The 5 year plan to £50k - Accomplished.

19 Mar 2012
I carefully didn't say poker because there is minimal skill involved.


I've played against poker players that have WPT/EPT bracelets online on the 200/400 tables (20k min buy in). There is a huge amount of skill involved in poker. Good players play their opponent, not their hand. You only go to show down if you have a hand.
29 Jan 2008
I carefully didn't say poker because there is minimal skill involved. Games like Bridge are highly technical with a huge amount of strategy. A good Bridge player will almost always win against a weaker player in contract bridge within a single competition (and within a few hands really). It goes back to what I said earlier, a Bridge expert will maximize the payoff when lucky, increase the odds of being lucky, minimize the cost of being unlucky and minimize the chances of being unlucky. Even when getting a dream hand there is a lot of skill in maximising the points wn, and in a nightmare hand with good skill you can reduce the losses.

The main luck in life is the country you were born and your parents. As you grow up luck has less and less to do with life outcomes on average. You can decide to brown nose your boss for promotions, volanteer for ugly projects that earn brownie points, quit your job for higher sales or better prospects, move cities or countries, chabge careers, have children, don't have children, get married or not, apply for jobs you are underqualified for, bluff interviews, metwork, make new contacts, pay to get your CV professionally revised and type faced, pay to.go on extra training or certification, etc, etc.

You can never make bad luck k go away but you can certainly create more opertunities to get good luck

Bridge is probably a bad analogy to use then... no one is saying you can't create more opportunities just that the element of chance is massively underestimated.

Poker, in the long term, is down to skill... it is a reasonable example of what I'm getting at... Certainly in terms of setting up/launching a business or picking a new job/career - you're only ever going to get so many shots at it and the sample size is small... chance/luck plays such a huge role.
23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
Networking is key. There are lots of jobs out there which do not even get advertised. I know so many people that have jumped from company to company together just by networking.

I tried this myself for the first time this year. I got made redundant in July and applied for so many jobs (just because I knew I could do them) and not knock back after knock back.

I woke up one morning and though, sod this. A few years ago I did some contracting work for a telecoms company in their fraud department and I absolutely loved what I saw going on there. My background is in retail business banking, but in the past I have been so stupidly loyal it has held me back.

Anyway, I emailed my old boss there and asked how they were doing and we kept emailing back and forth and she knew my work position.

I went in for an interview two weeks ago and got offered a job there on Friday. Not only have I managed to get a job in an entirely different field to what I know, I have got a job where I know I will gain huge satisfaction and I can see where I can develop in the team.

Plus I doubled my previous salary. :D
29 Aug 2006
Sorry but I don't agree with much of this, I think it is again someone seeking to find reasons for their own failings that support their rationale rather than fixing the problems that are stopping them. You control your life, most of the time, more than anyone else, assuming you are both able and healthy and not in prison. To think otherwise is misguided.

You're wrong. There are limitations, there are barriers. Not all of them can be overcome. Some maybe with a little grit and determination, but definitely not all of them. You can't possibly be in control of everything in your life. The recession is a perfect example of this. Success not solely based on individual mentality, impacted upon most by an imperfect economic model and market system.

Hey everyone, why be in recession, just do as Housey says - pull your socks up and stop being poor! Lol.
13 Jan 2010
im too loyal too.
im also in a job i am not very good at which my company brought me into as was a new field for them..its something that is exceedingly difficult to monetize in the sector i work..very transferable in other sectors.

but even this i got by being lucky. complete luck

i think much of my short comings are down to me.. i freely admit this
taking too long to make the big decisions - sticking at my uni course when i should have changed,
not being confident enough - i find networking hard
just general worrying (runs in my whole family)

im at the point now where i dont really feel much at all.
i feel very apathetic - especially with long term goals.
I dont really enjoy spending time socially with people (or not meeting right ones). Its a really strange feeling and all ties into this.

