The 500 year old question

I definitely would like a couple hundred years at least, I'm 34 and so far haven't got settled on my own house or learnt to drive and expect by 68 I probably will, but then that's when life would start, just as I'm falling apart and life therefore will be leaving me in the dust.

I do think someone would be out to assassinate anyone over a certain age for sure though
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If you could live for 500 years(in good health without aging/as you are currently) would you want to?
This once in a lifetime deal would only apply to you and not the rest of the humans on earth.

I put the same question to my 22 colleagues at work and 50% said No and the other 50% said Yes for a variety of different reasons.

Any takers? Thoughts?

Absolutely, yes. I would love to see how the future of mankind plays out. The next 100 years will be critical. The only downside is that I could end up the only human left alive.
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Just try not to get a life sentence.
I was erm....asking for a mate.

It is quite an interesting question though, part of me would jump at it and another part would hate to see family and friends grow old and die, potentially a few times over.

If I was younger with less knackered bits then probably yes, in my current state then probably no.
On the money topic, once you're mortgage free (at age 100 going by current house prices) then I'd expect you could live very cheaply if you wanted. I'd be happy for a good few years running a casual beach bar somewhere warm sharing stories with locals and travellers. Wouldn't feel quite so much like work but would be enough to live off while any savings back home build up interest while I'm not dipping into them.

Sure that'll get repetitive over time and I'd get the itch for something new but I'd think of something else to do during that time.
I wonder how people’s answers would differ if you live for 500 years but have the same lifecycle just more spread out - meaning you still get old but progressively slower. It would probably suck to have arthritis for 80 years of that!
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If you could live for 500 years(in good health without aging/as you are currently) would you want to?
This once in a lifetime deal would only apply to you and not the rest of the humans on earth.

I put the same question to my 22 colleagues at work and 50% said No and the other 50% said Yes for a variety of different reasons.

Any takers? Thoughts?
I definitely say NO: It would be much too painful to see people passing away - in particular people who I love
and admire. It's hardly to bear that parents go first - but that's quite natural. However, to see children,
even grandchildren, all you friends and lovers go before you quit the stage would drive me mad, that's for sure.
I watched The Man From Earth movie on Amazon Prime Video, pretty good movie.
Then I find out there's a sequel but it isn't free. God damn donkey balls.

Lol though because the actor looks older, i guess 10 years older
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You wouldn't be able to own anything in your own name, or a bank account etc. Someone would notice once it reaches an impossible age. Or stay in one place more than 10-15 years.

All your savings would have to be cash and somehow keep the notes up to date.

Any partners would notice as well if you stuck around too long.

I look young for my age and even then people question it. If I looked the same in 20 years they would freak out.
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If you could live for 500 years(in good health without aging/as you are currently) would you want to?
This once in a lifetime deal would only apply to you and not the rest of the humans on earth.

I put the same question to my 22 colleagues at work and 50% said No and the other 50% said Yes for a variety of different reasons.

Any takers? Thoughts?
Only if my bloodline (children, grandchildren, etc.) inherited the weird super power.
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