The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

smithy83 said:
just got started on rainbow 6 vegas

i think its the first rainbow 6 game ive liked 0.o


What are the specs of your pc mate?
what do people see in these flight sim games? Surely they must be amazingly boring? Maybe Flight War games with spitfires and stuff, what is the actal appeal of them?
Heh I brought FSX in a games store in town for around £50, the next day I was on the net surfing a few sites and found a site selling it for £10 cheaper... that was a pretty... bad day... anyways - great pics :D
Although in the third pic, the plane looks like it's too deep into it's turn :p
What I want is a flight sim which actually simulates the passengers down to every detail. Ability to be sick, realistic body movments...etc

That would be great, going crazy fast doing loop the loops...etc and watching the passengers flying around the cabin being sick...etc xD
Mephisto said:
What I want is a flight sim which actually simulates the passengers down to every detail. Ability to be sick, realistic body movments...etc

That would be great, going crazy fast doing loop the loops...etc and watching the passengers flying around the cabin being sick...etc xD

of even better, if you could be a passenger 1st person and open the emergency door somehow and then watch everyone get sucked out. proper simulation of the plane falling to bits would be great!
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