The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Hector said:
i think entering TM at the console toggles the HUD on/off, no need for a mod.

indeed it does, thanks very much for that.


5bjoshua said:
Some Prey Shots. Just finished the game, in all a very worthy purchase.

looking good, i got stuck on it :( havent been stuck on a game for ages
nickels said:
looking good, i got stuck on it :( havent been stuck on a game for ages

There has been certain points on it where ive been stumped then when i found out what to do i was like "duh silly me". The only bad point is that it seems extremely linear, i didnt know exactly where to go and it seems like one huge long corridor most of the time.

Rob i was going to post that pic but i thought it may of been a spoiler? Is it do you reckon?
sanofi said:
Just getting back into Oblivion:

Great sceeny, I refuse to run the game on anything but max settings so Im saving it untill I get an upgrade :) Good to see someone made a mod that scales the interface with the res.
dark_shadow said:
Oblivion looks fantastic.

May have to pick it up!

Oblivion looks fantastic, but that's about it.

The level and item scaling completely ruined the game for me. Even though there are mods that fix this, the game still doesn't play like Morrowind did. If you want the experience Oblivion should have provided, play Morrowind

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha' gonna' do?
Whatcha' gonna do when they come for you?"

I've not played SWAT 4 in ages, so I thought I would re-install it. Forgot how really good it was, especially with all the options available to control your element etc. Looks really nice in wide-screen too. :D

By the way, could anyone with a CRT (or properly configured TFT) please tell me if it is too light or too dark? It looks fine on my screen but I think my brightness is way off somehow.
sr4470 said:
Bit dark? but that may be intended as the room doesnt have much lighting...
Thanks, I keep getting paranoid lol. Was intended to be a dark environment, even have torches on, but I have to turn some games down to 0% brightness to make them look right and some even look bright then.
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