I dont myself want kids (which makes my wage much more livable). but i can see why people do as it gives you that drive by default for a lot of people.

I dont know if ill ever be a big earner.
i definitely haven't lived up to my potential
i blame this on going to uni and doing the wrong degree. then working in a dead end job for nearly 3 my decisions

biggest regret is not doing engineering at uni and now not really having the funds to do it
i keep thinking i have found a path out, but then find it is what i think i can do ..not what i want to do

FYI im on 30K @ 29 years old
18 Oct 2002
Bridge is probably a bad analogy to use then... no one is saying you can't create more opportunities just that the element of chance is massively underestimated.

Poker, in the long term, is down to skill... it is a reasonable example of what I'm getting at... Certainly in terms of setting up/launching a business or picking a new job/career - you're only ever going to get so many shots at it and the sample size is small... chance/luck plays such a huge role.

The thing with Bridge is you are still delt a completely random hand and cards you get greatly du tate what you can do. But as I said, good players can maximize payoffs with good luck and minimize costs of bad luck zoning average they very quickly win on average and fairly quickly.

Lif is 100% luck when you are born (obviously) but luck rapidly disappears to very low levels once you are an adult.

Networking is key. There are lots of jobs out there which do not even get advertised. I know so many people that have jumped from company to company together just by networking.

I tried this myself for the first time this year. I got made redundant in July and applied for so many jobs (just because I knew I could do them) and not knock back after knock back.

I woke up one morning and though, sod this. A few years ago I did some contracting work for a telecoms company in their fraud department and I absolutely loved what I saw going on there. My background is in retail business banking, but in the past I have been so stupidly loyal it has held me back.

Anyway, I emailed my old boss there and asked how they were doing and we kept emailing back and forth and she knew my work position.

I went in for an interview two weeks ago and got offered a job there on Friday. Not only have I managed to get a job in an entirely different field to what I know, I have got a job where I know I will gain huge satisfaction and I can see where I can develop in the team.

Plus I doubled my previous salary. :D

Well done, thst is exactly how life is.

I got my job by asking, not by applying to ads with dozens of others. Companies are often willing to hire people without being specific and without advertising.

In fact in some jobs they will never advertise, they want people who are proactive and approach them. Companies don't want to deal with hundreds of useless applications from an expensive prominent ad campaign but get motivated headstrong employees that sell themselves.



26 Dec 2005
Lif is 100% luck when you are born (obviously) but luck rapidly disappears to very low levels once you are an adult.

Unless of course you're in a horrible accident, get conscripted to war, pick-up an infection post hospital treatment, or otherwise completely dismiss the understandings of attachment-theory and the catalog of legacies present in the DSM-V.

It's still foolish and arrogant to assume that we're not at the mercy of the whims of the universe. I do agree however, that as an adult you are -- or at least should be working towards -- having more or improving agency for yourself.

People may have a choice not to write that best-selling novel, but just because you've written it doesn't mean it's going to get published. Risk too, isn't available for everyone. Bring kids into the equation, and you may find yourself balancing on a knife-edge. Your underpaid job may meet the bills, but it stops you from saving to fund that course which will break the cycle.

You're assuming everyone is in a robust position to begin with, or otherwise in a position not to be harmed irrevocably from risk.

The only thing you can do as an adult is to learn to both spot and then take action on relevant opportunity when you see it. An option for one is not an option for another.

FYI im on 30K @ 29 years old

It just goes to show how relative everything is. If I was on 30k by 30 I'd be over the moon.
17 Feb 2006
Just to inspire FoxEye, I had a phone call from the Head of Dept. I am being promoted to the Manager position following an expansion in the dept and people being shuffled around.

I have gone from dole in 2010 to £46k as of next month. I had to move from my parents in 2011 moving 90miles away, then at the end of 2013 had to move again around 140 miles from my friends and family but it has all paid off.

I am so happy!

