The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

mrk said:
Depth of field lens effects \m/

Valve are actually working on adding these features to DoDs pretty soon along with grain effects for authentic action style play

which personally i think is stupid, do you think real soldiers in world war 2 had grain effects on their eyes because it was the!

i really hope they dont make that a permanent thing in DoD:S, fair enough the lens blurs etc, but not that bloody grain effect
My new favorite game.

BTW if you are wondering what it is. Its called Future pinball. Its a free program with which you can make your own pinball tables. It takes a lot of know-how though which I dont have. But there are some excelent tables other people have made and the best thing is they are free.
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
My new favorite game.

BTW if you are wondering what it is. Its called Future pinball. Its a free program with which you can make your own pinball tables. It takes a lot of know-how though which I dont have. But there are some excelent tables other people have made and the best thing is they are free.
put up a link then mate
as it a free game
Some shots from the Crash Day demo(what an awesome demo it is)





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This is Black (as in black ops) on the PS2, I just preordered it to get the demo disk sent to me :)

That Crash Day game reminds me of Interstate
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