The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

nick_cfc said:
wow that's harsh. I really don't know what to suggest other than to email them

aye, ive rang my bank and they said that i should get it back within a few days. so hopefully :)
but i wont be trying again :(
Richard Burns Rally.


You cant see it, but there's a small bridge and a river there. I missed the bridge went head first into the river. :(
Steam did the same thing to me never took any money though, although i got to play day of defeat for a few hours as the servers were busy dealing with my payment, got it in the end though...

DoDs, naff quality due to imageshack resizer.




doesnt look like im getting it, i tried twice and it refused. money got taken twice, still not got it back. steam can go and do one. and im not buying counter strike source again retail just for dod.

if they cant sort their payment services out they dont deserve my money. but it still looks mighty good!
fullfat said:
doesnt look like im getting it, i tried twice and it refused. money got taken twice, still not got it back. steam can go and do one. and im not buying counter strike source again retail just for dod.

if they cant sort their payment services out they dont deserve my money. but it still looks mighty good!

They dint take money off me, thye just let me play the game as the servers were busy with my payment, then they stopped me playing the game about an hour later saying payment couldnt transact or something. My bank thinking its fraud. You just gotta get all your details exactly right on steam, or they wont accept. Get.... a bank statement and type your name and addy out from that, exactly how its printed on there. :) Worked for me
im not prepared to lose another lot of money until they want to sort it out back into my account whether it be my bank or steam. ive tried it exactly how it appears on my statement, still no joy. but ive got a flat number so that screws it up i bet.
fullfat said:
im not prepared to lose another lot of money until they want to sort it out back into my account whether it be my bank or steam. ive tried it exactly how it appears on my statement, still no joy. but ive got a flat number so that screws it up i bet.

Hmm....guess so, you will just have to see what steam says assuming you've emailed them im pretty sure they will refund you, and perhaps give you the game for your troubles :p
not heard owt yet. just want the cash back, this was my first time ordering something from these pay&download services and i wont be doing it again
sunlitsix said:
you've added some kind of filter to the backgrounds?

Depth of field lens effects \m/

Valve are actually working on adding these features to DoDs pretty soon along with grain effects for authentic action style play
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