Some very mixed messages there. "Doesn't make you less of a person"; "frankly [you should] grow up"...
I don't value conformity (at all), and if the most pressing reason to leave your parents (and put them in a home) is to conform with other people's expectations of what adult life should be - screw other people's expectations, frankly
No mixed messages, you just misinterpret them that's all, not for the first time.
Your opening line in this thread.....
"OK, here goes. I want to start a career. The goal is to get to £50k p.a. in 5 years, starting with nothing"
What we then have is 17 pages of debate where you tell us why you are failing at getting to your new career and your wage goal. You can keep telling us who you are, what you value and that you won't change, but to my point the problem is you if this is your constant retort. It isn't about confirming, it's about realising that often you/we are the problem, we just don't always see it. To my other point that doesn't make you less of a person outside of your progression ambitions as it's just your personally, but you asked about your career and if you are unwilling to change you are going to really struggle and mostly likely fail to get anywhere before you retire.
It isn't about conformity, so far you have shown nothing to suggest you are special or having anything special to offer, to my point about you being the problem as your attitude will make it really hard to uncover that I suspect. You have to change your outlook as right now your attitude is something most companies will not bother taking a risk with, certainly at your age. I have employed all sorts of people over the years, including people with the same outlook as you and the most challenging and usually the ones that keep moving from job to job until they fall off the radar are people who see change as conformity only rather than just getting on with people better and appreciating they need to change.
Steve Jobs was an ass but he had something you don't. Self belief, huge focus and passion. I am not saying people who don't work well with others can't get on or become very wealthy, but they have a lot more about them than so far you have demonstrated on this thread, or they make a change. You asked, and I am and others have taken time sharing their view and you can ignore it or take it onboard. Choice is yours, I don't care other than trying to help out a fellow forum member with some advice as I love to see people make a success of their lives, whatever success looks like to them.
I remind you, all I know of what you deem success to be for you is
"OK, here goes. I want to start a career. The goal is to get to £50k p.a. in 5 years, starting with nothing"