The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Just came of Prey demo, thought i'd share the screenshots, pretty hot game ^^





.:MBK:. said:
shouldnt hack then should you :p

I didnt! They probably think I did because I play it on a super fast PC.:p This has happened few times now and it is really ****ing me off! I guess its not cool anymore to be good.
KizZ said:
I didnt! They probably think I did because I play it on a super fast PC.:p This has happened few times now and it is really ****ing me off! I guess its not cool anymore to be good.

He said the * word!
I dont play public anymore so never get banned!
BloodWolf said:
Whats that saying? Oh yes.. "I am the pwnage, b****s!"

Screenshots of scores are pretty pointless on here. It's not even a score worth showing off anyway.

I do feel sorry for K-Ball though 18 kills and 119 deaths :D
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