
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This sort if thing is why i have very little faith in sports rehab/prehab "professional" that we have in this country, very few good ones or ones that even have a clue. How on earth is BJJ not going to be a potential risk of worsening bulging disks in your neck, when you spend half your time with your neck/head buried in the floor/opponents armpit / elbow crook etc etc!
There are good ones... I have been fortunate enough to have some brilliant physios in my time as well as a lousy consultant orthopaedic surgeon (just want to cut bits out). I have also had not great physios, too...

But I am not sure how I feel about BJJ when there are bulging neck discs involved...
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