Congrats craptakular :)

I'd been away from the forum for a while so have only just seen the thread.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
You're wrong. There are limitations, there are barriers. Not all of them can be overcome. Some maybe with a little grit and determination, but definitely not all of them. You can't possibly be in control of everything in your life. The recession is a perfect example of this. Success not solely based on individual mentality, impacted upon most by an imperfect economic model and market system.

Hey everyone, why be in recession, just do as Housey says - pull your socks up and stop being poor! Lol.

I think you need to step back, read the entire thread and then come back. I have never said you can control everything or that luck doesn't have influence....
14 Oct 2008
Just to inspire FoxEye, I had a phone call from the Head of Dept. I am being promoted to the Manager position following an expansion in the dept and people being shuffled around.

I have gone from dole in 2010 to £46k as of next month. I had to move from my parents in 2011 moving 90miles away, then at the end of 2013 had to move again around 140 miles from my friends and family but it has all paid off.

I am so happy!

Congrats dude :D
4 Jan 2013
The thing with Bridge is you are still delt a completely random hand and cards you get greatly du tate what you can do. But as I said, good players can maximize payoffs with good luck and minimize costs of bad luck zoning average they very quickly win on average and fairly quickly.

Lif is 100% luck when you are born (obviously) but luck rapidly disappears to very low levels once you are an adult.

That's not true in my opinion. Most things boil down to luck. Like everything you can improve the odds, but the element of right place right time is always there.

This is due to the fact that most things that bring you forward are due to other people, and people are not particularly rational.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I dont myself want kids (which makes my wage much more livable). but i can see why people do as it gives you that drive by default for a lot of people.

I dont know if ill ever be a big earner.
i definitely haven't lived up to my potential
i blame this on going to uni and doing the wrong degree. then working in a dead end job for nearly 3 my decisions

biggest regret is not doing engineering at uni and now not really having the funds to do it
i keep thinking i have found a path out, but then find it is what i think i can do ..not what i want to do

FYI im on 30K @ 29 years old

When I was 29 I was on £30k, didn't want kids, did the wrong degree at uni, and worked a dead end job for 3 (actually 4 in my case!) years and definitely hadn't lived up to my potential. I regretted not having the balls to change uni course in the first year when I knew it wasn't really what I wanted to do, it was just what I thought I was good at from school.

Five years later even my base salary is more than double that... so what was my path out:
-Basic networking (not intensive - like you it doesn't come naturally to me) in terms of impressing someone in senior management to achieve a promotion
-Self-study to do a postgraduate qualification with the OU (probably hasn't massively helped me in the job market but it sounds as though like me you get satisfaction from enjoyable study)
-Being brave enough to apply for jobs outside my comfort zone i.e. not just local ones.

As you don't have or want kids I would suggest taking your 'very transferable' experience to another sector and look for jobs based anywhere that pay decent money (30%+ increase over current salary, obviously depending on relocation/travel costs). Jobs market in general (not all sectors) seems pretty good at the moment i.e. employers looking to hire and pay top or at least fair dollar for people with desirable skills. Get yourself out there in the job market if nothing else to gain experience of what firms are looking for, tweaks to your CV, dealing with agents, interview processes etc so that when the right job does come on your radar you are in a good position to go out and get it.

Good luck!
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace

You're assuming everyone is in a robust position to begin with, or otherwise in a position not to be harmed irrevocably from risk.

The only thing you can do as an adult is to learn to both spot and then take action on relevant opportunity when you see it. An option for one is not an option for another.

There is a lot to be said for the risk vs reward in all of this. I think that basis has more to do with it than "luck" (I just hate the word luck/fate bla bla).
8 Sep 2005
I think you need to step back, read the entire thread and then come back. I have never said you can control everything or that luck doesn't have influence....

The pattern I always see with these threads, is that the people who are not where they want to be in life seem to place too much emphasis on it being down to "bad luck". It seems an easy and suitably intangible thing to blame, I guess...
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