The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Nieldo said:
Great sceeny, I refuse to run the game on anything but max settings so Im saving it untill I get an upgrade :) Good to see someone made a mod that scales the interface with the res.

I don't believe the mod scales the HUD according to the res, it's just scaled down a certain degree.
Úlfhednar said:
And you just made it clear you're just looking for a fight with a comment so entirely lacking in any sort of substance. You're going back on my ignore list now, and I am flagging one of your posts as RTM. :rolleyes:
Well i'm sorry but i think your comments regarding ea are stupid. Bf2 is actually their one decent game. Maybe if an arguement critcising ea for the fact that they appropriate any innovative or creative game development and turn it into mediocre yearly produced game franchises then i would agree, but bf2 is one game where ea can actually be applauded, they have financed and released a game that is groundbreaking, but also turned over much of it's future development to hardcore fans of the game. Regarding bf2, bravo ea i say.
Guys, can we stop the arguments and get back to the screenshots please.

Here's some from SiN Episodes:Emergence

SinEpisodes 2006-07-15 11-15-28-14 (Custom).jpg

SinEpisodes 2006-07-15 11-42-10-00 (Custom).jpg

SinEpisodes 2006-07-15 11-16-28-12 (Custom).jpg
Turbanation said:
Play through the games.

Thanks. What do the rest of you lot think?

Well its only been around for a year so sounds like pretty much right on time there :D

Good pics, usually the shadows are more jagged then barbed wire even on top cards
R34P3R said:
I reckon you should take out this carentan pic, did nobody notive the swearie??
He says while quoting the image ;)

As for the screenshots, they're lovely :)

You need to get some Oblivion shots in there with that rig!
Dunno if anyone has posted any RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 shots, so here's a few of my two coasters I just built. Quality game!

Both coasters have 8.7 excitement and medium intensity/nausier rating =)

Sandbox mode 4tw
Yeah its fantastic. Bit heavy on the system if you try to set the graphics too high. Everything is set to 3/4 of the graphics there with 2x AA. Anything higher than that is just a slide show.

I played RCT1 and 2 almost completely to death. Was addicted. I always dreamed of being able to ride my rides and when RCT3 announced that you can now ride your rides, that was it. I think I wet myself with excitement and it really hasn't let me down.

The game looks very different graphics wise, and the interface is different but everything still works and feels the same.
kdd said:
The game costs 30 quid, and just about everybody i know who plays it has had hour upon hour of fun out of it. How many games that you have bought have you got as much playtime out of as you have bf2? Course, some people just can't get enough free stuff i guess.

Have to agree with you there. For all its current faults and sillyness, for at least the first 12 months after release the game was just absolutely insane, especially for a newcomer to the Battlefield series; even my older brother who rarely plays games anymore couldn't get enough of it. Back then people played a little different and not constantly using cheapo tactics to take you down; but that happens to most games I guess.
Scott Salisbury said:
Dunno if anyone has posted any RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 shots, so here's a few of my two coasters I just built. Quality game!

Both coasters have 8.7 excitement and medium intensity/nausier rating =)

Sandbox mode 4tw

that water looks tasty :)
now if only intamin would make coasters like that :cool:
Scott Salisbury said:
Dunno if anyone has posted any RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 shots, so here's a few of my two coasters I just built. Quality game!

Both coasters have 8.7 excitement and medium intensity/nausier rating =)

Sandbox mode 4tw

Indeed, i've got 3 and a expansion
my bros got me the other one so i got the set lol i dont play it much tho :P
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