The 5 year plan to £50k - Accomplished.

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Is it just me that has picked up on the fact OP is on 46k, so 50k isnt accomplished... Maybe in a year or 2

The original thread was entitled 'The 5 year plan to £50k'. This thread was made to show the OP of the original thread that the goal of achieving an impressive salary in a short time space is achievable.
29 Aug 2006
Hey, if someone believing they have no control over their fate makes it easier to deal with lack of success in life, then by all means, go ahead. We all need a crutch.

Hey, I appreciate the strawman, but I do actually agree with you - of course it's true that no one has zero control over their fate. In my statement I was even alluding to what Housey and others have been advocating in this thread all along - that positive beliefs are more likely to motivate individuals towards positive action. Individual responsibility vs apathy, etc.

But beliefs aren't reality, and you can't ignore that supply doesn't meet demand as far as jobs and human capital is concerned. There are always going to be unhappy people at the bottom. This is a reality that isn't going to be 'magicked away' by telling people to take control of their lives.

Any measure of success between the common masses is neglible anyway when you consider that 1% of the population has more wealth than the rest - whilst many struggle to even survive, if that isn't the biggest indicator of all of a broken and unfair economic system that simply doesn't work for everyone then I don't know what is.

But what can we do - we can't change the world, we can just get on with it by exercising the limited degree of control we have over our lives, outlooks, choices, and try to create our own luck and success. Perhaps the wisest of us even choose to ignore that there's a problem at all or even extoll the virtues of having the right attitude towards job hunting to preserve our sense of belief in ourselves and our own success, afterall, why change anything that works for you or undermines your accomplishments. Carry on chaps!

Congrats to OP too, haven't said that yet.
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8 Sep 2005
Is it just me that has picked up on the fact OP is on 46k, so 50k isnt accomplished... Maybe in a year or 2

I'll ive you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was tounge in cheek.

But what can we do - we can't change the world, we can just get on with it by exercising the limited degree of control we have over our lives, outlooks, choices, and try to create our own luck and success. Perhaps the wisest of us even choose to ignore that there's a problem at all or even extoll the virtues of having the right attitude towards job hunting to preserve our sense of belief in ourselves and our own success, afterall, why change anything that works for you or undermines your accomplishments. Carry on chaps!

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